Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library
Here is a list of all modules:
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 DNN Vision Library (jetson-inference)C++ runtime library for supporting deep vision neural network models and inferencing with TensorRT. Available network primitives currently include:
 tensorNetDNN abstract base class that provides TensorRT functionality underneath. These functions aren't typically accessed by end users unless they are implementing their own DNN class like imageNet or detectNet
 imageNetImage recognition DNN (GoogleNet, AlexNet, ResNet)
 detectNetObject detection DNN (SSD, DetectNet)
 segNetSemantic segmentation DNN (FCN or Fully-Convolutional Networks)
 poseNetPose estimation DNN
 actionNetAction/activity recognition DNN
 depthNetMono depth estimation from monocular images
 backgroundNetForeground/background segmentation and removal DNN
 Object TrackingObject tracking used by detectNet
 Model DownloaderUtilities for automatically downloading pre-trained models
 Utilities Library (jetson-utils)Tools and utilities for video streaming, codecs, display, and CUDA processing
 Camera CaptureCamera capture and streaming for MIPI CSI and V4L2 devices (deprecated)
 CodecHardware-accelerated video encoder and decoder (H.264/H.265) using GStreamer
 Command-Line ParsingParsing of command line arguments, flags, and variables
 CSV ParsingText file parsing for Comma-Separated Value (CSV) formats, with user-defined delimiters beyond just commas, including spaces, tabs, or other symbols
 CUDACUDA utilities and image processing kernels
 Color MappingDefines various colormaps and color mapping functions
 Color ConversionColorspace conversion functions for various YUV formats, RGB, BGR, Bayer, and grayscale
 CroppingCrop an image to the specified region of interest (ROI)
 DrawingDrawing basic 2D shapes using CUDA
 Error CheckingError checking and logging macros
 FontsTTF font rasterization and image overlay rendering using CUDA
 Memory ManagementAllocation of CUDA mapped zero-copy memory
 NormalizationNormalize the pixel intensities of an image between two ranges
 OverlayOverlay images and vector shapes onto other images
 Pixel FilteringCUDA device functions for sampling pixels with bilinear filtering
 Point Cloud3D point cloud processing and visualization
 ResizeRescale an image to a different resolution
 WarpingVarious image warps and matrix transforms
 FilesystemFunctions for listing files in directories and manipulating file paths
 Image FormatsEnumerations and helper functions for different types of image formats
 Image I/OLoading and saving image files from disk
 InputHID input devices including gamepad controllers, joysticks, and keyboard
 LoggingMessage logging with a variable level of output and destinations
 Matrix3x3 matrix operations from mat33.h
 MultithreadingMutex, events, threads, and process objects based on pthreads
 NetworkingTCP/UDP sockets and IP address manipulation
 OpenGLOpenGL textures and display window (X11/GLX)
 TimeTimestamping operations for measuring the timing of CPU code
 Video StreamingVideoSource and videoOutput APIs for input and output video streams