visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor Class Reference

Manage windowing interaction for image. More...

#include <SNegatoWindowingInteractor.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor:
+ Collaboration diagram for visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor:

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isA (const std::string &type) const override
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void startWindowing ()
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void stopWindowing ()
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void updateWindowing (double, double)
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void resetWindowing ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
virtual FWDATATOOLS_API ~MedicalImageAdaptor ()
 Destructor. Do nothing.
virtual FWDATATOOLS_API void setOrientation (Orientation orientation)
 Set the image orientation.
Orientation getOrientation () const
 Return the image orientation.
FWDATATOOLS_API void setTransferFunction (const ::fwData::TransferFunction::sptr &tf)
 Set the current TransferFunction.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
FWRENDERVTK_API void setRenderService (SRender::sptr service)
 Sets the assiciated render service. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API SRender::sptr getRenderService () const
 Returd the associated render service.
FWRENDERVTK_API void setRendererId (SRender::RendererIdType newID)
 Sets the renderer identifier.
FWRENDERVTK_API SRender::RendererIdType getRendererId () const
 Returns the renderer identifier.
FWRENDERVTK_API vtkRenderer * getRenderer ()
 Returns the renderer.
FWRENDERVTK_API void setPickerId (SRender::PickerIdType newID)
 Sets the identifier of the picker used by this adaptor.
FWRENDERVTK_API SRender::PickerIdType getPickerId () const
 Gets the identifier of the picker used by this adaptor.
FWRENDERVTK_API vtkAbstractPropPicker * getPicker (std::string pickerId="")
 Get the picker. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API void setTransformId (SRender::VtkObjectIdType newID)
 Sets the identifier of the transform used by this adaptor.
FWRENDERVTK_API SRender::VtkObjectIdType getTransformId () const
 Returns the identifier of the transform used by this adaptor.
FWRENDERVTK_API vtkTransform * getTransform ()
 Returns the transform used by this adaptor.
FWRENDERVTK_API vtkObject * getVtkObject (const SRender::VtkObjectIdType &objectId) const
 Returns the vtk object defined by 'objectId' in the vtk scene.
FWRENDERVTK_API vtkRenderWindowInteractor * getInteractor ()
 Returns the render interactor.
FWRENDERVTK_API IAdaptor::sptr getAssociatedAdaptor (vtkProp *prop, int depth)
 Returns the adaptor associated to the vtkProp. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API void getAllSubProps (vtkPropCollection *propc, int depth=-1)
 Gets all the vtkProp associated to this adaptor. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API void setVtkPipelineModified ()
 End-user have to call this method when a vtk structure has been modified, thus a render request will be sent.
FWRENDERVTK_API bool getAutoRender () const
 Returns true if the service automatically triggers the rendering.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwServices::IService
FWSERVICES_API void registerInput (const ::fwData::Object::csptr &obj, const std::string &key, const bool autoConnect=false, const bool optional=false)
 Register an input object for this service. More...
FWSERVICES_API void registerInOut (const ::fwData::Object::sptr &obj, const std::string &key, const bool autoConnect=false, const bool optional=false)
 Register an in/out object for this service. More...
FWSERVICES_API void setConfiguration (const ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElement::sptr _cfgElement)
 Affect the configuration, using a generic XML like structure. More...
FWSERVICES_API void setConfiguration (const Config &_configuration)
 Set the configuration. More...
FWSERVICES_API void setConfiguration (const ConfigType &ptree)
 Affect the configuration, using a boost property tree. More...
FWSERVICES_API void configure ()
 Invoke configuring() if m_globalState == STOPPED. Invoke reconfiguring() if m_globalState == STARTED. Does nothing otherwise. More...
FWSERVICES_API SharedFutureType start ()
 Invoke starting() if m_globalState == STOPPED. Does nothing otherwise. More...
FWSERVICES_API SharedFutureType stop ()
 Invoke stopping() if m_globalState == STARTED. Does nothing otherwise. Stops all observations. More...
FWSERVICES_API SharedFutureType update ()
 Invoke updating() if m_globalState == STARTED. Does nothing otherwise. More...
FWSERVICES_API SharedFutureType swap (::fwData::Object::sptr _obj)
 Associate the service to another object. More...
FWSERVICES_API SharedFutureType swapKey (const KeyType &_key,::fwData::Object::sptr _obj)
 Associate the service to another object. More...
FWSERVICES_API GlobalStatus getStatus () const noexcept
 Return the global process status. More...
FWSERVICES_API bool isStarted () const noexcept
