pluto*CLI> help out
out create campaign -- Create new campaign
out delete campaign -- Delete campaign
out set status {start|starting|stop|stopping|pause|pausing} on -- Set campaign parameters
out show campaigns -- List all defined outbound campaigns
out show campaign -- Shows detail campaign info
out show destinations -- List all defined outbound destinations
out show destination -- Show detail given destination info
out show dialings -- List currently on serviced dialings
out show dlma list -- Show list of dlma dial list
out show dlmas -- List all defined outbound dlmas
out show dlma -- Show detail given dlma info
out show dl -- Show detail given dl info
out show dls -- Show list of dlma dial list
out show plans -- List all defined outbound plans
out show plan -- Show detail given plan info
pluto*CLI> out show plans
Uuid Name Detail DialMode DialTimeout TrunkName TechName
4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677 sales_plan simple sales plan 1 30000 sip/
pluto*CLI> out show plan 4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677
Plan detail info. plan-uuid[4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677]
"uuid": "4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677",
"name": "sales_plan",
"detail": "simple sales plan",
"in_use": 1,
"uui_field": null,
"dial_mode": 1,
"dial_timeout": 30000,
"caller_id": null,
"dl_end_handle": 1,
"retry_delay": 50000,
"trunk_name": null,
"tech_name": "sip/",
"service_level": 0,
"max_retry_cnt_1": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_2": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_3": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_4": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_5": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_6": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_7": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_8": 5,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T12:45:58.868877001Z",
"tm_delete": null,
"tm_update": null
pluto*CLI> out show dlmas
Uuid Name Detail Table
acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc DialListMaster_Sales Test Dlma description acc994d2_04d9_4a53_bfcf_50c96f
pluto*CLI> out show dlma acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc
Dlma detail info. dlma-uuid[acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc]
"uuid": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"name": "DialListMaster_Sales",
"detail": "Test Dlma description",
"dl_table": "acc994d2_04d9_4a53_bfcf_50c96ff924bc",
"in_use": 1,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T13:29:35.820096127Z",
"tm_delete": null,
"tm_update": null
pluto*CLI> help out show dlma list
Usage: out show dlma list <dlma-uuid> <count=100>
Lists count of dial list.
pluto*CLI> out show dlma list acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc
Uuid Name Detail Num1 Num2 Num3 Num4 Num5 Num6 Num7 Num8
f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420 client 01 Dial to client 01 300
pluto*CLI> help out show dl
Usage: out show dl <dl-uuid>
Show detail given dl info.
pluto*CLI> out show dl f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420
Dl detail info. dl-uuid[f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420]
"uuid": "f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420",
"dlma_uuid": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"in_use": 1,
"name": "client 01",
"detail": "Dial to client 01",
"status": 0,
"resv_target": null,
"ukey": null,
"udata": null,
"dialing_uuid": null,
"dialing_camp_uuid": null,
"dialing_plan_uuid": null,
"number_1": "300",
"number_2": null,
"number_3": null,
"number_4": null,
"number_5": null,
"number_6": null,
"number_7": null,
"number_8": null,
"email": null,
"trycnt_1": 0,
"trycnt_2": 0,
"trycnt_3": 0,
"trycnt_4": 0,
"trycnt_5": 0,
"trycnt_6": 0,
"trycnt_7": 0,
"trycnt_8": 0,
"res_dial": 0,
"res_dial_detail": null,
"res_hangup": 0,
"res_hangup_detail": null,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T13:47:23.899652156Z",
"tm_delete": null,
"tm_update": null,
"tm_last_dial": null
pluto*CLI> help out show destinations
Usage: out show destinations
Lists all registered destinations.
pluto*CLI> out show destinations
Uuid Name Detail Type Exten Context Applicatio Data
4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94 destinatio test destination 1 park
pluto*CLI> help out show destination
Usage: out show destination <dest-uuid>
Show detail given destination info.
pluto*CLI> out show destination 4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94
Destination detail info. dest-uuid[4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94]
"uuid": "4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94",
"name": "destination test",
"detail": "test destination",
"in_use": 1,
"type": 1,
"exten": null,
"context": null,
"priority": null,
"variables": null,
"application": "park",
"data": null,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T14:14:26.443747068Z",
"tm_delete": null,
"tm_update": null
pluto*CLI> help out show campaigns
Usage: out show campaigns
Lists all currently registered campaigns.
pluto*CLI> out show campaigns
Uuid Name Detail Status Plan Dlma Dest
02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211 Sales camp test campaign 0 4ea35c4b-c acc994d2-0 4e6ed9e6-5
pluto*CLI> help out show campaign
Usage: out show campaign <camp-uuid>
Show detail given campaign info.
pluto*CLI> out show campaign 02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211
Campaign detail info. camp-uuid[02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211]
"uuid": "02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211",
"detail": "test campaign",
"name": "Sales campaign",
"status": 0,
"in_use": 1,
"next_campaign": null,
"plan": "4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677",
"dlma": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"dest": "4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94",
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T14:34:45.33929956Z",
"tm_delete": null,
"tm_update": null
pluto*CLI> help out show dialings
Usage: out show dialings
Lists all currently on service dialings.
