Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CfwActivities::registry::ActivityInfoHolds Activities configuration
 CfwActivities::registry::ActivityMsgActivity information sent by signal to launch new activities in a tab
 CfwTools::AppendValueFirstHelper for BinaryCartesianProduct two Set
 CfwTools::AppendValueFirst::apply< TYPE, SETOFSET >
 CfwTools::make_vector::apply< T >
 CfwTools::makeSetOfSingletons::apply< Set >
 CfwTools::BinaryCartesianProductRecurser::apply< Set1, MultiSet >
 CfwTools::BinaryCartesianProduct::apply< Set1, Set2 >
 CfwTools::CartesianProduct::apply< MultiSet >
 CfwDataTools::helper::ArrayHelper to manage array buffer. Lock the buffer before to modify it
 CfwDataTools::helper::ArrayGetterHelper to manage array buffer. Lock the buffer before to modify it
 Ccamp_ext::ArrayMapper< std::set< T > >
 CfwAtomConversion::AtomVisitorThis class is used to convert a fwAtoms to a fwData
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, PLACEHOLDERS_NB >Automatic binding class. This class allow to bind automatically a function/method with the right number of arguments
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 0 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 1 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 2 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 3 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 4 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 5 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 6 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 7 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 8 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwCom::util::AutoBind< F, 9 >AutoBind specialization
 CfwRenderQt::data::AxisThis class manages an axis on the scene2D
 CfwAtomConversion::mapper::BaseBase class of custom mapper between fwData and fwAtoms
 CfwTools::BinaryCartesianProductCompute Cartesian Product of two set (type list) to generate all possible combinaison
 CfwTools::BinaryCartesianProductRecurserHelper which compute from a set and a multi set
 CfwCom::Connection::BlockerClass allowing to block a Connection
 CfwTools::BookmarksAllows to add a bookmark to an object, the bookmark name is unique (in time), an object can have several bookmarks
 CfwRuntime::io::BundleDescriptorReaderDefines the bundle descriptor reader class
 CfwRuntime::BundleElementImplements the base class for all element managed by a bundle
 CfwMemory::ByteSizeConversion helper for size in bytes Converts string to number of bytes and vice-versa. This class is also able to manage conversions between units standards (IEC, SI)
 CfwTools::CartesianProductCompute the cartesian product of many set
 CfwGuiQt::widget::Castable< T >
 CfwGuiQt::widget::Castable< Handle >
 CfwGuiQt::widget::Castable< Window >
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::CastAndCheckFunctor< INT_INDEX >
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::CastAndSetFunctor< VALUE, INT_INDEX >
 CfwTools::ClassFactory< class, class, class >
 CfwDcmtkIO::helper::CodecDicom Codec Helper. This class is used to load Dicom codecs
 CfwDataTools::ColorThis class contains helper to manipulate colors
 CfwAtomsPatch::LinkDescriptor::CompareStruct used to compare two LinkDescriptor
 CfwAtomsPatch::VersionDescriptor::CompareStruct used to compare two VersionDescriptor
 CfwDataTools::helper::CompositeDefines an helper to modify an fwData::Composite and create in parallel the message to announce this modification
 Cscene2D::processing::ComputeHistogramFunctorFunctor use to compute the histogram of the image
 CfwServices::helper::ConfigProvides configuration element parsing tools
 CfwServices::IService::ConfigUsed to store a service configuration
 CfwServices::helper::ConfigLauncherThis class provides few methods to manage AppConfig (parsing, starting, stopping...)
