

Add the agent(sip) info

Add the agent info to the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

This sip info is act like an agent.

Assume that we have below agent info.




Add the client/customer(sip) info

Add the client info to the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

This sip info is act like an client(customer).

Assume that we have a below client info.





pluto*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username             Host                                    Dyn Forcerport Comedia    ACL Port     Status      Description
300/300                                   D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
301/301                                   D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
302/302                                   D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
agent-01/agent-01                          D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
agent-02/agent-02                          D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
agent-03/agent-03                          D  Auto (No)  No             5060     Unmonitored
6  sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 6 online, 0 offline]

Basic tutorial

Dial to the customer. After the customer answered call, the call will be transfferred to parking lot.

Create plan

Action: OutPlanCreate
Name: sales_plan
Detail: simple sales plan
DialMode: 1
TechName: sip/

Response: Success
Message: Plan created successfully

Event: OutPlanCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
Name: sales_plan
Detail: simple sales plan
DialMode: 1
DialTimeout: 30000
CallerId: <unknown>
DlEndHandle: 1
RetryDelay: 60
TrunkName: <unknown>
TechName: sip/
Variable: <unknown>
MaxRetryCnt1: 5
MaxRetryCnt2: 5
MaxRetryCnt3: 5
MaxRetryCnt4: 5
MaxRetryCnt5: 5
MaxRetryCnt6: 5
MaxRetryCnt7: 5
MaxRetryCnt8: 5
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:10:52.930031700Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create dlma

Action: OutDlmaCreate
Name: DialListMaster_Sales
Detail: Test Dlma description

Response: Success
Message: Dlma created successfully

Event: OutDlmaCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Name: DialListMaster_Sales
Detail: Test Dlma description
DlTable: 5d56b51d_dc4d_4ec9_9e82_88e8dc3737c1
Variable: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:11:22.128567345Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create destination

Action: OutDestinationCreate
Name: destination test
Detail: test destination
Type: 1
Application: park

Response: Success
Message: Destination created successfully

Event: OutDestinationCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de
Name: destination test
Detail: test destination
Type: 1
Exten: <unknown>
Context: <unknown>
Priority: <unknown>
Variable: <unknown>
Application: park
Data: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:11:43.506539333Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create dial list

Action: OutDlListCreate
DlmaUuid: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Name: client 01
Detail: Dial to client 01
Number1: 300

Response: Success
Message: Dl list created successfully

Create campaign

Action: OutCampaignCreate
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Plan: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
Dlma: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Dest: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de

Response: Success
Message: Campaign created successfully

Event: OutCampaignCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: a438f08f-96a0-4a72-b55d-cb6a74fd91a1
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 0
Plan: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
Dlma: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Dest: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:13:09.876226960Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Update Campaign status to start

Action: OutCampaignUpdate
Uuid: a438f08f-96a0-4a72-b55d-cb6a74fd91a1
Status: 1

Response: Success
Message: Campaign updated successfully

Event: OutCampaignUpdate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: a438f08f-96a0-4a72-b55d-cb6a74fd91a1
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 11
Plan: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
Dlma: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Dest: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:13:09.876226960Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: 2016-11-15T03:00:10.125931679Z

Event: OutCampaignUpdate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: a438f08f-96a0-4a72-b55d-cb6a74fd91a1
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 1
Plan: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
Dlma: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
Dest: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T02:13:09.876226960Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: 2016-11-15T03:00:12.181524802Z

Event: OutDialingCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: d070a649-a8e0-43f1-9cf6-671cb4046016
Status: 0
CampUuid: a438f08f-96a0-4a72-b55d-cb6a74fd91a1
PlanUuid: f9866959-9cf5-49fb-aee0-878bfc7bd71f
DlmaUuid: 5d56b51d-dc4d-4ec9-9e82-88e8dc3737c1
DestUuid: a1c8d1f5-c68f-4a01-8d93-5d110ea654de
DlListUuid: 8e02be1f-cf5e-424e-8d00-001b2f9935aa
DialIndex: 1
DialAddr: 300
DialChannel: sip/300
DialTryCnt: 1
DialTimeout: 30000
DialType: 1
DialExten: <unknown>
DialContext: <unknown>
DialApplication: park
Variable: <unknown>
ChannelName: <unknown>
ResDial: 0
ResHangup: 0
ResHangupDetail: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:00:12.580796983Z
TmUpdate: <unknown>
TmDelete: <unknown>

Normal call distribute

Dial to the customer. After the customer answered call, the call will be distributed to the waiting agents.

