SchemaSpy Analysis of qwat.qwat_vl - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on mar. mars 21 17:52 CET 2017
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

qwat.qwat_vl contains 450 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
status active bool 1  √  true
status functional bool 1  √  true
pipe_function major bool 1 true
pipe_function schema_visible bool 1 true
valve_actuation schema_visible bool 1 true
valve_function schema_visible bool 1 true
bedding vl_active bool 1  √  true
cistern vl_active bool 1  √  true
cover_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
hydrant_material vl_active bool 1  √  true
hydrant_model_inf vl_active bool 1  √  true
hydrant_model_sup vl_active bool 1  √  true
hydrant_output vl_active bool 1  √  true
hydrant_provider vl_active bool 1  √  true
leak_cause vl_active bool 1  √  true
locationtype vl_active bool 1  √  true
object_reference vl_active bool 1  √  true
overflow vl_active bool 1  √  true
part_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
pipe_function vl_active bool 1  √  true
pipe_installmethod vl_active bool 1  √  true
pipe_material vl_active bool 1  √  true
pipe_protection vl_active bool 1  √  true
precision vl_active bool 1  √  true
precisionalti vl_active bool 1  √  true
pressurecontrol_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
protectionzone_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
pump_operating vl_active bool 1  √  true
pump_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
remote_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
source_quality vl_active bool 1  √  true
source_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
status vl_active bool 1  √  true
subscriber_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
survey_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
tank_firestorage vl_active bool 1  √  true
value_list_base vl_active bool 1  √  true
valve_actuation vl_active bool 1  √  true
valve_function vl_active bool 1  √  true
valve_maintenance vl_active bool 1  √  true
valve_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
visible vl_active bool 1  √  true
watertype vl_active bool 1  √  true
worker_type vl_active bool 1  √  true
visible vl_code bool 1  √  null
pipe_material wall_thickness numeric 4,1  √  null
pipe_function code_sire int2 5  √  null
pipe_material code_sire int2 5  √  null
precision code_sire int2 5  √  null
precisionalti code_sire int2 5  √  null
pump_operating code_sire int2 5  √  null
pump_type code_sire int2 5  √  null
source_quality code_sire int2 5  √  null
source_type code_sire int2 5  √  null
status code_sire int2 5  √  null
survey_type code_sire int2 5  √  null
watertype code_sire int2 5  √  null
pipe_material diameter_nominal int2 5  √  null The nominal diameter (DN) is a number that represents the approximate interior diameter, in mm. It's commonly used when referring steel/iron pipes but also for GRP.
hydrant_material pressure_nominal int2 5  √  null nominal pressure in bars
valve_maintenance priority int2 5  √  null
visible vl_code_int int2 5  √  null
pipe_material diameter_external numeric 7,3  √  null Commonly used when referring to plastic pipes.
pipe_material diameter_internal numeric 7,3  √  null
pipe_material diameter varchar 10  √  null Represents the usual name of the pipe diameter (how you call it). Commonly, it should be equivalent to: - the external diameter for plastic pipe - the nominal diameter for iron/steel and GRP
bedding id int4 10
cistern id int4 10
cover_type id int4 10
hydrant_material id int4 10
hydrant_model_inf id int4 10
hydrant_model_sup id int4 10
hydrant_output id int4 10
hydrant_provider id int4 10
leak_cause id int4 10
locationtype id int4 10
object_reference id int4 10
overflow id int4 10
part_type id int4 10
pipe_function id int4 10
pipe_installmethod id int4 10
pipe_material id int4 10
pipe_protection id int4 10
precision id int4 10
precisionalti id int4 10
pressurecontrol_type id int4 10
protectionzone_type id int4 10
pump_operating id int4 10
pump_type id int4 10
remote_type id int4 10
source_quality id int4 10
source_type id int4 10
status id int4 10
subscriber_type id int4 10
survey_type id int4 10
tank_firestorage id int4 10
value_list_base id int4 10
valve_actuation id int4 10
valve_function id int4 10
valve_maintenance id int4 10
valve_type id int4 10
visible id int4 10
watertype id int4 10
worker_type id int4 10
bedding short_en varchar 10  √  null
cistern short_en varchar 10  √  null
cover_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_material short_en varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_inf short_en varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_sup short_en varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_output short_en varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_provider short_en varchar 10  √  null
leak_cause short_en varchar 10  √  null
locationtype short_en varchar 10  √  null
object_reference short_en varchar 10  √  null
overflow short_en varchar 10  √  null
part_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
pipe_function short_en varchar 10  √  null
pipe_installmethod short_en varchar 10  √  null
pipe_material short_en varchar 10  √  null
pipe_protection short_en varchar 10  √  null
precision short_en varchar 10  √  null
precisionalti short_en varchar 10  √  null
pressurecontrol_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
protectionzone_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
pump_operating short_en varchar 10  √  null
pump_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
remote_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
source_quality short_en varchar 10  √  null
source_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
status short_en varchar 10  √  null
subscriber_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
survey_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
tank_firestorage short_en varchar 10  √  null
value_list_base short_en varchar 10  √  null
valve_actuation short_en varchar 10  √  null
valve_function short_en varchar 10  √  null
valve_maintenance short_en varchar 10  √  null
valve_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
visible short_en varchar 10  √  null
watertype short_en varchar 10  √  null
worker_type short_en varchar 10  √  null
bedding short_fr varchar 10  √  null
cistern short_fr varchar 10  √  null
cover_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_material short_fr varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_inf short_fr varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_sup short_fr varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_output short_fr varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_provider short_fr varchar 10  √  null