 CfwRuntime::ConfigurationElementContainerDefines the generic configuration element container class
 CfwCom::ConnectionClass managing Signal-Slot connections
 CfwAtomsPatch::ISemanticPatch::ContextStruct used to store a context and the versions where the patch can be applied
 CfwRuntime::ConvertDefines the convert class
 CfwCom::util::convert_function_type< F >Convert function pointer type to function type
 CfwCom::util::convert_function_type< R(C::*)(Args...) >Convert class member method type to equivalent function type
 CfwCom::util::convert_function_type< R(C::*)(Args...) const >Convert class const member method type to equivalent function type
 CfwCom::util::convert_function_type< std::function< F > >Extract function type from a boost function
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::CsvIORead CSV file and returns parsed tokens. The input file is supposed to use comma separator, but another separator can be used when reading file
 CfwCore::DemanglerTypeid, string or object name demangler
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomAnonymizerThis class contains helpers to anonymize dicom files on filesystem. Anonymization is performed according to the DICOM standard - Part 15 - Annex E - Basic Profile
 CfwGdcmIO::container::DicomCodedAttributeThis class represents a DICOM basic coded entry. It stores the four mains attributes : Code Value, Coding Scheme Designator, Coding Scheme Version and Code Meaning. See DICOM PS 3.3 - Table 8.8-1a. Basic Code Sequence Macro Attributes
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomCodedAttributeHelper class to manage DICOM coded attributes
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomDataReaderThis class contains helpers to handle GDCM data reading
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomDataToolsThis class contains helpers to handle GDCM data. It implements many tag value getters/setters. It defines also some tools for converting GDCM data to FW4SPL data
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomDataWriterThis class contains helpers to write information into GDCM datasets
 CfwDcmtkIO::helper::DicomDirDicomDir Helper. This class is used to extract a list of files from a dicomdir file
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomDirDicomDir Helper. This class is used to extract a list of files from a dicomdir file
 CfwGdcmIO::container::DicomInstanceThis class defines a DICOM SOP instance. It is useful during the whole writing process. This class allows to share data between module writers
 CfwTest::DicomReaderTestThis class defines some tools to check dicom manipulations during tests
 CfwDcmtkIO::helper::DicomSearchThis class contains helpers to search dicom files on filesystem..
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomSearchThis class contains helpers to search dicom files on filesystem
 CvtkGdcmIO::helper::DicomSearchThis class contains helpers to search dicom files on filesystem..
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomSeriesDicomSeries Helper. This class is used to generate/fill DicomSeries
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::DicomSeriesAnonymizerThis class contains helpers to anonymize DicomSeries
 CfwGdcmIO::container::sr::DicomSRNodeThis class defines a node in a SR document
 CfwGdcmIO::container::DicomSurfaceThis class defines one surface mesh item in order to transform into DICOM/FW4SPL form
 CfwDcmtkTools::DictionaryDICOM Dictionary Helper
 CfwTools::Dispatcher< TSEQ, FUNCTOR >Create an automatic template instancier exple Dispatcher< TYPESEQUENCE , FUNCTOR>::invoke("int");
 CfwTools::DynamicTypeClass defining an elementary C++ type aka unsigned char, signed char, .... signed long, float, double
 CfwTools::EmptyListMapping< KeyTypeContainer >Helper to isMapping() using iterator
 CfwData::location::enableFolder< RW >This class is derived by reader/writer
 CfwData::location::enableFolder< ::fwDataIO::reader::IObjectReader >
 CfwData::location::enableFolder< ::fwDataIO::writer::IObjectWriter >
 CfwData::location::enableMultiFiles< RW >This class is derived by reader/writer
 CfwData::location::enableMultiFiles< ::fwDataIO::reader::IObjectReader >
 CfwData::location::enableSingleFile< RW >This class is derived by reader/writer
 CfwData::location::enableSingleFile< ::fwDataIO::reader::IObjectReader >
 CfwData::location::enableSingleFile< ::fwDataIO::writer::IObjectWriter >
 CfwData::location::enableSingleFile< IObjectReader >
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::EncodingHelper class for encoding management
 CfwTools::EndTypeListActionLimit cases for empty typelist
 CfwRenderQt::data::EventThis class manage events on the scene 2D (mouse event, keyboard event , ...)
