Class: AppStoriesDirective

AppStoriesDirectives~ AppStoriesDirective

new AppStoriesDirective()

The <app-stories>...<app-stories> directive. Supports the
following attributes:

  • stories '=' - an array of stories objects, e.g. from a stories
    json file - see tellStoryHandler(...) for a list of properties
    a story supports

  • story '=' - the currently selected story

  • highlights '=' - the highlights object containing the state of
    interaction context the user uses the visualization environment
    in right now

  • homeurl '@' - supply an URL here if you want the user to have the
    option to return to an overview page from the stories

  • metricsselector '&' - a callback to invoke with a value of
    metric ids when a story demands a specific sets of metrics to be

  • explore '@' - supply an URL here if you want the user to have the
    option to go to a more exploratory visualization from the story



<static> factory()

Factory to create the directive; used in the angular.directive call