Create a queue

Add the queue info to the /etc/asterisk/queues.conf

Assume that we have a below queue info.

musicclass = default
strategy = ringall
joinempty = yes

Add members

Add the all agents to the queue.

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-01 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-01' to queue 'sales_1'

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-02 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-02' to queue 'sales_1'

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-03 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-03' to queue 'sales_1'

Create plan

Action: OutPlanCreate
Name: queue distribute plan
Detail: simple queue distbute plan
DialMode: 1
TechName: sip/

Response: Success
Message: Plan created successfully

Event: OutPlanCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5
Name: queue distribute plan
Detail: simple queue distbute plan
DialMode: 1
DialTimeout: 30000
CallerId: <unknown>
DlEndHandle: 1
RetryDelay: 60
TrunkName: <unknown>
TechName: sip/
Variable: <unknown>
MaxRetryCnt1: 5
MaxRetryCnt2: 5
MaxRetryCnt3: 5
MaxRetryCnt4: 5
MaxRetryCnt5: 5
MaxRetryCnt6: 5
MaxRetryCnt7: 5
MaxRetryCnt8: 5
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:16:23.265536071Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create destination

Action: OutDestinationCreate
Name: destination test
Detail: test destination
Type: 1
Application: queue
Data: sales_1

Response: Success
Message: Destination created successfully

Event: OutDestinationCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae
Name: destination test
Detail: test destination
Type: 1
Exten: <unknown>
Context: <unknown>
Priority: <unknown>
Variable: <unknown>
Application: queue
Data: sales_1
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:17:11.997148863Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create dlma and dial list

Create Dlma

Action: OutDlmaCreate
Name: DialListMaster queue distribute
Detail: Test Dlma description

Response: Success
Message: Dlma created successfully

Event: OutDlmaCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Name: DialListMaster queue distribute
Detail: Test Dlma description
DlTable: bd62639a_3cbb_4fb5_9a2b_e5cdf0c336d0
Variable: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:17:46.927966757Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create dial list(dl)

Action: OutDlListCreate
DlmaUuid: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Name: client 01
Detail: Dial to client 01
Number1: 300

Response: Success
Message: Dl list created successfully

Create campaign and status update

Create campaign.

Action: OutCampaignCreate
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Plan: 947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5
Dlma: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Dest: 45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae

Response: Success
Message: Campaign created successfully

Event: OutCampaignCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 665a54d8-f672-48bd-8f05-1163e6b4dc7f
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 0
Plan: 947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5
Dlma: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Dest: 45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:20:00.77987326Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Update campaign status.

Action: OutCampaignUpdate
Uuid: 665a54d8-f672-48bd-8f05-1163e6b4dc7f
Status: 1

Response: Success
Message: Campaign updated successfully

Event: OutCampaignUpdate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 665a54d8-f672-48bd-8f05-1163e6b4dc7f
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 11
Plan: 947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5
Dlma: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Dest: 45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:20:00.77987326Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: 2016-11-15T03:20:47.283063453Z

Event: OutCampaignUpdate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 665a54d8-f672-48bd-8f05-1163e6b4dc7f
Name: Sales campaign
Detail: test campaign
Status: 1
Plan: 947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5
Dlma: bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0
Dest: 45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae
ScMode: 0
ScTimeStart: <unknown>
ScTimeEnd: <unknown>
ScDateStart: <unknown>
ScDateEnd: <unknown>
ScDateList: <unknown>
ScDateListExcept: <unknown>
ScDayList: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-11-15T03:20:00.77987326Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: 2016-11-15T03:20:48.181543776Z