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CfwRuntime::ExecutableFactoryRegistrarDefines an executable factory registrar class.An instance of this class is responsible for the registration of an executable factory instance in the runtime environment. The factory instace gets registered as soon as a registrar instance gets created. That's why this class is design to be instanciated as static object
 CfwCore::util::FactoryRegistry< F, KEY_TYPE, FACTORY_HOLDER >FactoryRegistry is a class used to store factories and create instance object with these factories
 CfwCore::util::FactoryRegistryBase< FACTORY_SIGNATURE, KEY_TYPE, FACTORY_HOLDER >FactoryRegistryBase is a class used to store factories
 CfwCore::util::FactoryRegistryBase< RETURN_TYPE(), KEY_TYPE >
 CfwCore::util::FactoryRegistryBase< RETURN_TYPE(ARG1_TYPE), KEY_TYPE >
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::FiducialFiducial helper
 CfwDataTools::helper::FieldDefines a helper to modify field on a fwData::Object and create a message notifying this modification
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::FileWriterHelper used to write a DICOM file
 CfwDicomIOFilter::helper::FilterFilter Helper
 CfwTools::fwIDDefines ID for fwTools::Object. It is used to associate ID with object
 CfwCore::fwProfileFrameThis class is used to compute the elapsed time between two profiling scopes
 CfwCore::fwProfileFrameAvgThis class is used to compute the elapsed time between two profiling scopes every N seconds
 CfwCore::fwProfileFrameTimerThis class holds a timer. It allows to compute the elapsed time between two profiling scopes
 CfwCore::fwProfileScopeThis class holds a timer. It displays elapsed time at destruction
 CfwCore::fwProfileScopeAvgThis class holds a timer. It displays elapsed time at destruction every N seconds
 CfwCom::HasSignalsThis class proposes a mapping between a SignalKeyType and a SignalBase
 CfwCom::HasSlotsThis class proposes a mapping between a SlotKeyType and a SlotBase
 CfwNetworkIO::http::HTTPResponseThis structure represent an HTTP response
 CfwCommand::ICommandThe base class for commands
 CfwRuntime::IExecutableDefines the base executable interface.An executable object is an instance created by an extension point of a plugin
 CfwServices::IHasServicesInterface for objects that need to manage services
 CfwRenderVTK::IInteractorStyleIInteractorStyle is an interface dedicated to hold some flags for class inherited from vtkInteractorStyle
 CfwJobs::IJobThis class is an interface for class managing job
 CfwTest::generator::ImageThis class contains helper to generate images
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::ImageCentralization of all identifiers used for communication and storage of dynamic attributes
 CfwDataTools::helper::ImageDefines an helper to modify an fwData::Image by adding few medical fields and create in parallel the message to announce these modifications
 CfwDataTools::ImageThis class contains helper to generate and compare images
 CfwDicomTools::ImageDICOM Image Helper
 CvtkGdcmIO::helper::ImageDicomInfoBasic class to store some information to read an dicom image
 CvtkGdcmIO::helper::ImageDicomSourceClass used to build an std::istream thanks to ::boost::iostreams api
 CfwDataTools::ImageDiffClass memorizing pixel changes in an image
 CfwDataTools::helper::ImageGetterDefines an helper to modify an fwData::Image by adding few medical fields and create in parallel the message to announce these modifications
 CfwItkIO::ImageIOFactoryRegistrar< ConcreteImageIOFactory >The purpose of this class is to automatically register a Concrete ImageIOFactory in the factory database of ITK ( itk::ObjectFactoryBase )
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::main::ImageLazyInformationBasic class used to store informations in order to read DICOM images
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::main::ImageLazyReaderThis class is used to read the buffer of a DICOM image in LAZY mode
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::main::ImageLazySourceClass used to build a std::istream using the ::boost::iostreams api
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::main::ImageReaderThis class is used to read the buffer of a DICOM image in DIRECT mode
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::rgblookup::ImageRGBLookupLazyInformationBasic class used to store informations in order to read DICOM images
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::rgblookup::ImageRGBLookupLazyReaderThis class is used to read the buffer of a DICOM image in LAZY mode when a pixel lookup must be performed
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::rgblookup::ImageRGBLookupLazySourceClass used to build a std::istream using the ::boost::iostreams api
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::rgblookup::ImageRGBLookupReaderThis class is used to read the buffer of a DICOM image in DIRECT mode when a pixel lookup must be performed
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< DATATYPE >InformationEntity base class used to read modules
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< DATATYPE >InformationEntity base class used to write modules
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwData::Image >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwData::Image >
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Equipment >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Equipment >
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::ModelSeries >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::ModelSeries >
