fwGui Namespace Reference

The namespace fwGui contains the base interface for IHM services. More...


 The namespace fwGui::builder contains the base interface for GUI elements builder.
 The namespace fwGui::container contains the base interface for GUI containers (toolbar, menu, menuBar...).
 The namespace fwGui::dialog contains the base interface for GUI dialog elements.
 Contains fwGui::factory utilities.
 The namespace fwGui::layoutManager contains the implementation of managers use to handle the GUI layout available in FW4SPL. The Qt library is used.
 The namespace fwGui::registrar contains the classes of service management of GUI elements (Menu, View, ToolBar).
 Contains fwGui::registry details.


class  ActionCallbackBase
 Defines the menu item callback. More...
class  Application
 Gives access to the underlayed application part. More...
class  CardinalLayoutManager
 Defines the cardinal layout manager. More...
class  Cursor
 Defines the generic cursor for IHM. Use the Delegate design pattern. More...
class  FrameLayoutManager
 Defines the frame manager. More...
class  GuiBaseObject
 Base class for all fwGui's classes. More...
class  GuiRegistry
 This class contains helpers to manage all fwContainer in the application. More...
class  IActionSrv
 Defines the service interface managing the menu items. More...
class  IApplication
 Defines the application manipulation API. More...
class  ICursor
 Defines the generic cursor for IHM. More...
class  IFrameSrv
 Defines the service interface managing a frame. More...
class  IGuiContainerSrv
 Defines the service interface managing the layout. More...
class  IMenuBarSrv
 Defines the service interface managing the menu bar. More...
class  IMenuItemCallback
 Defines the menu item callback. More...
class  IMenuSrv
 Defines the service interface managing the menu. More...
class  IToolBarSrv
 Defines the service interface managing the toolBar. More...
class  LineLayoutManager
 Defines the line layout manager. More...
class  LockAction
class  TabLayoutManager
 Defines the tab layout manager. More...
class  ToolboxLayoutManager
 Defines the toolbox layout manager. More...


FWGUI_API bool isBackendLoaded ()

Detailed Description

The namespace fwGui contains the base interface for IHM services.