 Test if the service is started or not. More...
FWSERVICES_API bool isStopped () const noexcept
 Test if the service is stopped or not. More...
FWSERVICES_API ConfigurationStatus getConfigurationStatus () const noexcept
 Return the configuration process status. More...
FWSERVICES_API UpdatingStatus getUpdatingStatus () const noexcept
 Return the update process status. More...
FWSERVICES_API::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElement::sptr getConfiguration () const
 Return the configuration, in an xml format read using runtime library. More...
FWSERVICES_API ConfigType getConfigTree () const
 Return the configuration, in an boost property tree.
FWSERVICES_API::fwData::Object::sptr getObject ()
 Return the object associated to service. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< DATATYPE > getObject ()
 Return the object associated to service. The object is casted. More...
FWSERVICES_API const InputMapType & getInputs () const
 Return the inputs map associated to service. More...
FWSERVICES_API const InOutMapType & getInOuts () const
 Return the inouts map associated to service. More...
FWSERVICES_API const OutputMapType & getOutputs () const
 Return the outouts map associated to service. More...
FWSERVICES_API std::vector< ::fwData::Object::csptr > getObjects () const
 Return the objects associated to service. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< const DATATYPE > getInput (const KeyType &key) const
 Return the input object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< DATATYPE > getInOut (const KeyType &key) const
 Return the inout object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< DATATYPE > getOutput (const KeyType &key) const
 Return the output object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< const DATATYPE > getInput (const KeyType &keybase, size_t index) const
 Return the input object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< DATATYPE > getInOut (const KeyType &keybase, size_t index) const
 Return the inout object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::shared_ptr< DATATYPE > getOutput (const KeyType &keybase, size_t index) const
 Return the output object at the given key. Asserts if the data is not of the right type. More...
FWSERVICES_API void setOutput (const ::fwServices::IService::KeyType &key, const ::fwData::Object::sptr &object, size_t index=0)
 Register an output object at a given key in the OSR, replacing it if it already exists. More...
size_t getKeyGroupSize (const KeyType &keybase) const
 Return the number of key in a group of keys. More...
FWSERVICES_API void setWorker (std::shared_ptr< ::fwThread::Worker > worker)
 Initializes m_associatedWorker and associates this worker to all service slots.
FWSERVICES_API std::shared_ptr< ::fwThread::WorkergetWorker () const
 Returns associate worker.
virtual FWSERVICES_API KeyConnectionsType getObjSrvConnections () const
 Returns proposals to connect service slots to associated object signals, this method is used for obj/srv auto connection. More...
FWSERVICES_API bool hasObjectId (const KeyType &_key) const
 Return true if the object with the given key has an identifier. More...
FWSERVICES_API IdType getObjectId (const KeyType &_key) const
 Return the id of the object, throw if it is not found.
FWSERVICES_API void setObjectId (const KeyType &_key, const IdType &_id)
 Set the id of an object key.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwTools::Object
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwCore::BaseObject
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwCom::HasSlots
std::shared_ptr< SlotBaseslot (const Slots::SlotKeyType &key) const
template<typename SlotType >
std::shared_ptr< SlotType > slot (const Slots::SlotKeyType &key) const
template<typename F , typename A >
std::shared_ptr< Slot< typename::fwCom::util::convert_function_type< F >::type > > newSlot (const Slots::SlotKeyType &key, F f, A a)
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwCom::HasSignals
std::shared_ptr< SignalBasesignal (const Signals::SignalKeyType &key) const
template<typename SignalType >
std::shared_ptr< SignalType > signal (const Signals::SignalKeyType &key) const
template<typename SignalType >
std::shared_ptr< SignalType > newSignal (const Signals::SignalKeyType &key)
- Public Member Functions inherited from fwServices::IHasServices
const ServiceVector & getRegisteredServices () const
 Get all subservices linked to this service. More...
FWSERVICES_API std::shared_ptr< const ::fwServices::IServicegetRegisteredService (const ::fwTools::fwID::IDType &_id) const
 Return a specific registered service. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fwServices::IService
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fwTools::Object
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static const std::string & classname ()
 return full object's classname with its namespace, i.e. fwCore::BaseObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fwCore::BaseObject
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject

