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Company A is a mid-size SME with a history of about 30 years in Singapore.

The company provides materials and installation services of interior furnishing products such as Wallcovering, Flooring, Carpet, and Fabrics to both local and overseas markets.

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Similar to many SMEs, the management tends to "gut feeling", which may not be aligned with the current market trends and opportunities.

Marketing campaigns are designed based on historical sales performance, with no visibility on current market opportunities - which can be inferred from external data, such as recent transaction of resales of real estate.

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The company has collected much data from ERP System. These data are shared among departments, but with them working in its own silo. Thus, resulting in conflicting business analysis.

The product head tends to consider only material while that the sales head will consider others factors when measuring the performance of the same project. Therefore, both may arrive to different conclusions for the same project.

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Much of the business performance are analysed based on highly aggregated figures, reported on traditional tools such as MS PowerPoint and MS Excel.

It is common that during management meeting, when further breakdown of analysis is required on the fly, information may not be available easily as it is tedious to compile the required information.

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Hence, we the opportunity to design an integrated performance dashboard with the following objectives in mind:

To benchmark the company's actual performance with the market potential; by comparing internal data with external data.

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Hence, we the opportunity to design an integrated performance dashboard with the following objectives in mind:

To provide a centralize and interactive analytic business platform, integrating analysis on customers, products, and sales performance.

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Hence, we the opportunity to design an integrated performance dashboard with the following objectives in mind:

To apply Shneiderman’s mantra of "Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand" in developing user-oriented dashboard.

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In Summary

In all, this will help company A to;

  1. Realize the benefits of comparing internal with external data in business decision-making.
  2. Provide a single and integrated platform for key management members.
  3. Reduce the time and effort to compile reports and analysis

Also, this will provide a concept to other businesses, especially SMEs, in how analysis can be simplified and yet insightful using visual analytics.