leak_cause short_fr varchar 10  √  null
locationtype short_fr varchar 10  √  null
object_reference short_fr varchar 10  √  null
overflow short_fr varchar 10  √  null
part_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pipe_function short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pipe_installmethod short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pipe_material short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pipe_protection short_fr varchar 10  √  null
precision short_fr varchar 10  √  null
precisionalti short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pressurecontrol_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
protectionzone_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pump_operating short_fr varchar 10  √  null
pump_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
remote_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
source_quality short_fr varchar 10  √  null
source_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
status short_fr varchar 10  √  null
subscriber_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
survey_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
tank_firestorage short_fr varchar 10  √  null
value_list_base short_fr varchar 10  √  null
valve_actuation short_fr varchar 10  √  null
valve_function short_fr varchar 10  √  null
valve_maintenance short_fr varchar 10  √  null
valve_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
visible short_fr varchar 10  √  null
watertype short_fr varchar 10  √  null
worker_type short_fr varchar 10  √  null
bedding short_ro varchar 10  √  null
cistern short_ro varchar 10  √  null
cover_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_material short_ro varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_inf short_ro varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_model_sup short_ro varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_output short_ro varchar 10  √  null
hydrant_provider short_ro varchar 10  √  null
leak_cause short_ro varchar 10  √  null
locationtype short_ro varchar 10  √  null
object_reference short_ro varchar 10  √  null
overflow short_ro varchar 10  √  null
part_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pipe_function short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pipe_installmethod short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pipe_material short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pipe_protection short_ro varchar 10  √  null
precision short_ro varchar 10  √  null
precisionalti short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pressurecontrol_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
protectionzone_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pump_operating short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pump_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
remote_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
source_quality short_ro varchar 10  √  null
source_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
status short_ro varchar 10  √  null
subscriber_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
survey_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
tank_firestorage short_ro varchar 10  √  null
value_list_base short_ro varchar 10  √  null
valve_actuation short_ro varchar 10  √  null
valve_function short_ro varchar 10  √  null
valve_maintenance short_ro varchar 10  √  null
valve_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
visible short_ro varchar 10  √  null
watertype short_ro varchar 10  √  null
worker_type short_ro varchar 10  √  null
pipe_material sn int4 10  √  null Refers to the SN Nominal Stiffness in N/m² and it's specific to GRP pipes. The greater a pipe?s wall thickness, the greater is its stiffness and therefore its ability to resist external bending loads or low internal pressure. From a mechanical point of view, it has proved useful to classify GRP pipes according to their stiffness ? as opposed to wall thickness. SN 2500 - These pipes are suitable for buried installation, but are mainly used for relining. SN 5000 - Pipes of this stiffness are selected for minor loads, for example when installed in mixed soil at a depth of 3 m and a live load corresponding to a 60 t truck. SN 10000 - These pipes are designed for high loads, for example for installation in mixed soil at a depth of 4 m or a live load corresponding to a 60 t truck with little soil cover.
pipe_material pressure_nominal float8 17,17  √  null nominal pressure in bars
pipe_material sdr float8 17,17  √  null
pipe_material _displayname_en varchar 30  √  null
pipe_material _displayname_fr varchar 30  √  null
pipe_material _displayname_ro varchar 30  √  null
bedding value_en varchar 50  √  null
cistern value_en varchar 50  √  null
cover_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
hydrant_material value_en varchar 50  √  null
hydrant_model_inf value_en varchar 50  √  null
hydrant_model_sup value_en varchar 50  √  null
hydrant_output value_en varchar 50  √  null
hydrant_provider value_en varchar 50  √  null
leak_cause value_en varchar 50  √  null
locationtype value_en varchar 50  √  null
object_reference value_en varchar 50  √  null
overflow value_en varchar 50  √  null
part_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
pipe_function value_en varchar 50  √  null
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pipe_material value_en varchar 50  √  null
pipe_protection value_en varchar 50  √  null
precision value_en varchar 50  √  null
precisionalti value_en varchar 50  √  null
pressurecontrol_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
protectionzone_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
pump_operating value_en varchar 50  √  null
pump_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
remote_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
source_quality value_en varchar 50  √  null
source_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
status value_en varchar 50  √  null
subscriber_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
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watertype value_en varchar 50  √  null
worker_type value_en varchar 50  √  null
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cistern value_fr varchar 50  √  null
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worker_type value_ro varchar 50  √  null
bedding description_en text 2147483647  √  null
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