Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library

Image segmentation with FCN-Alexnet or custom models, using TensorRT. More...

#include <segNet.h>

Inheritance diagram for segNet:

Public Types

enum  NetworkType {
 Enumeration of pretrained/built-in network models. More...
 Enumeration of mask/overlay filtering modes. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~segNet ()
 Destroy. More...
bool Process (float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const char *ignore_class="void")
 Perform the initial inferencing processing portion of the segmentation. More...
bool Mask (uint8_t *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
 Produce a grayscale binary segmentation mask, where the pixel values correspond to the class ID of the corresponding class type. More...
bool Mask (float *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, FilterMode filter=FILTER_LINEAR)
 Produce a colorized RGBA segmentation mask. More...
bool Overlay (float *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, FilterMode filter=FILTER_LINEAR)
 Produce the segmentation overlay alpha blended on top of the original image. More...
int FindClassID (const char *label_name)
 Find the ID of a particular class (by label name). More...
uint32_t GetNumClasses () const
 Retrieve the number of object classes supported in the detector. More...
const char * GetClassLabel (uint32_t id) const
 Retrieve the description of a particular class. More...
float * GetClassColor (uint32_t id) const
 Retrieve the class synset category of a particular class. More...
void SetClassColor (uint32_t classIndex, float r, float g, float b, float a=255.0f)
 Set the visualization color of a particular class of object. More...
void SetGlobalAlpha (float alpha, bool explicit_exempt=true)
 Set a global alpha value for all classes (between 0-255), (optionally except for those that have been explicitly set). More...
const char * GetClassPath () const
 Retrieve the path to the file containing the class label descriptions. More...
uint32_t GetGridWidth () const
 Retrieve the number of columns in the classification grid. More...
uint32_t GetGridHeight () const
 Retrieve the number of rows in the classification grid. More...
NetworkType GetNetworkType () const
 Retrieve the network type (alexnet or googlenet) More...
const char * GetNetworkName () const
 Retrieve a string describing the network name. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from tensorNet
virtual ~tensorNet ()
 Destory. More...
bool LoadNetwork (const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean=NULL, const char *input_blob="data", const char *output_blob="prob", uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL)
 Load a new network instance. More...
bool LoadNetwork (const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean, const char *input_blob, const std::vector< std::string > &output_blobs, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL)
 Load a new network instance with multiple output layers. More...
bool LoadNetwork (const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean, const char *input_blob, const Dims3 &input_dims, const std::vector< std::string > &output_blobs, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL)
 Load a new network instance (this variant is used for UFF models) More...
void EnableLayerProfiler ()
 Manually enable layer profiling times. More...
void EnableDebug ()
 Manually enable debug messages and synchronization. More...
bool AllowGPUFallback () const
 Return true if GPU fallback is enabled. More...
deviceType GetDevice () const
 Retrieve the device being used for execution. More...
precisionType GetPrecision () const
 Retrieve the type of precision being used. More...
bool IsPrecision (precisionType type) const
 Check if a particular precision is being used. More...
cudaStream_t GetStream () const
 Retrieve the stream that the device is operating on. More...
cudaStream_t CreateStream (bool nonBlocking=true)
 Create and use a new stream for execution. More...
void SetStream (cudaStream_t stream)
 Set the stream that the device is operating on. More...
const char * GetPrototxtPath () const
 Retrieve the path to the network prototxt file. More...
const char * GetModelPath () const
 Retrieve the path to the network model file. More...
modelType GetModelType () const
 Retrieve the format of the network model. More...
bool IsModelType (modelType type) const
 Return true if the model is of the specified format. More...
float GetNetworkTime ()
 Retrieve the network runtime (in milliseconds). More...
float2 GetProfilerTime (profilerQuery query)
 Retrieve the profiler runtime (in milliseconds). More...
float GetProfilerTime (profilerQuery query, profilerDevice device)
 Retrieve the profiler runtime (in milliseconds). More...
void PrintProfilerTimes ()
 Print the profiler times (in millseconds). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static NetworkType NetworkTypeFromStr (const char *model_name)
 Parse a string from one of the built-in pretrained models. More...
static FilterMode FilterModeFromStr (const char *str, FilterMode default_value=FILTER_LINEAR)
 Parse a string from one of the FilterMode values. More...
static segNetCreate (NetworkType networkType=FCN_ALEXNET_CITYSCAPES_SD, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true)
 Load a new network instance. More...
static segNetCreate (const char *prototxt_path, const char *model_path, const char *class_labels, const char *class_colors=NULL, const char *input=SEGNET_DEFAULT_INPUT, const char *output=SEGNET_DEFAULT_OUTPUT, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true)
 Load a new network instance. More...
static segNetCreate (int argc, char **argv)
 Load a new network instance by parsing the command line. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from tensorNet
static precisionType FindFastestPrecision (deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowInt8=true)
 Determine the fastest native precision on a device. More...
static std::vector< precisionTypeDetectNativePrecisions (deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU)
 Detect the precisions supported natively on a device. More...
static bool DetectNativePrecision (const std::vector< precisionType > &nativeTypes, precisionType type)
 Detect if a particular precision is supported natively. More...
static bool DetectNativePrecision (precisionType precision, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU)
 Detect if a particular precision is supported natively. More...