Protected Member Functions

VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void configuring () override
 Configure the service before starting. Apply the configuration to service. More...
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void starting () override
 Initialize the service activity. More...
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void updating () override
 Perform some computations according to object (this service is attached to) attribute values and its internal state. More...
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void stopping () override
 Uninitialize the service activity. The stop() method is always invoked before destroying a service. More...
VISUVTKADAPTOR_API void swapping (const KeyType &key) override
 Select the current tf.
virtual VISUVTKADAPTOR_API KeyConnectionsMap getAutoConnections () const override
 Returns proposals to connect service slots to associated object signals, this method is used for obj/srv auto connection. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
FWDATATOOLS_API MedicalImageAdaptor ()
 Constructor. Do nothing.
FWDATATOOLS_API void setOrientation (int orientation)
 Set the orientation of the image. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getImageSpacing (double spacing[3]) const
 Get the image spacing. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getImageOrigin (double origin[3]) const
 Get the image origin. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getImageDataSize (int size[3]) const
 Get the image data size (number of slices). More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getImageSize (double size[3]) const
 Get the image size ( = dataSize * spacing ). More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getCurrentSliceCenter (double center[3])
 Get the slice center. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void worldToSliceIndex (const double world[3], int index[3])
 Convert world coordinates to slice index coordinates. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void worldToImageSliceIndex (const double world[3], int index[3])
 Convert coordinates in the world to coordinates in the image. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void sliceIndexToWorld (const int index[3], double world[3])
 Convert from world coordinates system to image coordinates system. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API::fwData::Image::sptr getImage () const
 Return the image.
template<typename FLOAT_ARRAY_3 >
void getImageSpacing (FLOAT_ARRAY_3 spacing)
 Get the image spacing. More...
template<typename INT_INDEX >
void getImageDataSize (INT_INDEX size)
 Get the image data size (number of slices). More...
template<typename WORLD , typename INT_INDEX >
void worldToSliceIndex (const WORLD world, INT_INDEX *index)
 Convert world coordinates to slice index coordinates. More...
template<typename WORLD , typename INT_INDEX >
void worldToImageSliceIndex (const WORLD world, INT_INDEX *index)
 Convert coordinates in the world to coordinates in the image. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void getPlane (double points[4][3], int sliceNumber)
 Return the 4 points of the image plane. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API bool setSliceIndex (const int index[3])
 Set the slice index.
FWDATATOOLS_API void getSliceIndex (::fwData::Integer::sptr index[3])
 Get the slice index.
FWDATATOOLS_API void updateImageInfos (::fwData::Image::sptr image)
 Update the image information (slice index, min/max,...)
FWDATATOOLS_API void createTransferFunction (::fwData::Image::sptr image)
 Create and set the default transfer function. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API void setOrCreateTF (const ::fwData::TransferFunction::sptr &_tf, const fwData::Image::sptr &_image)
 Sets the transfer function, creates one if _tf is null (. More...
FWDATATOOLS_API::fwData::TransferFunction::sptr getTransferFunction () const
