Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library

Image recognition DNN (GoogleNet, AlexNet, ResNet) More...


class  imageNet
 Image recognition with classification networks, using TensorRT. More...


 Command-line options able to be passed to imageNet::Create() More...
 Name of default input blob for imageNet model. More...
 Name of default output confidence values for imageNet model. More...
 Command-line options able to be passed to imageNet::Create() More...

Detailed Description

Image recognition DNN (GoogleNet, AlexNet, ResNet)

Macro Definition Documentation


"detectNet arguments: \n" \
" --network NETWORK pre-trained model to load, one of the following:\n" \
" * pednet (default)\n" \
" * multiped\n" \
" * facenet\n" \
" * ssd-mobilenet-v1\n" \
" * ssd-mobilenet-v2\n" \
" * ssd-inception-v2\n" \
" * coco-airplane\n" \
" * coco-bottle\n" \
" * coco-chair\n" \
" * coco-dog\n" \
" --model MODEL path to custom model to load (.caffemodel, .uff, or .onnx)\n" \
" --prototxt PROTOTXT path to custom prototxt to load (for .caffemodel only)\n" \
" --class_labels LABELS path to text file containing the labels for each class\n" \
" --threshold THRESHOLD minimum threshold for detection (default is 0.5)\n" \
" --input_blob INPUT name of the input layer (default is '" DETECTNET_DEFAULT_INPUT "')\n" \
" --output_cvg COVERAGE name of the coverge output layer (default is '" DETECTNET_DEFAULT_COVERAGE "')\n" \
" --output_bbox BOXES name of the bounding output layer (default is '" DETECTNET_DEFAULT_BBOX "')\n" \
" --mean_pixel PIXEL mean pixel value to subtract from input (default is 0.0)\n" \
" --batch_size BATCH maximum batch size (default is 1)\n"
Name of default output blob of the grid of bounding boxes for DetectNet caffe model.
Definition: detectNet.h:46
Name of default output blob of the coverage map for DetectNet caffe model.
Definition: detectNet.h:40
Name of default input blob for DetectNet caffe model.
Definition: detectNet.h:34

Command-line options able to be passed to imageNet::Create()



Name of default input blob for imageNet model.



Name of default output confidence values for imageNet model.


"imageNet arguments: \n" \
" --network NETWORK pre-trained model to load, one of the following:\n" \
" * alexnet\n" \
" * googlenet (default)\n" \
" * googlenet-12\n" \
" * resnet-18\n" \
" * resnet-50\n" \
" * resnet-101\n" \
" * resnet-152\n" \
" * vgg-16\n" \
" * vgg-19\n" \
" * inception-v4\n" \
" --model MODEL path to custom model to load (.caffemodel, .uff, or .onnx)\n" \
" --prototxt PROTOTXT path to custom prototxt to load (for .caffemodel only)\n" \
" --labels LABELS path to text file containing the labels for each class\n" \
" --input_blob INPUT name of the input layer (default is '" IMAGENET_DEFAULT_INPUT "')\n" \
" --output_blob OUTPUT name of the output layer (default is '" IMAGENET_DEFAULT_OUTPUT "')\n" \
" --batch_size BATCH maximum batch size (default is 1)\n"
Name of default input blob for imageNet model.
Definition: imageNet.h:34
Name of default output confidence values for imageNet model.
Definition: imageNet.h:40

Command-line options able to be passed to imageNet::Create()