Class: AppSeriesDirective

AppSeriesDirective~ AppSeriesDirective

new AppSeriesDirective()

The app-series directive used to decorate a SVG element to be modified if
new data series values are populated from the parent scope. The directive
can be applied to a SVG DOM element as attribute and takes a JSON object
in the form of {property1: seriesId1, property2: seriesId2, ...}
where propertyN is a property you want to control dynamically and seriesIdN
is a series id you want to use in order to configure that property. For
propertyN, there are various properties you can control, e.g., 'fill'
controls the filling color, 'text' controls the text inside of the element,
'show' shows/hides the element based on whether values are present or not.



<static> factory()

Factory to create the directive; used in the angular.directive call


The directives 'link' function is invoked every time the directive is
bound to a DOM element. It makes sure that the directive still silently
transcludes the inner elements of the head DOM element, passes through the
angular.js scope and registers for any broadcasted seriesesValueChanged
