The asterisk-outbound has a 5W1H principle.
Basic concept
The res_outbound supports call balancing.
With this feature, the res_outbound can managing the amount of outbound call depends on the destination’s condition.
For example, if the destination is queue, it calculate waiting agent’s number and queue’s performance.
The res_outbound supports the stratigical retrying.
The user can set retry counts and retry delay time for each call.
The res_outbound supports customer based dial list.
The user can set the customer’s detail info such as name, detail, database key, email, ... not only for numbers And supports several types of numbers.
The res_outbound supports the call capsulization.
When the res_outbound making a call, the call kept all the resource info itself. So, if the other resources chagned later, it doesn’t affect to the existing call.
It makes call-capsulization.
The res_outbound supports the dynamic resource management.
The res_outbound supports the campaign scheduling.
The user can set the auto-start, auto-end.
The res_outbound supports variables setting.
The user can set the variables for each resources.
It can deliver to the dialplan or SIP headers.
The res_outbound supports the detail dial result.
In the result, the user can check the all the call info(original info, dialing info, result info).
Dialling stragegy. * UUI delivery. * Dial mode * Dialing control.
Customer info list. * Dial number. * UUI info.
Determine why make a call(Why).
To dial to the customer, the user need to create the campaign first and need to assign the correct resources(destination, plan, dial list master).
Then the resources determine where/what/who/how/when make a call to the customer.
The campaign has a status. See detail campaign_status.
The user can sets scheduling for campaign. See detail Scheduling.
Determine how/when to make a call(How/When).
The user can sets the dial mode. See detail Dial mode.
Service level controling the amount of dailing.
(Max available outbound call count) - (Current outbound call count) + (Service level) = (Available call count)
If the (Available call count) is bigger than 0, make a call.
The max available outbound call count is depends on the destination.
See detail Destination.
Determine who get a call after answer(Who). And it determine the max available outbound call count.
Normaly, the destination suppose to be an agent. But in the asterisk system, the destination could be anything. For example, it could be extension or application(queue).
If the destination type is application, then the res_outbound calcaulate applciation’s availablity.
Result data devided by 5 sections.
Identity info, Dial info, Result info, Timestamp info, Related resources info.