Introduction Points of focus

"These main points of focus labeled are the most important to focus on when defending yourself from an attacker. Being that they are the most sensitive, you will get the most reaction from the attacker when making sure to hit these vulnerable spots."

Defense Move #1 Knee to groind

"This move is most affective when you are being attacked from the front.

Step 1: Move your hands forward and make a fist in front of your pelvis.
Step 2: Hit the attacker’s nose with your forehead.
Step 3: Hit attacker in the groind with your knee with force(if attacker is a man.)"

Defense Move #2 Hand to face
+ Knee to groind

"If there is a little bit of room between you and the attcker, you can protect yourself by extending your right arm and hitting him or her with your palm in the area."

Defense Move #3 Knock Down

"If you are attacked from behind, to set yourself free, quickly bend back and try to hit the attacker with the back of your head. quickly bend down, grab his leg and get up pulling it with you. Now the attacker will lose balance and you will be able to drop even the biggest opponent."

Defense Move #4 Elbow Shocker

"Hit the attacker’s temple, jaw, or nose with an arched move. After this, the attacker will take a few steps back. Now hit him in his belly or chest."

Defense Move #5 Hand Twist

"Rotate your arm to the side of the attacker’s thumb. If he is holding your arm tightly, rotate your wrist toward the thumb. When your arm is under the attacker’s, pull your arm as strongly as you can."

Defense Move #6 Simple Defenses

"Grab the wrist. Grab his/her little finger and his ring finger with one hand, and his middle and index finger with the other and bend the wrist forward. If you can’t grab your opponent’s hand, hit him with a fist or with a finger between the collarbones or into his Adam’s apple. This will allow you to disorient your opponent enough that it will take him a long time to come back to his senses."