A simple 3-layer neural network to recognize handwritten single digit numbers from the MNIST image files.
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 3lnn.cNeural network functionality for a 3-layer (INPUT, HIDDEN, OUTPUT) feed-forward, back-prop NN
 3lnn.hNeural network functionality for a 3-layer (INPUT, HIDDEN, OUTPUT) feed-forward, back-prop NN
 mnist-stats.cUtitlies for displaying processing details in the terminal
 mnist-stats.hUtitlies for displaying processing details in the terminal
 mnist-utils.cUtitlies for handling the MNIST files
 mnist-utils.hUtitlies for handling the MNIST files
 screen.cUtitlies for advanced input and output to terminal screen
 screen.hUtitlies for advanced input and output to terminal screen