SC Shortname: Return

Return: Users are provided with the ability to return to a previous point in their user journey after switching context or changing applications such that:

Suggestion for Priority Level:


Related Glossary additions or changes


What Principle and Guideline the SC falls within.

Principle 3, Guideline 3.3.3


The intent of this success criteria is to allow users to easily retrace steps in a user journey at any point during the journey, returning to the point in the process where any change in context or application occurred.

This is especially important for people with learning and cognitive disability who may be more likely to become disorientated or confused during a complex user journey that involves changes in context and the applications being used. They may wish to return to a previous point in their user journey without having to significantly reoriented themselves or re-input data. For example, a working group member was booking a trip online using an application on a mobile device. After selecting a destination, they proceeded to access reviews of hotels in the area using a different application. Upon finding a suitable hotel they wished to return to the application that was being used to book the trip. If the user is not returned to the point at which they left off in the booking application, they may become disorientated and abandon the entire process.

For people who are prone to making mistakes it is vital that data has been entered correctly and that it is not deleted when returning to the process after a change in context or application. Each time the user has to re-enter data there is a new chance for mistakes to occur. For people with learning and cognitive disability repeated data entry can be a stressful and tiring activity. Therefore, if the user has to redo a form each time they return to the form, the likelihood of mistakes with data entry increases significantly and it may become impossible to submit all data correctly leading to the user being unable to complete the intended task


Changing context or switching between applications can be disorientating. Allowing all users, but especially those with learning and cognitive disabilities, to return to previous points in their user journey without loss of data that has already been entered via a clearly labelled action will greatly simplify navigation and decrease the likelihood of incorrect data entry. Return can simplify actions and reduce fear of failure, and make it possible for users to complete their user journey or task.

The benefits of having data remaining intact, even if submitted in error, allows for correction where short term memory is poor and for those with learning disabilities.

It is part of the theme to prevent the user from making mistakes and make it easy to correct mistakes when they do occur.

Related Resources

See also

WAI Tutorials - Form Notifications


In a process which requires a user to change context, confirm that at every step all of the following are true:
  1. A user can go back any given steps in a process or user journey via a clearly labelled action.
  2. A user can return to the place they were prior to a change in context or change in application, via a clearly labelled action,
  3. Previously inputted data is not lost and does not need to be replaced.


working groups notes (optional)

We may be able to merge with the undo SC. This is a variation on the Undo SC with the emphasis being on navigation rather than data correction. Its primary function is to allow users to return to previous points on their user journey without becoming disorientated, especially where there have been changes in context or applications. The problem of disorientation is particularly prevalent when using mobile devices.