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Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library
▼Cbinary_function | |
Cdoj::alphanum_less< Ty > | Functor class to compare two objects with the "Alphanum Algorithm" |
CcommandLine | Command line parser for extracting flags, values, and strings |
CcsvData | CsvData |
CcsvReader | CsvReader |
CcsvWriter | CsvWriter |
CcudaFont | TTF font rasterization and image overlay rendering using CUDA |
CcudaPointCloud | CUDA-accelerated point cloud processing |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< T > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float3 > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< float4 > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar3 > | |
CcudaVectorTypeInfo< uchar4 > | |
CdetectNet::Detection | Object Detection result |
Ctinyxml2::DynArray< T, INITIAL_SIZE > | |
Ctinyxml2::DynArray< Block *, 10 > | |
Ctinyxml2::DynArray< char, 20 > | |
Ctinyxml2::DynArray< const char *, 10 > | |
Ctinyxml2::DynArray< tinyxml2::XMLNode *, 10 > | |
CEvent | Event object for signalling other threads |
CglDisplay::eventHandler | |
CglWidget::eventHandler | |
▼Cfalse_type | |
Ccuda_assert_false< T > | |
CglBuffer | OpenGL buffer with CUDA interoperability |
CglCamera | OpenGL perspective camera supporting Look-At, Yaw/Pitch/Roll, and Ortho modes |
CglTexture | OpenGL texture with CUDA interoperability |
CglWidget | OpenGL graphics widget for rendering moveable/resizable shapes |
CcudaFont::GlyphInfo | |
CgstBufferManager | GstBufferManager recieves GStreamer buffers from appsink elements and unpacks/maps them into CUDA address space, and handles colorspace conversion into RGB format |
CgstWebRTC | Static class for common WebRTC utility functions used with GStreamer |
CWebRTCServer::HttpRoute | |
▼CILogger | |
CtensorNet::Logger | Logger class for GIE info/warning/errors |
CimageFormatType< format > | |
CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGB32F > | |
CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGB8 > | |
CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGBA32F > | |
CimageFormatType< IMAGE_RGBA8 > | |
CInputDevices | Input device manager |
▼CIProfiler | |
CtensorNet::Profiler | Profiler interface for measuring layer timings |
CNetworkInterface::IPv4 | |
CNetworkInterface::IPv6 | |
CJoystickDevice | Joystick device |
CKeyboardDevice | Keyboard device |
CposeNet::ObjectPose::Keypoint | A keypoint or joint in the topology |
CtensorNet::layerInfo | |
CLog | Message logging with a variable level of output and destinations |
▼Ctinyxml2::MemPool | |
Ctinyxml2::MemPoolT< sizeof(tinyxml2::XMLAttribute) > | |
Ctinyxml2::MemPoolT< sizeof(tinyxml2::XMLComment) > | |
Ctinyxml2::MemPoolT< sizeof(tinyxml2::XMLElement) > | |
Ctinyxml2::MemPoolT< sizeof(tinyxml2::XMLText) > | |
Ctinyxml2::MemPoolT< ITEM_SIZE > | |
CMutex | A lightweight mutual exclusion lock |
CNetworkInterface | Info about a particular network interface |
CposeNet::ObjectPose | The pose of an object, composed of links between keypoints |
▼CobjectTracker | Object tracker interface |
CobjectTrackerIOU | Object tracker using Intersection-Over-Union (IOU) |
CgstWebRTC::PeerContext | GStreamer-specific context for each WebRTCPeer |
CProcess | Static functions for retrieving information about the running process |
CRingBuffer | Thread-safe circular ring buffer queue |
CRTSPServer | RTSP server for transmitting encoded GStreamer pipelines to client devices |
CSocket | TCP or UDP ethernet networking |
Ctinyxml2::StrPair | |
▼CtensorNet | Abstract class for loading a tensor network with TensorRT |
CactionNet | Action/activity classification on a sequence of images or video, using TensorRT |
CbackgroundNet | Background subtraction/removal with DNNs, using TensorRT |
CdepthNet | Mono depth estimation from monocular images, using TensorRT |
CdetectNet | Object recognition and localization networks with TensorRT support |
CimageNet | Image recognition with classification networks, using TensorRT |
CposeNet | Pose estimation models with TensorRT support |
CsegNet | Image segmentation with FCN-Alexnet or custom models, using TensorRT |
CThread | Thread class for launching an asynchronous operating-system dependent thread |
CposeNet::Topology | |
CURI | Resource URI of a video device, IP stream, or file/directory |
Cv4l2Camera | Video4Linux2 (V4L2) camera capture streaming |
CcudaPointCloud::Vertex | Point vertex |
CvideoOptions | The videoOptions struct contains common settings that are used to configure and query videoSource and videoOutput streams |
▼CvideoOutput | The videoOutput API is for rendering and transmitting frames to video input devices such as display windows, broadcasting RTP network streams to remote hosts over UDP/IP, and saving videos/images/directories to disk |
CglDisplay | OpenGL display window and image/video renderer with CUDA interoperability |
CgstEncoder | Hardware-accelerated video encoder for Jetson using GStreamer |
CimageWriter | Save an image or set of images to disk |
▼CvideoSource | The videoSource API is for capturing frames from video input devices such as MIPI CSI cameras, V4L2 cameras, video/images files from disk, directories containing a sequence of images, and from RTP/RTSP network video streams over UDP/IP |
CgstCamera | MIPI CSI and V4L2 camera capture using GStreamer and nvarguscamerasrc or v4l2src elements |
CgstDecoder | Hardware-accelerated video decoder for Jetson using GStreamer |
CimageLoader | Load an image or set of images from disk into GPU memory |
CWebRTCPeer | Remote peer that has connected |
CWebRTCServer | WebRTC signalling server for establishing and negotiating connections with peers for bi-directional media streaming |
CWebRTCServer::WebsocketRoute | |
Ctinyxml2::XMLAttribute | An attribute is a name-value pair |
Ctinyxml2::XMLConstHandle | A variant of the XMLHandle class for working with const XMLNodes and Documents |
Ctinyxml2::XMLHandle | A XMLHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing |
▼Ctinyxml2::XMLNode | XMLNode is a base class for every object that is in the XML Document Object Model (DOM), except XMLAttributes |
Ctinyxml2::XMLComment | An XML Comment |
Ctinyxml2::XMLDeclaration | In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file |
Ctinyxml2::XMLDocument | A Document binds together all the functionality |
Ctinyxml2::XMLElement | The element is a container class |
Ctinyxml2::XMLText | XML text |
Ctinyxml2::XMLUnknown | Any tag that TinyXML-2 doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown |
Ctinyxml2::XMLUtil | |
▼Ctinyxml2::XMLVisitor | Implements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a XMLVisitor class to handle callbacks |
Ctinyxml2::XMLPrinter | Printing functionality |