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Patient >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Patient >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Series >
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Series >
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Study >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::ie::InformationEntity< ::fwMedData::Study >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::iod::InformationObjectDefinitionInformationObjectDefinition base class used to read DICOM IODs
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::iod::InformationObjectDefinitionInformationObjectDefinition base class used to write DICOM modules
 CInterface< I, Is >
 CInterface< I >
 CfwDcmtkIO::reader::IObjectReaderBase class for Dicom instance reader
 CfwZip::IReadArchiveThis interface defines functions to read a file in an archive
 CfwAtomConversion::AtomVisitor::IReadPolicyVisitor UUID Management policies
 Ccamp::isMapping< T >
 CfwTools::isMappingMultiMPLHelper< TSEQ, KeyTypeContainer >Helper to isMapping() using iterator : this class is called when TSEQ is a sequence. it is recursivelly called with head element removed from TSEQ
 CfwTools::isMappingSingleMPLHelper< T, KeyType >IsMapping() helper : This function is called iff TSingle_or_TSEQ is not a sequence and isMapping<SingleType> is not specialized This class is intended to avoid developer to forgive the specialization of isMapping<TYPE>
 CfwZip::IWriteArchiveThis interface defines functions to write a file in an archive
 CfwActivities::builder::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwData::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwActivities::validator::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwAtoms::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwAtomsFilter::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwDicomIOFilter::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Filter construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwAtomsPatch::patcher::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwRenderVTK::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwDataIO::reader::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwDataIO::writer::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwGui::factory::KeyKey class used to restrict access to Object construction. See http://www.drdobbs.com/184402053
 CfwServices::IService::KeyConnectionsMapThis class is a helper to define the connections of a service and its data
 CfwRuntime::dl::LibraryBridge< Implementor >Defines the module class.This class is only a bridge to a native module implementor
 CfwAtomsPatch::LinkDescriptorLink descriptor used to identify a link between two versions
 CfwMemory::BufferObject::LockBase< T >Base class for BufferObject Lock
 CfwAtomsPatch::infos::LoggerLogs events occurring during object patching
 CfwTools::make_vectorMetaFunction which create an boost::boost::mpl::vector
 CfwTools::makeSetOfSingletonsMetaFunction ( used for pseudo Curryfication ) which transform a set where new elements are singleton of 1st set elements i.e { a , b , c } –> { {a}, {b}, {c} }
 Ccamp_ext::MapMapper< T, C >
 Ccamp_ext::MapMapper< MAP, typename boost::enable_if_c< camp::isMapping< MAP >::value >::type >
 CfwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptorHelpers for medical image
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::MedicalImageHelpersThis class contains helpers for medical image fields
 CfwVtkIO::helper::MeshHelper to manage vtkPolyData and fwData::Mesh
 CfwTest::generator::MeshThis helper generates a mesh using specified structure (quad or triangle)
 CfwDataTools::helper::MeshHelper to manage Mesh. Lock the mesh buffer before to modify it
 CfwDataTools::MeshThis helper generates a mesh using specified structure (quad or triangle)
 CfwDataTools::helper::MeshGetterHelper to manage Mesh. Lock the mesh buffer before to modify it
 CfwTools::MinMaxFunctor< T >
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::MinMaxFunctor< T >
 CfwMedDataTools::ModelSeriesThis class contains helper to manipulate ::fwData::ModelSeries
 CfwRuntime::dl::NativeDefines the abstract class for native module implementors
 CfwAtomsPatch::helper::ObjectObject helper
 CfwTest::generator::ObjectThis class contains helper to generate data objects
 CfwData::ObjectLockA simple helper to lock specific object, manages : Image, Mesh and Array
 CfwData::mt::ObjectReadLockA helper to lock object on read mode
 CfwData::mt::ObjectReadToWriteLockA helper to lock object on upgradable mode
 CfwServices::IService::ObjectServiceConfigUsed to store object configuration in a service
 CfwData::mt::ObjectWriteLockA helper to lock object on exclusive mode
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::PixelCastAndSetFunctor< VALUE >::Param
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::CastAndSetFunctor< VALUE, INT_INDEX >::Param
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::CastAndCheckFunctor< INT_INDEX >::Param
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::MinMaxFunctor< T >::Param
 Cscene2D::processing::ComputeHistogramFunctor::ParameterParameters of the functor
 CfwAtomsPatch::PatchingManagerManages object patching
 CfwMDSemanticPatch::PatchLoaderLoads patches by processing .versions and .graphlink files
 CfwStructuralPatch::PatchLoaderLoads patches
 CfwDataCamp::visitor::PathVisitorCheck if object introspection process mathes a given path
 CPatientThis class contains helper to generate Medical Data (SeriesDB, ImageSeries, ...)
