Deep Neural Network for MNIST Handwriting Recognition  1.0
Deep Neural Network for MNIST Handwriting Recognition
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CColumnVariably-sized data structure modeling a vector of nodes
 CConnectionData structure attached to a node and pointing to another node as well as to a weight
 CLayerVariably-sized data structure holding a definable number of columns that form a layer
 CLayerDefinitionData structure allowing users to define the characteristics of a network
 CMNIST_ImageData block defining a MNIST image
 CMNIST_ImageFileHeaderData block defining a MNIST image file header
 CMNIST_LabelFileHeaderData block defining a MNIST label file header
 CNetworkVariably-sized data structure that serves as the over container for a whole network
 CNodeVariably-sized data structure modeling a neuron with a variable number of connections/weights
 CVectorVariably-sized data structure defining a vector with "count" doubles
 CVolumeData structure defining a 3-dimensional vector used to define the size of a node map