Table qwat.qwat_vl.pipe_material
List of materials for pipe. All the possible combinations material/diameter are listed in this table. _displayname_fr, _displayname_ro and _displayname_en are automatically generated by rules on insert and update. They are meant to be used in QGIS for the combo box of pipe.fk_material. Remark: The pipe industry maintains two different ways to refer to the dimension of a pipe: - Nominal Diameter (DN) which is commonly used for steel/iron pipes but also for GRP. - Exterior Diameter or Outer Diameter(OD) is taken into consideration when referring to the plastic pipes (PE, PVC). The DN is a number that represents the approximate interior diameter, in mm. The value represents only an approximation of the pipe diameter so that engineers use a nice round number; the actual value is usually off by a few mm. So, when referring simply to the diameter, it is assumed that for plastic pipes you're referring to the outer one, and for iron/steel and GRP ones to the approximate interior one - Nominal Diameter (DN). PE80 and PE100 are both types of polyethylene that are used for water pipes (PE32, PE40 and PE63 also exist). Pipes made from PE100 are mechanically stronger (and gives a greater pressure rating than PE80 for the same SDR). Materials that are used in the production of polyethylene pipes are classified by MRS. Minimum Required Strenght (MRS) is the value of durability that the material has against internal pressure under 20 degrees C for 50 years in MPa. Material | MRS (MPa) -------------------------- PE 100 | 10 -------------------------- PE 80 | 8 -------------------------- Standard dimension ratio (SDR) is a method of rating a pipe's durability against pressure. The standard dimension ratio describes the correlation between the pipe dimension and the thickness of the pipe wall. SDR = external diameter (mm) / wall thickness (mm). Pipes with a lower SDR can withstand higher pressure. Common nominations are SDR11 and SDR17. The GRP pipes materials values were taken from producer HOBAS standards. Added only GRP values for SN 10000. TODO rest if relevant

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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int4 10
pipe.fk_material pipe_fk_material R
remote.fk_material remote_fk_material R
vl_active bool 1  √  true
short_fr varchar 10  √  null
short_en varchar 10  √  null
short_ro varchar 10  √  null
value_fr varchar 50  √  null
value_en varchar 50  √  null
value_ro varchar 50  √  null
description_fr text 2147483647  √  null
description_en text 2147483647  √  null
description_ro text 2147483647  √  null
_displayname_fr varchar 30  √  null
_displayname_en varchar 30  √  null
_displayname_ro varchar 30  √  null
diameter varchar 10  √  null Represents the usual name of the pipe diameter (how you call it). Commonly, it should be equivalent to: - the external diameter for plastic pipe - the nominal diameter for iron/steel and GRP
diameter_nominal int2 5  √  null The nominal diameter (DN) is a number that represents the approximate interior diameter, in mm. It's commonly used when referring steel/iron pipes but also for GRP.
diameter_internal numeric 7,3  √  null
diameter_external numeric 7,3  √  null Commonly used when referring to plastic pipes.
code_sire int2 5  √  null
pressure_nominal float8 17,17  √  null nominal pressure in bars
sdr float8 17,17  √  null
wall_thickness numeric 4,1  √  null
sn int4 10  √  null Refers to the SN Nominal Stiffness in N/mē and it's specific to GRP pipes. The greater a pipe?s wall thickness, the greater is its stiffness and therefore its ability to resist external bending loads or low internal pressure. From a mechanical point of view, it has proved useful to classify GRP pipes according to their stiffness ? as opposed to wall thickness. SN 2500 - These pipes are suitable for buried installation, but are mainly used for relining. SN 5000 - Pipes of this stiffness are selected for minor loads, for example when installed in mixed soil at a depth of 3 m and a live load corresponding to a 60 t truck. SN 10000 - These pipes are designed for high loads, for example for installation in mixed soil at a depth of 4 m or a live load corresponding to a 60 t truck with little soil cover.

Table contained 567 rows at mar. mars 21 17:52 CET 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc vl_pipe_material_pk

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