Protected Member Functions

 segNet ()
bool classify (const char *ignore_class)
bool overlayPoint (float *input, uint32_t in_width, uint32_t in_height, float *output, uint32_t out_width, uint32_t out_height, bool mask_only)
bool overlayLinear (float *input, uint32_t in_width, uint32_t in_height, float *output, uint32_t out_width, uint32_t out_height, bool mask_only)
bool loadClassColors (const char *filename)
bool loadClassLabels (const char *filename)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tensorNet
 tensorNet ()
 Constructor. More...
bool ProfileModel (const std::string &deployFile, const std::string &modelFile, const char *input, const Dims3 &inputDims, const std::vector< std::string > &outputs, uint32_t maxBatchSize, precisionType precision, deviceType device, bool allowGPUFallback, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator, std::ostream &modelStream)
 Create and output an optimized network model. More...
void PROFILER_BEGIN (profilerQuery query)
 Begin a profiling query, before network is run. More...
void PROFILER_END (profilerQuery query)
 End a profiling query, after the network is run. More...
bool PROFILER_QUERY (profilerQuery query)
 Query the CUDA part of a profiler query. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::string > mClassLabels
std::string mClassPath
float * mClassColors [2]
 array of overlay colors in shared CPU/GPU memory More...
uint8_t * mClassMap [2]
 runtime buffer for the argmax-classified class index of each tile More...
float * mLastInputImg
 last input image to be processed, stored for overlay More...
uint32_t mLastInputWidth
 width in pixels of last input image to be processed More...
uint32_t mLastInputHeight
 height in pixels of last input image to be processed More...
NetworkType mNetworkType
 Pretrained built-in model type enumeration. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from tensorNet
tensorNet::Logger gLogger
tensorNet::Profiler gProfiler
std::string mPrototxtPath
std::string mModelPath
std::string mMeanPath
std::string mInputBlobName
std::string mCacheEnginePath
std::string mCacheCalibrationPath
deviceType mDevice
precisionType mPrecision
modelType mModelType
cudaStream_t mStream
cudaEvent_t mEventsGPU [PROFILER_TOTAL *2]
timespec mEventsCPU [PROFILER_TOTAL *2]
nvinfer1::IRuntime * mInfer
nvinfer1::ICudaEngine * mEngine
nvinfer1::IExecutionContext * mContext
uint32_t mWidth
uint32_t mHeight
uint32_t mInputSize
float * mInputCPU
float * mInputCUDA
float2 mProfilerTimes [PROFILER_TOTAL+1]
uint32_t mProfilerQueriesUsed
uint32_t mProfilerQueriesDone
uint32_t mMaxBatchSize
bool mEnableProfiler
bool mEnableDebug
bool mAllowGPUFallback
Dims3 mInputDims
std::vector< outputLayermOutputs

Detailed Description

Image segmentation with FCN-Alexnet or custom models, using TensorRT.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FilterMode

Enumeration of mask/overlay filtering modes.


