Mode | Detail |
0 | Keep current status. |
1 | Stop the campaign. |
Mode | Detail |
sip/ | Normal sip tech |
... | ... |
Status | Detail |
0 | None |
1 | Originate request send |
2 | Dialing begin |
3 | Channel create |
4 | Dialing end |
5 | Originate response receive |
6 | Hangup |
10 | Error occurred |
Result | Detail |
0 | Dialing failed |
1 | Other end has hungup |
2 | Local ring |
3 | Remote end is ringing |
4 | Remote end has answered |
5 | Remote end is busy |
6 | Make it go off hook |
7 | Line is off hook |
8 | Congestion (circuits busy) |
9 | Flash hook |
10 | Wink |
11 | Set a low-level option |
12 | Key Radio |
13 | Un-Key Radio |
14 | Indicate PROGRESS |
15 | Indicate CALL PROCEEDING |
16 | Indicate call is placed on hold |
17 | Indicate call is left from hold |
18 | Indicate video frame update |
19 | T38 state change request/notification deprecated This is no longer supported. Use AST_CONTROL_T38_PARAMETERS instead. |
20 | Indicate source of media has changed |
21 | Indicate status of a transfer request |
22 | Indicate connected line has changed |
23 | Indicate redirecting id has changed |
24 | T38 state change request/notification with parameters |
25 | Indication that Call completion service is possible |
26 | Media source has changed and requires a new RTP SSRC |
27 | Tell ast_read to take a specific action |
28 | Advice of Charge with encoded generic AOC payload |
29 | Indicate that this position was the end of the channel queue for a softhangup. |
30 | Indication that the extension dialed is incomplete |
31 | Indicate that the caller is being malicious. |
32 | Interrupt the bridge and have it update the peer |
33 | Contains an update to the protocol-specific cause-code stored for branching dials |
34 | A masquerade is about to begin/end. (Never sent as a frame but directly with ast_indicate_data().) |
Result | Detail |
1 | Unallocated. |
2 | No route trasit network. |
3 | No route destination. |
5 | Mis dialled trunk prefix. |
6 | Channel unacceptable. |
7 | Call awarded delivered. |
8 | Pre empted. |
14 | Number ported not here. |
16 | Normal clearing. |
17 | User busy. |
18 | No user response. |
19 | No answer. |
20 | Subscriber absent. |
21 | Call rejected. |
22 | Number changed. |
23 | Redirected to new destination. |
26 | Answered eleswhere. |
27 | Destination out of order. |
28 | Invalid number format. |
29 | Facility rejected. |
30 | Response to status enquiry. |
31 | Normal unspecified. |
34 | Normal circuit congestion. |
38 | Network out of order. |
41 | Normal temporary failure. |
42 | Switch congestion. |
43 | Access info discarded. |
44 | Requested chan unavail. |
50 | Facility not subscribed. |
52 | Outgoing call barred. |
54 | Incoming call barred. |
57 | Bearer capability not auth. |
58 | Bearer capability not available. |
65 | Bearer capability not implemented. |
66 | Channel not implemented. |
69 | Facility not implemented. |
81 | Invalid call reference. |
88 | Incompatible destination. |
95 | Invalid message unspecified. |
96 | Madatory item missing. |
97 | Message type nonexist. |
98 | Wrong message. |
99 | Item nonexist. |
100 | Invalid item contents. |
101 | Wrong call state. |
102 | Recovery on timer expire. |
103 | Mandatory item length error. |
111 | Protocol error. |
127 | Internetwroking. |
Type | Detail |
0 | Extensioin |
1 | Application |
Application | Detail |
queue | QueueSummary’s Available. |
park | Unlimited. |
others | Unlimited. |
Status | Detail |
0 | Stop |
1 | Start |
2 | Pause |
10 | Stopping |
11 | Starting |
12 | Pausing |
30 | Stopping forcedly |
The campaign can sets schedule. If the schedule sets, the campaign start and stop automatically on schedule.
Mode | Detail |
0 | Scheduling on |
1 | Scheduling off |
Scheduling time. 24H
Scheduling date.
List of scheduling date.
2016-11-16, 2016-11-17, 2016-11-18, ...
List of scheduling day.
0 : Sunday
1 : Monday
2 : Tuesday
3 : Wednesday
4 : Thursday
5 : Friday
6 : Satursay
0, 1, 3, 4