Check result

tail -n 1 /var/lib/asterisk/astout.result

    "camp_uuid": "665a54d8-f672-48bd-8f05-1163e6b4dc7f",
    "channel_name": "SIP/300-00000004",
    "channelid": "ff31ef95-30ed-4713-9ae8-0b009b745183",
    "dest_uuid": "45122654-5633-4af0-a739-e32eddfbd2ae",
    "dest_variables": "",
    "dial_addr": "300",
    "dial_application": "queue",
    "dial_channel": "sip/300",
    "dial_data": "sales_1",
    "dial_index": 1,
    "dial_timeout": 30000,
    "dial_trycnt": 1,
    "dial_type": 1,
    "dialing_uuid": "ff31ef95-30ed-4713-9ae8-0b009b745183",
    "dl_list_uuid": "0686b654-16c0-4d1e-bdba-4a295c0d3434",
    "dl_variables": "",
    "dlma_uuid": "bd62639a-3cbb-4fb5-9a2b-e5cdf0c336d0",
    "otherchannelid": "07954c96-9b3a-445c-a6d6-cd34b09af83e",
    "plan_uuid": "947da8c6-88a1-4da2-a804-e4570e92fba5",
    "plan_variables": "",
    "res_dial": 4,
    "res_hangup": 16,
    "res_hangup_detail": "Normal Clearing",
    "tm_dial_begin": "2016-11-15T04:32:24.360896466Z",
    "tm_dial_end": "2016-11-15T04:32:27.686378516Z",
    "tm_dialing": "2016-11-15T04:32:20.791410475Z",
    "tm_hangup": "2016-11-15T04:32:33.257211878Z",
    "uuid": "0686b654-16c0-4d1e-bdba-4a295c0d3434",
    "variables": "{}"

Power dialing

Dial to the customer. After the customer answered call, the recorded message will be played.

Create plan

Set application Playback with data.

Create destination

Create dlma and dial list

Create campaign and status update

Check result

Transfer to the dialplan

Dial to the customer. If the customer answered call, the call will be transferred to the designated dialplan.

Sample dialplan


; ANI context: use in the same way as "time" above

exten => _X.,40000(ani),NoOp(ANI: ${EXTEN})
exten => _X.,n,Wait(0.25)
exten => _X.,n,Answer()
exten => _X.,n,Playback(vm-from)
exten => _X.,n,SayDigits(${CALLERID(ani)})
exten => _X.,n,Wait(1.25)
exten => _X.,n,SayDigits(${CALLERID(ani)})      ; playback again in case of missed digit
exten => _X.,n,Return()

Create plan

Set dialplan context, extension.

Action: OutPlanCreate
Name: test plan
Detail: extension test plan
DialMode: 1
TechName: sip/

Response: Success
Message: Plan created successfully

Event: OutPlanCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808
Name: test plan
Detail: extension test plan
DialMode: 1
DialTimeout: 30000
CallerId: <unknown>
DlEndHandle: 1
RetryDelay: 60
TrunkName: <unknown>
TechName: sip/
MaxRetryCnt1: 5
MaxRetryCnt2: 5
MaxRetryCnt3: 5
MaxRetryCnt4: 5
MaxRetryCnt5: 5
MaxRetryCnt6: 5
MaxRetryCnt7: 5
MaxRetryCnt8: 5
TmCreate: 2016-10-25T21:31:02.316412156Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create destination

Action: OutDestinationCreate
Name: test destination
Detail: extension test destination
Type: 0
Exten: 10
Context: ani
Priority: 40000

Response: Success
Message: Destination created successfully

Event: OutDestinationCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: 7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9
Name: test destination
Detail: extension test destination
Type: 0
Exten: 10
Context: ani
Priority: 40000
Variable: <unknown>
Application: <unknown>
Data: <unknown>
TmCreate: 2016-10-25T21:32:46.433808884Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Create dlma and dial list

Action: OutDlmaCreate
Name: DialListMaster_Sales
Detail: extension Test Dlma description

