The "engravingDefaults" structure contains key/value pairs defining recommended defaults for line widths etc., as follows, with all measurements expressed in staff spaces:
Key name | Description |
"staffLineThickness" | The thickness of each staff line |
"stemThickness" | The thickness of a stem |
"beamThickness" | The thickness of a beam |
"beamSpacing" | The distance between the inner edge of the primary and outer edge of subsequent secondary beams |
"legerLineThickness" | The thickness of a leger line (normally somewhat thicker than a staff line) |
"legerLineExtension" | The amount by which a leger line should extend either side of a notehead, scaled proportionally with the notehead's size, e.g. when scaled down as a grace note |
"slurEndpointThickness" | The thickness of the end of a slur |
"slurMidpointThickness" | The thickness of the mid-point of a slur (i.e. its thickest point) |
"tieEndpointThickness" | The thickness of the end of a tie |
"tieMidpointThickness" | The thickness of the mid-point of a tie |
"thinBarlineThickness" | The thickness of a thin barline, e.g. a normal barline, or each of the lines of a double barline |
"thickBarlineThickness" | The thickness of a thick barline, e.g. in a final barline or a repeat barline |
"dashedBarlineThickness" | The thickness of a dashed barline |
"dashedBarlineDashLength" | The length of the dashes to be used in a dashed barline |
"dashedBarlineGapLength" | The length of the gap between dashes in a dashed barline |
"barlineSeparation" | The default distance between multiple barlines when locked together, e.g. between two thin barlines making a double barline, or a thin and a thick barline making a final barline, measured from the right-hand edge of the left barline to the left-hand edge of the right barline. |
"repeatBarlineDotSeparation" | The default horizontal distance between the dots and the inner barline of a repeat barline, measured from the edge of the dots to the edge of the barline. |
"bracketThickness" | The thickness of the vertical line of a bracket grouping staves together |
"subBracketThickness" | The thickness of the vertical line of a sub-bracket grouping staves belonging to the same instrument together |
"hairpinThickness" | The thickness of a crescendo/diminuendo hairpin |
"octaveLineThickness" | The thickness of the dashed line used for an octave line |
"pedalLineThickness" | The thickness of the line used for piano pedaling |
"repeatEndingLineThickness" | The thickness of the brackets drawn to indicate repeat endings |
"arrowShaftThickness" | The thickness of the line used for the shaft of an arrow |
"lyricLineThickness" | The thickness of the lyric extension line to indicate a melisma in vocal music |
"textEnclosureThickness" | The thickness of a box drawn around text instructions (e.g. rehearsal marks) |
"tupletBracketThickness" | The thickness of the brackets drawn either side of tuplet numbers |
Below is a dummy "engravingDefaults" structure, with some of the values filled in:
"engravingDefaults": {
"staffLineThickness": 0.1,
"stemThickness": 0.1,
"beamThickness": 0.5,
"beamSpacing": 0.25,
"legerLineThickness": 0.2,
"legerLineExtension": 0.2,