fwAtomsPatch Namespace Reference

Contains base functionalities used to transform objects from a version to another. More...


 Contains functions used to control patching process by defining conditions on objects.
 Contains exceptions related to patching process.
 Contains functions to facilitate object patching.
 Contains utilities to report informations about patching.
 Contains patchers allowing to transform objects using patches.


class  IPatch
 Base class of all patches. More...
class  ISemanticPatch
 Base class of contextual patches. More...
class  IStructuralCreator
 Base class of all structural creators. Creates a new atom object with the default values corresponding to a data object. More...
class  IStructuralPatch
 Base class of all structural patches. More...
class  LinkDescriptor
 Link descriptor used to identify a link between two versions. More...
class  PatchingManager
 Manages object patching. More...
class  SemanticPatchDB
 Contextual patch database. All contextual patches are stored in this database. More...
class  StructuralCreatorDB
 Structural creator database. All structural creators are stored in this database. More...
class  StructuralPatchDB
 Structural patch database. All structural patches are stored in this database. More...
class  VersionDescriptor
 Version descriptor used to identify a version. More...
class  VersionsGraph
 Versions graph description. More...
class  VersionsManager
 Maintains a table of object versions and a table of links between objects. More...
class  VertexVisitor


std::string getValue (const ::boost::property_tree::ptree &node, const std::string &name, const ::boost::filesystem::path &filePath)

Detailed Description

Contains base functionalities used to transform objects from a version to another.