SC Shortname: Identify Charges

SC Text

Identify Charges:

Identify Charges: All types of charges are identified at the start of transaction tasks. When a minimum or typical value is known for a type of charge it must be be made clear at the start of the transaction task. Conditions and terms are available at the start of transaction tasks.


Suggestion for Priority Level:


Related Glossary additions or changes


What Principle and Guideline the SC falls within.

Principle 3, Guideline 3.3: Help users avoid and correct mistakes.


The intent of this Success Criterion is to ensure that final transactions do not include charges or conditions that are unknown because they are not apparent to a user at the start of a transaction task. Identifying charges and conditions at the start of a transaction task will give the user necessary information, allowing them to decide whether to start a process that includes a transaction or not.

Under Guideline 3.3 the current Success Criterion focuses on user input and help but does not include a Success Criterion that mitigates mistakes as a result of unknown information such as charges and conditions. Users with cognitive disabilities who have trouble with memory, attention to detail or reading comprehension may not be aware of charges unless they are explicitly noted at the start of a transaction task. We allow terms and conditions to be under a link but charges must be clearly displayed.



Clearly identifying charges and conditions at the start of a transaction task benefits all users. Those with cognitive disabilities will particularly benefit from clear identification at the start of a transaction task, particularly if the charge or condition is inferred, assumed or only identified early in the user flow or in another location, for example on the homepage.

People with impaired Executive Function or memory, need to have all the consequences presented in an orderly form to be able to make an informed decision. When charges are not clear, the consent of the transaction is unclear.

Further, people with Learning and Cognitive disabilities are particularly susceptible to scams and marketing tricks. It also can take much longer for users with disabilities to go through the process of making a purchase. If a person has spent hours making an online purchase, it is much more difficult and upsetting to find out that they cannot afford it. They will often blame themselves for not understanding the price and may experience a loss of confidence. They may stop trusting themselves for day-to-day activities.


This Success Criteria has the following benefits:

  • Final transactions will not include unknown charges that result in higher-than-expected total charges
  • Final transactions will not include conditions of purchase that are not apparent to users.
  • Users will not engage in transactions that contain charges or conditions that they do not want.
  • Users will be more likely to make an informed decision

This Success Criterion helps a wide range of people with differing cognitive disabilities including people with:

  • Memory-related disabilities
  • Disabilities that affect executive function and decision making
  • Focus and attention-related disabilities

Related Resources


A Website used for purchasing a product

Step 1 - Go to a page where you can select a product and add the product to the shopping cart

Step 2 - Verify that any charges associated with the product are displayed, for example an indicator that shipping costs will be charged along with the amount of the product if known at this time in the purchase flow.

Step 3 - Add the product to the shopping cart

Step 4 - Start the checkout process

Step 5 - Verify that any charges associated with the product indicated in Step 2 are explicitly displayed within the checkout process and any additional charges, for example sales tax are also displayed

Step 6 - Place the final order

Pass: Only charges displayed on the product page in Step 2 or during the checkout process in Step 4 are charged


  • Clarifying charges are made clear at the start of the transaction task
  • Clarifying terms
  • Using semantics to clarify terms
  • Failure: having hidden charges that are only brought to the users' attention after they have given their credit card information. All charges must be clear before the start of the transaction task.

working groups notes (optional)



removed example , a no return policy, may be provided on the terms page but may not be identified at the beginning of the checkout process resulting in an unwanted purchase.