Response: Success
Message: Dlma created successfully

Event: OutDlmaCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0
Name: DialListMaster_Sales
Detail: extension Test Dlma description
DlTable: b0185b80_444a_4def_be23_111f89d444d0
TmCreate: 2016-10-25T21:31:49.411809915Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Action: OutDlListCreate
DlmaUuid: b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0
Name: client 01
Detail: Dial to client 01
Number1: 300

Response: Success
Message: Dl list created successfully

Create campaign and status update

Action: OutCampaignCreate
Name: test campaign
Detail: extension test campaign
Plan: 5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808
Dlma: b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0
Dest: 7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9

Response: Success
Message: Campaign created successfully

Event: OutCampaignCreate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: c8cc2b6f-178e-4118-9c0c-b662811eeba6
Name: test campaign
Detail: extension test campaign
Status: 0
Plan: 5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808
Dlma: b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0
Dest: 7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9
TmCreate: 2016-10-25T21:33:48.41309734Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: <unknown>

Action: OutCampaignUpdate
Uuid: c8cc2b6f-178e-4118-9c0c-b662811eeba6
Status: 1

Response: Success
Message: Campaign updated successfully

Event: OutCampaignUpdate
Privilege: message,all
Uuid: c8cc2b6f-178e-4118-9c0c-b662811eeba6
Name: test campaign
Detail: extension test campaign
Status: 1
Plan: 5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808
Dlma: b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0
Dest: 7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9
TmCreate: 2016-10-25T21:33:48.41309734Z
TmDelete: <unknown>
TmUpdate: 2016-10-25T21:35:10.24364534Z