pluto*CLI> out show dialings
Uuid Status Channel Addr Camp Plan Dlma Dest Dl
73dfbf10-8455-48e1-84b8-190b6f63cb11 1 sip/300 300 02c4aebf-7 4ea35c4b-c acc994d2-0 4e6ed9e6-5 7d545ae0-d
ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a 1 sip/300 300 02c4aebf-7 4ea35c4b-c acc994d2-0 4e6ed9e6-5 f9dfa7d2-5
pluto*CLI> help out show dialing
Usage: out show dialing <dialing-uuid>
Show detail given dialing info.
pluto*CLI> out show dialing ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a
Dialing detail info. dialing-uuid[ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a]
"uuid": "ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a",
"status": 1,
"name": "SIP/300-0000000a",
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T15:30:27.793155560Z",
"tm_update": "2016-10-22T15:30:27.799098693Z",
"tm_delete": "",
"j_dialing": {
"dialing_uuid": "ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a",
"camp_uuid": "02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211",
"plan_uuid": "4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677",
"dlma_uuid": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"dest_uuid": "4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94",
"dl_list_uuid": "f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420",
"info_camp": {
"uuid": "02c4aebf-789c-46aa-817e-b7406416d211",
"name": "Sales campaign",
"detail": "test campaign",
"status": 1,
"in_use": 1,
"next_campaign": null,
"tm_delete": null,
"dlma": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"plan": "4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677",
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T14:34:45.33929956Z",
"dest": "4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94",
"tm_update": "2016-10-22T15:30:21.705707350Z"
"info_plan": {
"uuid": "4ea35c4b-c2db-4a22-baef-443b5fadd677",
"detail": "simple sales plan",
"tech_name": "sip/",
"name": "sales_plan",
"uui_field": null,
"in_use": 1,
"max_retry_cnt_2": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_8": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_7": 5,
"dial_mode": 1,
"caller_id": null,
"max_retry_cnt_1": 5,
"dial_timeout": 30000,
"retry_delay": 50000,
"max_retry_cnt_5": 5,
"dl_end_handle": 1,
"max_retry_cnt_3": 5,
"trunk_name": null,
"tm_update": null,
"service_level": 0,
"tm_delete": null,
"max_retry_cnt_4": 5,
"max_retry_cnt_6": 5,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T12:45:58.868877001Z"
"info_dlma": {
"tm_update": null,
"uuid": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"dl_table": "acc994d2_04d9_4a53_bfcf_50c96ff924bc",
"detail": "Test Dlma description",
"name": "DialListMaster_Sales",
"in_use": 1,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T13:29:35.820096127Z",
"tm_delete": null
"info_dest": {
"tm_update": null,
"context": null,
"application": "park",
"uuid": "4e6ed9e6-5dd2-409a-b6fe-a07ca11b1e94",
"detail": "test destination",
"variables": null,
"name": "destination test",
"in_use": 1,
"priority": null,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T14:14:26.443747068Z",
"type": 1,
"exten": null,
"data": null,
"tm_delete": null
"info_dl_list": {
"dialing_uuid": null,
"tm_update": null,
"ukey": null,
"email": null,
"uuid": "f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420",
"number_1": "300",
"dialing_plan_uuid": null,
"dlma_uuid": "acc994d2-04d9-4a53-bfcf-50c96ff924bc",
"in_use": 1,
"name": "client 01",
"trycnt_5": 0,
"number_6": null,
"res_dial_detail": null,
"resv_target": null,
"number_3": null,
"detail": "Dial to client 01",
"status": 0,
"trycnt_7": 0,
"res_dial": 5,
"number_2": null,
"udata": null,
"trycnt": 3,
"trycnt_3": 0,
"dialing_camp_uuid": null,
"number_4": null,
"res_hangup": 17,
"number_5": null,
"number_7": null,
"number_8": null,
"trycnt_8": 0,
"trycnt_1": 3,
"trycnt_2": 0,
"trycnt_4": 0,
"tm_last_dial": "2016-10-22T15:28:08.232616848Z",
"trycnt_6": 0,
"res_hangup_detail": null,
"tm_create": "2016-10-22T13:47:23.899652156Z",
"tm_delete": null
"info_dial": {
"dial_application": "park",
"dial_data": "",
"dial_type": 1,
"timeout": 30000,
"dial_index": 1,
"uuid": "f9dfa7d2-5223-4b63-aca1-881ebacae420",
"dial_addr": "300",
"dial_channel": "sip/300",
"dial_trycnt": 4,
"channelid": "ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a",
"otherchannelid": "3702cb20-4eb0-40a7-926b-bbcde07451a9"
"dial_channel": "sip/300",
"dial_addr": "300",
"dial_index": 1,
"dial_trycnt": 4,
"dial_type": 1,
"dial_application": "park",
"dial_data": "",
"tm_dialing": "2016-10-22T15:30:27.793155560Z",
"channel_name": "SIP/300-0000000a"
"j_event": {
"connectedlinenum": "<unknown>",
"calleridname": "<unknown>",
"event": "Newstate",
"privilege": "call,all",
"channelstate": "5",
"channel": "SIP/300-0000000a",
"channelstatedesc": "Ringing",
"calleridnum": "<unknown>",
"connectedlinename": "<unknown>",
"linkedid": "ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a",
"language": "en",
"accountcode": "",
"context": "public",
"exten": "",
"priority": "1",
"uniqueid": "ad0a2345-08e7-4cec-bdce-36d9c4746e1a",
"tm_event": "2016-10-22T15:30:27.864585447Z"