 Get the current transfer function.
FWDATATOOLS_API void installTFConnections ()
 Install connections to listen TF modifications.
FWDATATOOLS_API void removeTFConnections ()
 Remove the TF connections.
FWDATATOOLS_API void installTFSlots (::fwCom::HasSlots *hasslots)
 Install the slots to managed TF modifications. More...
virtual FWDATATOOLS_API void updateTFPoints ()
 Slot: called when transfer function points are modified.
virtual FWDATATOOLS_API void updateTFWindowing (double window, double level)
 Slot: called when transfer function windowing is modified.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
FWRENDERVTK_API IAdaptor () noexcept
virtual FWRENDERVTK_API ~IAdaptor () noexcept
FWRENDERVTK_API void configureParams ()
 Parse the xml configuration for renderer, picker and transform.
FWRENDERVTK_API void initialize ()
 Initialize the adaptor with the associated render service. (must be call in starting).
FWRENDERVTK_API void registerProp (vtkProp *prop)
 Registers the vtkProp.
FWRENDERVTK_API void unregisterProps ()
 Unregisters all the vtkProp.
FWRENDERVTK_API void addToRenderer (vtkProp *prop)
 Adds the vtkProp to the renderer.
FWRENDERVTK_API void removeAllPropFromRenderer ()
 Removes all the vtkProp from the renderer.
FWRENDERVTK_API void addToPicker (vtkProp *prop, std::string pickerId="")
 Adds the vtkProp to the picking list. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API void removeFromPicker (vtkProp *prop, std::string pickerId="")
 Removes the vtkProp to the picking list. More...
FWRENDERVTK_API void requestRender ()
 notify a render request iff vtkPipeline is modified
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwServices::IService
 IService constructor. More...
virtual FWSERVICES_API ~IService ()
 IService desctructor. More...
virtual void swapping ()
 Swap the service from associated object to another object. More...
virtual FWSERVICES_API void reconfiguring ()
 Reconfigure the service activity when is started. More...
virtual FWSERVICES_API void info (std::ostream &_sstream)
 Write information in a stream. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwTools::fwID
FWTOOLS_API bool hasID () const
 Return true if the object has an id set. More...
FWTOOLS_API IDType getID (Policy policy=GENERATE) const
 Returns the id of the object. If it is not set and the policy value is. More...
virtual FWTOOLS_API void setID (IDType newID)
 Set a newID for the object, (newID must not exist in fwID), the oldest one is released. More...
FWTOOLS_API void resetID ()
 Release the id for the object. More...
 fwID ()
 Constructor : does nothing.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwCom::HasSlots
 HasSlots (const HasSlots &)
 Copy constructor forbidden.
HasSlotsoperator= (const HasSlots &)
 Copy operator forbidden.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwCom::HasSignals
 HasSignals (const HasSignals &)
 Copy constructor forbidden.
HasSignalsoperator= (const HasSignals &)
 Copy operator forbidden.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fwServices::IHasServices
FWSERVICES_API IHasServices () noexcept
virtual FWSERVICES_API ~IHasServices () noexcept
FWSERVICES_API std::shared_ptr< ::fwServices::IServiceregisterService (const std::string &_implType, const std::string &_id="")
 Register a new service linked to this service. More...
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > registerService (const std::string &_implType, const std::string &_id="")
 Register a new service linked to this service. More...
FWSERVICES_API void unregisterService (const ::fwTools::fwID::IDType &_id)
 Unregister a specific service. More...
FWSERVICES_API void unregisterService (const ::fwServices::IService::sptr &_service)
 Unregister a specific service. More...
FWSERVICES_API void unregisterServices (const std::string &_implType="")
 Unregister all services linked to this service, optionally matches only a given type of services. More...