 CfwDataTools::PickingInfoStructure to store picking information
 CfwDataTools::fieldHelper::PixelCastAndSetFunctor< VALUE >
 CfwDicomIOFilter::PluginHack to force links
 CfwDicomIOFilterQt::PluginHack to force links
 CfwData::Spline::pointDefines a 3D point for a spline
 Cboost::python::objects::pointer_holder< class, class >
 CfwDataTools::helper::PointListDefines a helper to modify a fwData::PointList
 CfwThread::PoolThis class creates and manages a pool of threads which process tasks
 CfwRuntime::io::ProfileReaderReads plugin set profiles from xml files
 CfwServices::helper::ProxyConnectionsHelper class to register proxy connections
 CfwDicomIOFilter::IFilter::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwActivities::IBuilder::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwActivities::IValidator::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwGui::GuiBaseObject::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwAtomConversion::mapper::Base::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry
 CfwAtoms::Base::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwAtomsFilter::IFilter::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwData::Object::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwRenderVTK::IVtkRenderWindowInteractorManager::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwAtomsPatch::patcher::IPatcher::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwDataIO::writer::IObjectWriter::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwDataIO::reader::IObjectReader::Registrar< T >Class used to register a class factory in factory registry. This class defines also the object factory ( 'create' )
 CfwMemory::IPolicy::Registrar< T >
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< F >Last argument removal class. Removes the last argument type from a function type. If the given function type has no argument, remove_last_arg is the identity
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R() >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwCom::util::remove_last_arg< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9) >Remove_last_arg specialization
 CfwDataTools::RoiApplyer< IMAGE_TYPE >
 CfwDataTools::RoiTester< IMAGE_TYPE >
 CfwStructuralPatch::runnerRegisters structural patches dedicated to data conversions
 CfwMDSemanticPatch::V1::V2::fwData::runnerRegisters contextual patches dedicated to conversions from version 'V1' to version 'V2'
 CfwMDSemanticPatch::V09ALA::V10::fwData::runnerRegisters contextual patches dedicated to conversions from version 'V2' to version 'V03AGO'
 CfwMDSemanticPatch::V2::V03AGO::fwData::runnerRegisters contextual patches dedicated to conversions from version 'V2' to version 'V03AGO'
 CfwMDSemanticPatch::V10::V09ALA::fwData::runnerRegisters contextual patches dedicated to conversions from version 'V2' to version 'V03AGO'
 CfwStructuralPatch::creator::runnerRegisters structural creators dedicated to data creation
 CfwRuntime::RuntimeDefines the runtime class
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::SegmentedPropertyRegistryRegistry of Segment Properties. This class defines a registry which links a structure type to an entry. Each entry is composed of 5 attributes :
 CfwAtomsPatch::SemanticPatchDBContextual patch database. All contextual patches are stored in this database
 CfwDicomTools::SeriesDICOM Series Helper
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::SeriesSeries class used to read Series
 CfwNetworkIO::helper::SeriesSeries Helper
 CfwPacsIO::helper::SeriesSeries Helper
 CfwMedDataTools::helper::SeriesDBDefines an helper to modify an fwMedData::SeriesDB and create in parallel the message to announce this modification
 CfwServices::ServiceFactoryRegistrar< SRV_IMPL >Helper for registering a service Creates internally the service factory and adds it to the FactoryRegistry
 CfwServices::ServiceObjectFactoryRegistrarHelper for associating an object to a service implementation
 CioPacs::SetFromConfig< T, CAST_T >
 CfwCore::concepts::SharedPtrTypedef< X >
 CfwCom::Signal< F >
 CfwCom::SignalsThis class proposes a mapping between a SignalKeyType and a SignalBase
 CfwCom::helper::SigSlotConnectionThis class provides few tools to ease connect/disconnect between a signal emitter and a slot receiver
