![]() |
Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library
This is the complete list of members for detectNet, including all inherited members.
allocDetections() | detectNet | protected |
AllowGPUFallback() const | tensorNet | inline |
clusterDetections(Detection *detections, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) | detectNet | protected |
COCO_AIRPLANE enum value | detectNet | |
COCO_BOTTLE enum value | detectNet | |
COCO_CHAIR enum value | detectNet | |
COCO_DOG enum value | detectNet | |
Create(NetworkType networkType=PEDNET_MULTI, float threshold=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true) | detectNet | static |
Create(const char *prototxt_path, const char *model_path, const char *mean_binary, const char *class_labels, float threshold=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, const char *input=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_INPUT, const char *coverage=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_COVERAGE, const char *bboxes=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_BBOX, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true) | detectNet | static |
Create(const char *prototxt_path, const char *model_path, float mean_pixel=0.0f, const char *class_labels=NULL, float threshold=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, const char *input=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_INPUT, const char *coverage=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_COVERAGE, const char *bboxes=DETECTNET_DEFAULT_BBOX, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true) | detectNet | static |
Create(const char *model_path, const char *class_labels, float threshold, const char *input, const Dims3 &inputDims, const char *output, const char *numDetections, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true) | detectNet | static |
Create(int argc, char **argv) | detectNet | static |
CreateStream(bool nonBlocking=true) | tensorNet | |
CUSTOM enum value | detectNet | |
defaultClassDesc() | detectNet | protected |
defaultColors() | detectNet | protected |
Detect(float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, Detection **detections, uint32_t overlay=OVERLAY_BOX) | detectNet | |
Detect(float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, Detection *detections, uint32_t overlay=OVERLAY_BOX) | detectNet | |
DetectNativePrecision(const std::vector< precisionType > &nativeTypes, precisionType type) | tensorNet | static |
DetectNativePrecision(precisionType precision, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU) | tensorNet | static |
DetectNativePrecisions(deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU) | tensorNet | static |
detectNet(float meanPixel=0.0f) | detectNet | protected |
EnableDebug() | tensorNet | |
EnableLayerProfiler() | tensorNet | |
FACENET enum value | detectNet | |
FindFastestPrecision(deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowInt8=true) | tensorNet | static |
GetClassDesc(uint32_t index) const | detectNet | inline |
GetClassPath() const | detectNet | inline |
GetClassSynset(uint32_t index) const | detectNet | inline |
GetDevice() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetMaxDetections() const | detectNet | inline |
GetModelPath() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetModelType() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetNetworkTime() | tensorNet | inline |
GetNumClasses() const | detectNet | inline |
GetPrecision() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetProfilerTime(profilerQuery query) | tensorNet | inline |
GetProfilerTime(profilerQuery query, profilerDevice device) | tensorNet | inline |
GetPrototxtPath() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetStream() const | tensorNet | inline |
GetThreshold() const | detectNet | inline |
gLogger | tensorNet | protected |
gProfiler | tensorNet | protected |
init(const char *prototxt_path, const char *model_path, const char *mean_binary, const char *class_labels, float threshold, const char *input, const char *coverage, const char *bboxes, uint32_t maxBatchSize, precisionType precision, deviceType device, bool allowGPUFallback) | detectNet | protected |
IsModelType(modelType type) const | tensorNet | inline |
IsPrecision(precisionType type) const | tensorNet | inline |
loadClassDesc(const char *filename) | detectNet | protected |
LoadNetwork(const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean=NULL, const char *input_blob="data", const char *output_blob="prob", uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL) | tensorNet | |
LoadNetwork(const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean, const char *input_blob, const std::vector< std::string > &output_blobs, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL) | tensorNet | |
LoadNetwork(const char *prototxt, const char *model, const char *mean, const char *input_blob, const Dims3 &input_dims, const std::vector< std::string > &output_blobs, uint32_t maxBatchSize=DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, precisionType precision=TYPE_FASTEST, deviceType device=DEVICE_GPU, bool allowGPUFallback=true, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator=NULL, cudaStream_t stream=NULL) | tensorNet | |
mAllowGPUFallback | tensorNet | protected |
mCacheCalibrationPath | tensorNet | protected |
mCacheEnginePath | tensorNet | protected |
mClassColors | detectNet | protected |
mClassDesc | detectNet | protected |
mClassPath | detectNet | protected |
mClassSynset | detectNet | protected |
mContext | tensorNet | protected |
mCoverageThreshold | detectNet | protected |
mCustomClasses | detectNet | protected |
mDetectionSet | detectNet | protected |
mDetectionSets | detectNet | protected |
mDevice | tensorNet | protected |
mEnableDebug | tensorNet | protected |
mEnableProfiler | tensorNet | protected |
mEngine | tensorNet | protected |
mEventsCPU | tensorNet | protected |
mEventsGPU | tensorNet | protected |
mHeight | tensorNet | protected |
mInfer | tensorNet | protected |
mInputBlobName | tensorNet | protected |
mInputCPU | tensorNet | protected |
mInputCUDA | tensorNet | protected |
mInputDims | tensorNet | protected |
mInputSize | tensorNet | protected |
mMaxBatchSize | tensorNet | protected |
mMaxDetections | detectNet | protected |
mMeanPath | tensorNet | protected |
mMeanPixel | detectNet | protected |
mModelPath | tensorNet | protected |
mModelType | tensorNet | protected |
mNumClasses | detectNet | protected |
mNumDetectionSets | detectNet | protectedstatic |
mOutputs | tensorNet | protected |
mPrecision | tensorNet | protected |
mProfilerQueriesDone | tensorNet | protected |
mProfilerQueriesUsed | tensorNet | protected |
mProfilerTimes | tensorNet | protected |
mPrototxtPath | tensorNet | protected |
mStream | tensorNet | protected |
mWidth | tensorNet | protected |
NetworkType enum name | detectNet | |
NetworkTypeFromStr(const char *model_name) | detectNet | static |
Overlay(float *input, float *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, Detection *detections, uint32_t numDetections, uint32_t flags=OVERLAY_BOX) | detectNet | |
OVERLAY_BOX enum value | detectNet | |
OVERLAY_LABEL enum value | detectNet | |
OVERLAY_NONE enum value | detectNet | |
OverlayFlags enum name | detectNet | |
PEDNET enum value | detectNet | |
PEDNET_MULTI enum value | detectNet | |
PrintProfilerTimes() | tensorNet | inline |
ProfileModel(const std::string &deployFile, const std::string &modelFile, const char *input, const Dims3 &inputDims, const std::vector< std::string > &outputs, uint32_t maxBatchSize, precisionType precision, deviceType device, bool allowGPUFallback, nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator *calibrator, std::ostream &modelStream) | tensorNet | protected |
PROFILER_BEGIN(profilerQuery query) | tensorNet | inlineprotected |
PROFILER_END(profilerQuery query) | tensorNet | inlineprotected |
PROFILER_QUERY(profilerQuery query) | tensorNet | inlineprotected |
SetClassColor(uint32_t classIndex, float r, float g, float b, float a=255.0f) | detectNet | |
SetStream(cudaStream_t stream) | tensorNet | |
SetThreshold(float threshold) | detectNet | inline |
tensorNet() | tensorNet | protected |
Usage() | detectNet | inlinestatic |
~detectNet() | detectNet | virtual |
~tensorNet() | tensorNet | virtual |