Dynamic data structure containing defined number of values.
int getNetworkClassification(Network *nn)
Returns the network's classification using the ID of teh node with the hightest output.
ActFctType outLayerActType
void backPropagateNetwork(Network *nn, int targetClassification)
Back propagates network error from output layer to hidden layer.
double learningRate
Factor by which connection weight changes are applied.
Dynamic data structure holding a definable number of nodes that form a layer.
void feedInput(Network *nn, Vector *v)
Feeds some Vector data into the INPUT layer of the NN.
ActFctType hidLayerActType
Network * createNetwork(int inpCount, int hidCount, int outCount)
Creates a dynamically-sized, 3-layer (INTPUT, HIDDEN, OUTPUT) neural network.
void feedForwardNetwork(Network *nn)
Feeds input layer values forward to hidden to output layer (calculation and activation fct) ...
Dynamic data structure modeling a neuron with a variable number of connections/weights.
Dynamic data structure holding the whole network.