 CfwServices::registry::Proxy::SigSlotsStructure to regsiter signal and slot informations Contains a signal container, a slot container and a mutex to protect access
 CfwCom::Slot< F >
 CfwCom::SlotCall< F >
 CfwCom::SlotConnection< F >
 CfwCom::SlotRun< F >
 CfwCom::SlotsThis class proposes a mapping between a SlotKeyType and a SlotBase
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::SOPClassSOPClass tools
 CfwAtomsPatch::StructuralCreatorDBStructural creator database. All structural creators are stored in this database
 CfwAtomsPatch::StructuralPatchDBStructural patch database. All structural patches are stored in this database
 CfwGdcmIO::helper::StructuredReportThis class contains helpers for DICOM Structured Reporting (SR)
 CfwData::StructureTraitsHelperThis class defines some helper for the structure traits
 CfwTools::SystemProvide a system to get a Temporary folder which allow multi-user, multi-instance separation
 CfwThread::TaskHandler< R >This class encapsulates packaged task and provides a copy constructor
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::tid::TemplateID< DATATYPE >TemplateID base class used to write templates
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::tid::TemplateID< DATATYPE >TemplateID base class used to write templates
 CfwGdcmIO::writer::tid::TemplateID< ::fwData::Image >
 CfwGdcmIO::reader::tid::TemplateID< ::fwData::Image >
 CfwData::TransferFunction::TFColorMacro for deep and shallow copies
 CfwDataTools::TransferFunctionThis class contains helper to generate and compare TransferFunction
 CfwVtkIO::helper::TransferFunctionHelper to manage vtk data from fwData::TransferFunction
 CfwItkIO::helper::TransformHelper class to convert F4s TransformationMatrix3D to itk Matrix and the other way around
 CfwDataTools::TransformationMatrix3DTransformationMatrix3D performs matrices computations
 CfwTools::TypeClass describing an elementary C++ type aka unsigned char, signed char, .... int, float, double
 CfwTools::TypeInfoPurpose: offer a first-class, comparable wrapper over std::type_info ( but copy construcible )
 CfwCommand::UndoRedoManagerKeep track of commands, undo/redo them
 CfwCamp::UserObjectRegistrar< T >Helper to register and manage the conversion between an fwData::Object and a camp::userObject
 CfwTools::UUIDManagement of UUID on objects
 CfwRuntime::io::ValidatorImplements an XML validator
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::boost::filesystem::path >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::boost::logic::tribool >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::boost::posix_time::ptime >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::fwAtoms::Blob::sptr >New value mapper to manage conversion in camp world between fwAtoms::Blob and a fwMemory::BufferObject
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::fwData::TransferFunction::TFColor >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::fwMedData::NavigationSeries::CoordinateType >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< ::fwTools::Type >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< std::shared_ptr< T > >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< std::uint64_t >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< T, typename boost::enable_if_c< camp::isMapping< T >::value >::type >
 Ccamp_ext::ValueMapper< unsigned char >
 CfwDataTools::Vector< T >
 CfwDataTools::helper::VectorDefines an helper to modify an fwData::Vector and create in parallel the message to announce this modification
 CfwRuntime::VersionHolds version information for libraries and bundles
 CfwDataCamp::VersionClass to manage fwDataCamp version
 CfwMedDataCamp::VersionClass to manage fwMedDataCamp version
 CfwAtomsPatch::VersionDescriptorVersion descriptor used to identify a version
 CfwAtomsPatch::VersionsManagerMaintains a table of object versions and a table of links between objects
 CfwCom::util::WeakCall< T, R >Weak functor class. Store a zero-arg-function and a weak pointer on an object. The WeakCall is callable only once. A bad_weak_ptr exception is thrown if the weak_ptr is expired when operator() is called A fwCom::exception::WorkerChanged exception is thrown if the target slot worker changed since weakcall request
 Ccamp_ext::wrapperTribbol< T >
 Ccamp_ext::wrapperTribbol< std::string >
 Cx< T >