Nearest point sampling.


Bilinear filtering.

◆ NetworkType

Enumeration of pretrained/built-in network models.


FCN-Alexnet trained on Pascal VOC dataset.


FCN-Alexnet trained on SYNTHIA CVPR16 dataset.

To save disk space, this model isn't downloaded by default. Enable it in

FCN-Alexnet trained on SYNTHIA SEQS summer datasets.

To save disk space, this model isn't downloaded by default. Enable it in

FCN-Alexnet trained on SYNTHIA SEQS summer datasets.

To save disk space, this model isn't downloaded by default. Enable it in

FCN-Alexnet trained on Cityscapes dataset with 21 classes.


FCN-Alexnet trained on Cityscapes dataset with 21 classes.

To save disk space, this model isn't downloaded by default. Enable it in

FCN-Alexnet trained on aerial first-person view of the horizon line for drones, 1280x720 and 21 output classes.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~segNet()

virtual segNet::~segNet ( )


◆ segNet()

segNet::segNet ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ classify()

bool segNet::classify ( const char *  ignore_class)

◆ Create() [1/3]

static segNet* segNet::Create ( NetworkType  networkType = FCN_ALEXNET_CITYSCAPES_SD,
uint32_t  maxBatchSize = DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE,
precisionType  precision = TYPE_FASTEST,
deviceType  device = DEVICE_GPU,
bool  allowGPUFallback = true 

Load a new network instance.

◆ Create() [2/3]

static segNet* segNet::Create ( const char *  prototxt_path,
const char *  model_path,
const char *  class_labels,
const char *  class_colors = NULL,
const char *  input = SEGNET_DEFAULT_INPUT,
const char *  output = SEGNET_DEFAULT_OUTPUT,
uint32_t  maxBatchSize = DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE,
precisionType  precision = TYPE_FASTEST,
deviceType  device = DEVICE_GPU,
bool  allowGPUFallback = true 

Load a new network instance.

prototxt_pathFile path to the deployable network prototxt
model_pathFile path to the caffemodel
class_labelsFile path to list of class name labels
class_colorsFile path to list of class colors
inputName of the input layer blob.
See also
outputName of the output layer blob.
See also
maxBatchSizeThe maximum batch size that the network will support and be optimized for.

◆ Create() [3/3]

static segNet* segNet::Create ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Load a new network instance by parsing the command line.

◆ FilterModeFromStr()

static FilterMode segNet::FilterModeFromStr ( const char *  str,
FilterMode  default_value = FILTER_LINEAR 

Parse a string from one of the FilterMode values.

Valid strings are "point", and "linear"

one of the segNet::FilterMode enums, or default segNet::FILTER_LINEAR on an error.

◆ FindClassID()

int segNet::FindClassID ( const char *  label_name)

Find the ID of a particular class (by label name).

◆ GetClassColor()

float* segNet::GetClassColor ( uint32_t  id) const

Retrieve the class synset category of a particular class.

◆ GetClassLabel()

const char* segNet::GetClassLabel ( uint32_t  id) const

Retrieve the description of a particular class.

◆ GetClassPath()

const char* segNet::GetClassPath ( ) const

Retrieve the path to the file containing the class label descriptions.

◆ GetGridHeight()

uint32_t segNet::GetGridHeight ( ) const

Retrieve the number of rows in the classification grid.

This indicates the resolution of the raw segmentation output.

◆ GetGridWidth()

uint32_t segNet::GetGridWidth ( ) const

Retrieve the number of columns in the classification grid.

This indicates the resolution of the raw segmentation output.