Check result

   "dialing_uuid": "ed927e7e-6e59-467b-8cb8-0c44da80fa34",
   "dial_exten": "10",
   "info_dlma": {
      "name": "DialListMaster_Sales",
      "uuid": "b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0",
      "detail": "extension Test Dlma description",
      "dl_table": "b0185b80_444a_4def_be23_111f89d444d0",
      "tm_update": null,
      "in_use": 1,
      "tm_delete": null,
      "tm_create": "2016-10-25T21:31:49.411809915Z"
   "info_plan": {
      "name": "test plan",
      "trunk_name": null,
      "uuid": "5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808",
      "retry_delay": 60,
      "codecs": null,
      "detail": "extension test plan",
      "max_retry_cnt_6": 5,
      "in_use": 1,
      "dial_timeout": 30000,
      "uui_field": null,
      "max_retry_cnt_7": 5,
      "max_retry_cnt_3": 5,
      "dial_mode": 1,
      "service_level": 0,
      "caller_id": null,
      "max_retry_cnt_4": 5,
      "dl_end_handle": 1,
      "tech_name": "sip/",
      "early_media": null,
      "max_retry_cnt_5": 5,
      "max_retry_cnt_1": 5,
      "max_retry_cnt_2": 5,
      "max_retry_cnt_8": 5,
      "tm_create": "2016-10-25T21:31:02.316412156Z",
      "tm_delete": null,
      "tm_update": null
   "dial_timeout": 30000,
   "res_hangup": 16,
   "camp_uuid": "c8cc2b6f-178e-4118-9c0c-b662811eeba6",
   "info_dest": {
      "name": "test destination",
      "priority": "40000",
      "uuid": "7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9",
      "detail": "extension test destination",
      "exten": "10",
      "tm_update": null,
      "data": null,
      "in_use": 1,
      "application": null,
      "variables": null,
      "type": 0,
      "context": "ani",
      "tm_create": "2016-10-25T21:32:46.433808884Z",
      "tm_delete": null
   "dlma_uuid": "b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0",
   "dial_type": 0,
   "dial_addr": "300",
   "dial_priority": "40000",
   "plan_uuid": "5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808",
   "dial_context": "ani",
   "dest_uuid": "7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9",
   "dl_list_uuid": "a9b2efb4-9f2e-4728-8b1b-06d9928af157",
   "res_dial": 4,
   "info_camp": {
      "name": "test campaign",
      "status": 1,
      "uuid": "c8cc2b6f-178e-4118-9c0c-b662811eeba6",
      "detail": "extension test campaign",
      "in_use": 1,
      "dlma": "b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0",
      "next_campaign": null,
      "tm_delete": null,
      "plan": "5b38a18f-ff18-4cb0-97fd-8450f2f77808",
      "dest": "7b55762b-c860-46cc-a366-6bf3df46b2f9",
      "tm_create": "2016-10-25T21:33:48.41309734Z",
      "tm_update": "2016-10-25T21:35:10.24364534Z"
   "info_dl_list": {
      "res_hangup_detail": null,
      "name": "client 01",
      "status": 0,
      "number_4": null,
      "uuid": "a9b2efb4-9f2e-4728-8b1b-06d9928af157",
      "dlma_uuid": "b0185b80-444a-4def-be23-111f89d444d0",
      "in_use": 1,
      "dialing_plan_uuid": null,
      "detail": "Dial to client 01",
      "tm_delete": null,
      "dialing_camp_uuid": null,
      "ukey": null,
      "res_dial_detail": null,
      "tm_last_dial": null,
      "trycnt_4": 0,
      "tm_last_hangup": null,
      "resv_target": null,
      "dialing_uuid": null,
      "udata": null,
      "number_1": "300",
      "number_2": null,
      "trycnt_8": 0,
      "trycnt_7": 0,
      "number_3": null,
      "number_5": null,
      "number_6": null,
      "number_7": null,
      "trycnt_2": 0,
      "number_8": null,
      "trycnt_1": 0,
      "email": null,
      "trycnt_3": 0,
      "trycnt_5": 0,
      "tm_create": "2016-10-25T21:32:23.177900592Z",
      "trycnt_6": 0,
      "res_dial": 0,
      "res_hangup": 0,
      "tm_update": null,
      "trycnt": 0
   "tm_hangup": "2016-10-25T21:35:16.591497163Z",
   "info_dial": {
      "dial_timeout": 30000,
      "dial_exten": "10",
      "dial_priority": "40000",
      "dial_context": "ani",
      "dial_addr": "300",
      "dial_index": 1,
      "dial_type": 0,
      "dial_trycnt": 1,
      "uuid": "a9b2efb4-9f2e-4728-8b1b-06d9928af157",
      "dial_channel": "sip/300",
      "channelid": "ed927e7e-6e59-467b-8cb8-0c44da80fa34",
      "otherchannelid": "0792c7fe-5fb4-4826-9938-306e43bce448"
   "dial_index": 1,
   "dial_trycnt": 1,
   "uuid": "a9b2efb4-9f2e-4728-8b1b-06d9928af157",
   "dial_channel": "sip/300",
   "channelid": "ed927e7e-6e59-467b-8cb8-0c44da80fa34",
   "tm_dial_end": "2016-10-25T21:35:14.333766501Z",
   "info_events": [],
   "otherchannelid": "0792c7fe-5fb4-4826-9938-306e43bce448",
   "tm_dialing": "2016-10-25T21:35:10.462824521Z",
   "channel_name": "SIP/300-00000000",
   "res_hangup_detail": "Normal Clearing"

Transfer to the dialplan check Human/Machine

Dial to the customer. If the customer answered call, the call will be transferred to the designated dialplan.

Then check the who is answered it(Human/Machine).

Create plan

Set dialplan context, extension. AMD() application.

Create destination

Create dlma and dial list

Create campaign and status update

Check result

Outbound with trunk

Dial to the customer with trunk.

With correct trunk setting, it could call to the PSTN/Mobile.

Set/Check trunk info

Create plan

Set dialplan context, extension, trunk name.

Create destination

Create dlma and dial list

Create campaign and status update

Check result

Sending an SMS/Fax/Email

Using variables and dialplan, we can send an SMS/Fax/Email to the customers.

Setting dialplan

Create plan

Create destination

Create dlma and dial list

Check result