Protected Attributes

vtkCommand * m_vtkObserver
double m_initialWindow
double m_initialLevel
float m_priority
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
Orientation m_orientation
 Image orientation.
::fwData::Integer::sptr m_axialIndex
 Axial slice index.
::fwData::Integer::sptr m_frontalIndex
 Frontal slice index.
::fwData::Integer::sptr m_sagittalIndex
 Sagittal slice index.
UpdateTFPointsSlotType::sptr m_slotUpdateTFPoints
 Slot called when transfer function points are modified.
UpdateTFWindowingSlotType::sptr m_slotUpdateTFWindowing
 Slot called when transfer function windowing is modified.
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
bool m_vtkPipelineModified
 state of the pipeline
SRender::RendererIdType m_rendererId
SRender::PickerIdType m_pickerId
SRender::VtkObjectIdType m_transformId
SRender::wptr m_renderService
vtkPropCollection * m_propCollection
::fwCom::helper::SigSlotConnection m_connections
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwServices::IService
::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElement::sptr m_configuration
 Configuration element used to configure service internal state using a generic XML like structure TODO Make this const, we are not supposed to edit that !
::fwData::Object::wptr m_associatedObject
 associated object of service More...
StartSlotType::sptr m_slotStart
 Slot to call start method.
StopSlotType::sptr m_slotStop
 Slot to call stop method.
UpdateSlotType::sptr m_slotUpdate
 Slot to call update method.
SwapSlotType::sptr m_slotSwap
 Slot to call swap method.
SwapKeySlotType::sptr m_slotSwapKey
 Slot to call swap method.
std::shared_ptr< ::fwThread::Workerm_associatedWorker
 Associated worker.
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwTools::Object
std::shared_ptr< ::fwTools::UUIDm_uuid
 UUID used to identify the object, notably for serialization.
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwCom::HasSlots
Slots m_slots
- Protected Attributes inherited from fwCom::HasSignals
Signals m_signals


template<class , class , class >
class ::fwTools::ClassFactory
class ::fwTools::Factory

