Brachiopod origins

This document provides a detailed discussion of analyses of the morphological dataset constructed to accompany Sun et al. (2018), and their results.

We first discuss the results presented in the main paper, which employ the algorithm described by Brazeau, Guillerme and Smith (2017a) for correct handling of inapplicable data in a parsimony setting, and explore how each character is reconstructed on an optimal tree.

For completeness, we also document the results of standard Fitch parsimony analysis, and the results of Bayesian analysis, neither of which treat inapplicable data in a logically consistent fashion.


Sun, H.-J., M. R. Smith, M.-Y. Zhu, H. Zeng, and F.-C. Zhao. 2018: Hyoliths are linguliform brachiopods.:In review.

Brazeau, M. D., T. Guillerme, and M. R. Smith. 2017a: Morphological phylogenetic analysis with inapplicable data. BioR\(\chi\)iv.