Deep Neural Network for MNIST Handwriting Recognition  1.0
Deep Neural Network for MNIST Handwriting Recognition
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 mnist-stats.cUtitlies for displaying details of processing the MNIST data set in the terminal screen
 mnist-stats.hUtitlies for displaying details of processing the MNIST data set in the terminal screen
 mnist-utils.cUtitlies for handling the MNIST data set files
 mnist-utils.hUtitlies for handling the MNIST data set files
 screen.cUtitlies for advanced input and output to the terminal screen
 screen.hUtitlies for advanced input and output to the terminal screen
 knn.cKNN classification
 dnn.cCore network library for a deep neural network
 dnn.hCore network library for a deep neural network