Demangling methods

virtual const std::string & getLeafClassname () const override
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
virtual const std::string & getClassname () const override
 return full object's classname with its namespace, i.e. fwCore::BaseObject
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
enum  Orientation { X_AXIS = 0, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS }
 Image orientation.
- Public Types inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
typedef fwServices::IService SuperClass
- Public Types inherited from fwServices::IService
enum  AccessType : std::uint8_t { INPUT, OUTPUT, INOUT }
typedef ::boost::property_tree::ptree ConfigType
typedef std::string IdType
typedef std::string KeyType
typedef std::map< KeyType, std::weak_ptr< const ::fwData::Object > > InputMapType
typedef std::map< KeyType, std::weak_ptr< ::fwData::Object > > InOutMapType
typedef std::map< KeyType, std::shared_ptr< ::fwData::Object > > OutputMapType
enum  GlobalStatus {
 Defines all possible global status for a service, including transitions. More...
enum  UpdatingStatus { UPDATING, NOTUPDATING }
 Defines all possible status for an update process. More...
 Defines all possible status for a configuration process. More...
typedef ::fwCom::Signal< void()> StartedSignalType
typedef ::fwCom::Signal< void()> UpdatedSignalType
typedef ::fwCom::Signal< void()> StoppedSignalType
typedef std::shared_future< void > SharedFutureType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef std::packaged_task< void()> PackagedTaskType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef std::future< void > UniqueFutureType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< SharedFutureType()> StartSlotType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< SharedFutureType()> StopSlotType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< SharedFutureType()> UpdateSlotType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< SharedFutureType(::fwData::Object::sptr)> SwapSlotType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< SharedFutureType(const KeyType &,::fwData::Object::sptr)> SwapKeySlotType
 Slot to call start method.
typedef ::fwCom::helper::SigSlotConnection::KeyConnectionsType KeyConnectionsType
 Returns proposals to connect service slots to associated object signals, this method is used for obj/srv auto connection. More...
- Public Types inherited from fwCom::HasSlots
typedef std::shared_ptr< HasSlotssptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const HasSlotscsptr
- Public Types inherited from fwCom::HasSignals
typedef std::shared_ptr< HasSignalssptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const HasSignalscsptr
- Public Types inherited from fwServices::IHasServices
typedef std::vector< std::weak_ptr< ::fwServices::IService > > ServiceVector
- Static Public Attributes inherited from fwServices::IService
static FWSERVICES_API const std::string s_DEFAULT_OBJECT = "defaultObject"
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_STARTED_SIG = "started"
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_UPDATED_SIG = "updated"
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_STOPPED_SIG = "stopped"
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_START_SLOT = "start"
 Slot to call start method.
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_STOP_SLOT = "stop"
 Slot to call start method.
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_UPDATE_SLOT = "update"
 Slot to call start method.
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_SWAP_SLOT = "swap"
 Slot to call start method.
static FWSERVICES_APIconst::fwCom::Slots::SlotKeyType s_SWAPKEY_SLOT = "swapKey"
 Slot to call start method.
- Protected Types inherited from fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< void()> UpdateTFPointsSlotType
 Slot called when transfer function points are modified.
typedef ::fwCom::Slot< void(double, double)> UpdateTFWindowingSlotType
 Slot called when transfer function points are modified.
- Protected Types inherited from fwTools::fwID
enum  Policy { EMPTY = 1, GENERATE, MUST_EXIST }
typedef std::string IDType
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from fwRenderVTK::IAdaptor
static FWRENDERVTK_API void getProps (vtkPropCollection *outPropc, vtkProp *inProp)
 Get all the vtkProp associated to the inProp (actors, actors2D, volumes) More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from fwTools::fwID
static bool isTypeOf (const std::string &type)
static FWTOOLS_API bool exist (IDType _id)
static FWTOOLS_API std::shared_ptr< ::fwTools::ObjectgetObject (IDType requestID)
 Retrieve the object attached to the given id. Return a null sptr if no correspondence exist. More...
static const std::string & leafClassname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject
static const std::string & classname ()
 return object's classname without its namespace, i.e. BaseObject

Detailed Description

Manage windowing interaction for image.

XML Configuration

1 <service type="::visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor" autoConnect="yes">
2  <inout key="image" uid="..." />
3  <inout key="tf" uid="..." optional="yes" />
4  <config picker="negatodefault" />
5 </service>



  • config(mandatory) : contains the adaptor configuration
    • picker (mandatory): identifier of the picker

Definition at line 44 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor::configuring ( )

Configure the service before starting. Apply the configuration to service.

See also

Implements fwServices::IService.

Definition at line 184 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.cpp.

fwServices::IService::KeyConnectionsMap visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor::getAutoConnections ( ) const

Returns proposals to connect service slots to associated object signals, this method is used for obj/srv auto connection.

Connect Image::s_MODIFIED_SIG to this::s_UPDATE_SLOT Connect Image::s_BUFFER_MODIFIED_SIG to this::s_UPDATE_SLOT

Reimplemented from fwServices::IService.

Definition at line 335 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.cpp.

References fwData::Image::s_BUFFER_MODIFIED_SIG, and fwData::Object::s_MODIFIED_SIG.

void visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor::starting ( )

Initialize the service activity.

Use configuration to start his job. For example : the start method installs a button in a frame and show the frame.

See also

Implements fwServices::IService.

Definition at line 191 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.cpp.

References SLM_ASSERT.

void visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor::stopping ( )

Uninitialize the service activity. The stop() method is always invoked before destroying a service.

See also

Implements fwServices::IService.

Definition at line 233 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.cpp.

void visuVTKAdaptor::SNegatoWindowingInteractor::updating ( )

Perform some computations according to object (this service is attached to) attribute values and its internal state.

See also

Implements fwServices::IService.

Definition at line 222 of file SNegatoWindowingInteractor.cpp.

References SLM_ASSERT.

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