Class: AppDropdownDirective

AppDropdownDirective~ AppDropdownDirective

new AppDropdownDirective()

The <app-dropdown>...<app-dropdown> directive. Supports the
following attributes:

  • placeholder '@' - a string to display if no value is selected

  • list '=' - an array of values where the user can select from

  • selected '=' - a variable that will be bound to the selected item

  • property '@' - if the items where values can be selected from is a
    complex object, a property that should be used as a label to display

  • type '@' - 'radio' or 'checkbox', depending if multiple values can be

  • changed '&' - an external callback that is executed when the
    selection changes



<static> factory($scope)

Factory to create the directive; used in the angular.directive call

Name Type Description

a reference to the angularjs scope of the component
