Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Calphanum_lessFunctor class to compare two objects with the "Alphanum Algorithm"
 CXMLAttributeAn attribute is a name-value pair
 CXMLCommentAn XML Comment
 CXMLConstHandleA variant of the XMLHandle class for working with const XMLNodes and Documents
 CXMLDeclarationIn correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file
 CXMLDocumentA Document binds together all the functionality
 CXMLElementThe element is a container class
 CXMLHandleA XMLHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
 CXMLNodeXMLNode is a base class for every object that is in the XML Document Object Model (DOM), except XMLAttributes
 CXMLPrinterPrinting functionality
 CXMLTextXML text
 CXMLUnknownAny tag that TinyXML-2 doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown
 CXMLVisitorImplements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a XMLVisitor class to handle callbacks
 CactionNetAction/activity classification on a sequence of images or video, using TensorRT
 CbackgroundNetBackground subtraction/removal with DNNs, using TensorRT
 CcommandLineCommand line parser for extracting flags, values, and strings
 CcudaFontTTF font rasterization and image overlay rendering using CUDA
 CcudaPointCloudCUDA-accelerated point cloud processing
 CVertexPoint vertex
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float >
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float3 >
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float4 >
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar >
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar3 >
 CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar4 >
 CdepthNetMono depth estimation from monocular images, using TensorRT
 CdetectNetObject recognition and localization networks with TensorRT support
 CDetectionObject Detection result
 CEventEvent object for signalling other threads
 CglBufferOpenGL buffer with CUDA interoperability
 CglCameraOpenGL perspective camera supporting Look-At, Yaw/Pitch/Roll, and Ortho modes
 CglDisplayOpenGL display window and image/video renderer with CUDA interoperability
 CglTextureOpenGL texture with CUDA interoperability
 CglWidgetOpenGL graphics widget for rendering moveable/resizable shapes
 CgstBufferManagerGstBufferManager recieves GStreamer buffers from appsink elements and unpacks/maps them into CUDA address space, and handles colorspace conversion into RGB format
 CgstCameraMIPI CSI and V4L2 camera capture using GStreamer and nvarguscamerasrc or v4l2src elements
 CgstDecoderHardware-accelerated video decoder for Jetson using GStreamer
 CgstEncoderHardware-accelerated video encoder for Jetson using GStreamer
 CgstWebRTCStatic class for common WebRTC utility functions used with GStreamer
 CPeerContextGStreamer-specific context for each WebRTCPeer
 CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGB32F >
 CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGB8 >
 CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGBA32F >
 CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGBA8 >
 CimageLoaderLoad an image or set of images from disk into GPU memory
 CimageNetImage recognition with classification networks, using TensorRT
 CimageWriterSave an image or set of images to disk
 CInputDevicesInput device manager
 CJoystickDeviceJoystick device
 CKeyboardDeviceKeyboard device
 CLogMessage logging with a variable level of output and destinations
 CMutexA lightweight mutual exclusion lock
 CNetworkInterfaceInfo about a particular network interface
 CobjectTrackerObject tracker interface
 CobjectTrackerIOUObject tracker using Intersection-Over-Union (IOU)
 CposeNetPose estimation models with TensorRT support
 CObjectPoseThe pose of an object, composed of links between keypoints
 CKeypointA keypoint or joint in the topology
 CProcessStatic functions for retrieving information about the running process
 CRingBufferThread-safe circular ring buffer queue
 CRTSPServerRTSP server for transmitting encoded GStreamer pipelines to client devices
 CsegNetImage segmentation with FCN-Alexnet or custom models, using TensorRT
 CSocketTCP or UDP ethernet networking
 CtensorNetAbstract class for loading a tensor network with TensorRT
 CLoggerLogger class for GIE info/warning/errors
 CProfilerProfiler interface for measuring layer timings
 CThreadThread class for launching an asynchronous operating-system dependent thread
 CURIResource URI of a video device, IP stream, or file/directory
 Cv4l2CameraVideo4Linux2 (V4L2) camera capture streaming
 CvideoOptionsThe videoOptions struct contains common settings that are used to configure and query videoSource and videoOutput streams
 CvideoOutputThe videoOutput API is for rendering and transmitting frames to video input devices such as display windows, broadcasting RTP network streams to remote hosts over UDP/IP, and saving videos/images/directories to disk
 CvideoSourceThe videoSource API is for capturing frames from video input devices such as MIPI CSI cameras, V4L2 cameras, video/images files from disk, directories containing a sequence of images, and from RTP/RTSP network video streams over UDP/IP
 CWebRTCPeerRemote peer that has connected
 CWebRTCServerWebRTC signalling server for establishing and negotiating connections with peers for bi-directional media streaming