◆ GetNetworkName()

const char* segNet::GetNetworkName ( ) const

Retrieve a string describing the network name.

◆ GetNetworkType()

NetworkType segNet::GetNetworkType ( ) const

Retrieve the network type (alexnet or googlenet)

◆ GetNumClasses()

uint32_t segNet::GetNumClasses ( ) const

Retrieve the number of object classes supported in the detector.

◆ loadClassColors()

bool segNet::loadClassColors ( const char *  filename)

◆ loadClassLabels()

bool segNet::loadClassLabels ( const char *  filename)

◆ Mask() [1/2]

bool segNet::Mask ( uint8_t *  output,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height 

Produce a grayscale binary segmentation mask, where the pixel values correspond to the class ID of the corresponding class type.

◆ Mask() [2/2]

bool segNet::Mask ( float *  output,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
FilterMode  filter = FILTER_LINEAR 

Produce a colorized RGBA segmentation mask.

◆ NetworkTypeFromStr()

static NetworkType segNet::NetworkTypeFromStr ( const char *  model_name)

Parse a string from one of the built-in pretrained models.

Valid names are "cityscapes-hd", "cityscapes-sd", "pascal-voc", ect.

one of the segNet::NetworkType enums, or segNet::CUSTOM on invalid string.

◆ Overlay()

bool segNet::Overlay ( float *  output,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
FilterMode  filter = FILTER_LINEAR 

Produce the segmentation overlay alpha blended on top of the original image.

inputfloat4 input image in CUDA device memory, RGBA colorspace with values 0-255.
outputfloat4 output image in CUDA device memory, RGBA colorspace with values 0-255.
widthwidth of the input image in pixels.
heightheight of the input image in pixels.
ignore_classlabel name of class to ignore in the classification (or NULL to process all).
typeoverlay visualization options
true on success, false on error.

◆ overlayLinear()

bool segNet::overlayLinear ( float *  input,
uint32_t  in_width,
uint32_t  in_height,
float *  output,
uint32_t  out_width,
uint32_t  out_height,
bool  mask_only 

◆ overlayPoint()

bool segNet::overlayPoint ( float *  input,
uint32_t  in_width,
uint32_t  in_height,
float *  output,
uint32_t  out_width,
uint32_t  out_height,
bool  mask_only 

◆ Process()

bool segNet::Process ( float *  input,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
const char *  ignore_class = "void" 

Perform the initial inferencing processing portion of the segmentation.

The results can then be visualized using the Overlay() and Mask() functions.

inputfloat4 input image in CUDA device memory, RGBA colorspace with values 0-255.
widthwidth of the input image in pixels.
heightheight of the input image in pixels.
ignore_classlabel name of class to ignore in the classification (or NULL to process all).

◆ SetClassColor()

void segNet::SetClassColor ( uint32_t  classIndex,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  a = 255.0f 

Set the visualization color of a particular class of object.

◆ SetGlobalAlpha()

void segNet::SetGlobalAlpha ( float  alpha,
bool  explicit_exempt = true 

Set a global alpha value for all classes (between 0-255), (optionally except for those that have been explicitly set).

Member Data Documentation

◆ mClassColors

float* segNet::mClassColors[2]

array of overlay colors in shared CPU/GPU memory

◆ mClassLabels

std::vector<std::string> segNet::mClassLabels

◆ mClassMap

uint8_t* segNet::mClassMap[2]

runtime buffer for the argmax-classified class index of each tile

◆ mClassPath

std::string segNet::mClassPath

◆ mLastInputHeight

uint32_t segNet::mLastInputHeight

height in pixels of last input image to be processed

◆ mLastInputImg

float* segNet::mLastInputImg

last input image to be processed, stored for overlay

◆ mLastInputWidth

uint32_t segNet::mLastInputWidth

width in pixels of last input image to be processed

◆ mNetworkType

NetworkType segNet::mNetworkType

Pretrained built-in model type enumeration.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: