Creates a new instance of the config reader.
(optional) a path to configuration file.
Configures component by passing configuration parameters.
configuration parameters to be set.
Get the path to configuration file..
the path to configuration file.
Parameterized configuration template given as string with dynamic parameters.
The method uses Handlebars template engine:
a string with configuration template to be parameterized
dynamic parameters to inject into the template
a parameterized configuration string.
Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.
callback function that receives configuration or error.
Set the path to configuration file.
a new path to configuration file.
Generated using TypeDoc
Abstract config reader that reads configuration from a file. Child classes add support for config files in their specific format like JSON, YAML or property files.
Configuration parameters