Creates an new instance of the connection parameters.
(optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this connection.
Adds 'sectionParams' to this ConfigParams object under the section named 'section'.
name of the section, under which 'sectionParams' is to be added. The keys of 'sectionParams' will be renamed to "(section).<key's name>", when added to this ConfigParams object.
ConfigParams that are to be added under the section named 'section'.
map of items to append to this StringValueMap.
Removes all values from this StringValueMap.
a clone of this object.
key of the item to retrieve from this StringValueMap.
the item stored by the given key.
Gets the AWS access id.
the AWS access id.
Gets the AWS client key.
the AWS client key.
Gets the AWS account id.
the AWS account id.
Gets the AWS resource ARN. If the ARN is not defined it automatically generates it from other properties.
the AWS resource ARN.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as an AnyValueArray object.
key of the item to retrieve.
value to use if the item with the given key cannot be converted into an AnyValueArray.
the item with the given key as an AnyValueArray object or 'defaultValue', if conversion is not possible.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a boolean (or false as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a boolean or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a Datetime (or null as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a Datetime or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a double (or 0 as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a double or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a float (or 0 as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a float or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as an integer (or 0 as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as an integer or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a long (or 0 as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a long or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as an AnyValueMap object.
key of the item to retrieve.
value to use if the item with the given key cannot be converted into an AnyValueMap.
the item with the given key as an AnyValueMap object or 'defaultValue', if conversion is not possible.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable AnyValueArray object (returns null if the item with the given key is null).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable boolean.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable Datetime.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable double.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable float.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable integer.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable long.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable AnyValueMap object (returns null if the item with the given key is null).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable string.
Converts the item with the given key into a nullable object of type 'type' using [[TypeConverter.toNullableType]] and returns it.
the TypeCode to be used in TypeConverter.toNullableType
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a nullable object of type 'type'.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key without any conversions or all items (if 'key' is undefined or omitted).
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as a string (or null as the default).
key of the item to retrieve.
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as a string or the defaultValue (if conversion is not possible).
Converts the item with the given key into an object of type 'type' using [[TypeConverter.toTypeWithDefault]] and returns it.
the TypeCode to be used in TypeConverter.toTypeWithDefault
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as an object of type 'type' (or null as the default).
Converts the item with the given key into an object of type 'type' using [[TypeConverter.toTypeWithDefault]] and returns it.
the TypeCode to be used in TypeConverter.toTypeWithDefault
value to return if conversion is not possible.
the item with the given key as an object of type 'type' or the defaultValue, if conversion is not possible.
key of the item to retrieve.
the item with the given key as an AnyValue object.
all of the keys that are contained in this StringValueMap as a list of strings.
Gets the AWS partition name.
the AWS partition name.
Gets the AWS region.
the AWS region.
Gets the AWS resource id.
the AWS resource id.
Gets the AWS resource type.
the AWS resource type.
name of the section to retrieve configuration parameters from.
all configuration parameters that belong to the section named 'section'.
Example key "Section-1.Subsection-1-1.Key-1-1-1" contains the section named "Section-1".
Calling getSection("Section-1")
would return a ConfigParams object containing
the key "Subsection-1-1.Key-1-1-1"
the names of all sections that are present in this object's complex keys.
Example key "Section-1.Subsection-1-1.Key-1-1-1" contains the section named "Section-1".
Gets the AWS service name.
the AWS service name.
the number of key-value pairs stored in this StringValueMap.
Overrides the configuration parameters stored in this object with the ones in 'configParams'. If a configuration is already set in this ConfigParams object, it will be overwritten by the value in 'configParams' with the same key.
configuration parameters to override the parameters of this object with.
ConfigParams object with overridden parameters.
the key by which to insert the given value.
the value to insert into this StringValueMap by the given key.
key of the item to remove.
Sets the AWS access id.
the AWS access id.
Sets the AWS client key.
a new AWS client key.
Sets the AWS account id.
the AWS account id.
Sets the AWS resource ARN. When it sets the value, it automatically parses the ARN and sets individual parameters.
a new AWS resource ARN.
the key by which to set the 'value' passed.
the value to set in this StringValueMap with the given 'key'. If 'key' is omitted, then this StringValueMap will be set (cleared and filled anew) using 'value'. In this case 'value' will be converted to a map using "MapConverter.toMap(value)" and set to this StringValueMap.
Sets the default configurations for this ConfigParams object, based on the default configuration parameters passed in 'defaultConfigParams'. If a configuration is already set in this ConfigParams object, it will not be overwritten by the default value in 'defaultConfigParams' with the same key.
the default configuration parameters to use.
this ConfigParams object with the newly set defaults.
Sets the AWS partition name.
a new AWS partition name.
Sets the AWS region.
a new AWS region.
Sets the AWS resource id.
a new AWS resource id.
Sets the AWS resource type.
a new AWS resource type.
Sets the AWS service name.
a new AWS service name.
this StringValueMap as a semicolon-separated values string.
Example: "key1=value1;key2;key3=value3".
Validates this connection parameters
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
a ConfigException or null if validation passed successfully.
Retrieves AwsConnectionParams from configuration parameters. The values are retrieves from "connection" and "credential" sections.
configuration parameters
the generated AwsConnectionParams object.
Static method for creating a StringValueMap using the maps passed as parameters.
the maps passed to this method to create a StringValueMap with.
the StringValueMap created.
Creates a new AwsConnectionParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.
a string with serialized key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." Example: "Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z"
a new AwsConnectionParams object.
Static method that creates a ConfigParams object using the tuples passed to the method.
the tuples to convert to a ConfigParams object.
the generated ConfigParams.
Static method for creating a StringValueMap from an array of tuples.
the key-value tuples array to initialize the new StringValueMap with.
the StringValueMap created and filled by the 'tuples' array provided.
Static method that creates a ConfigParams object based on the values that are stored in the 'value' object's properties.
configuration parameters in the form of an object with properties.
generated ConfigParams.
Retrieves AwsConnectionParams from multiple configuration parameters. The values are retrieves from "connection" and "credential" sections.
a list with configuration parameters
the generated AwsConnectionParams object.
Generated using TypeDoc
Contains connection parameters to authenticate against Amazon Web Services (AWS) and connect to specific AWS resource.
The class is able to compose and parse AWS resource ARNs.
Configuration parameters
In addition to standard parameters CredentialParams may contain any number of custom parameters
let connection = AwsConnectionParams.fromTuples( "region", "us-east-1", "access_id", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "secret_key", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "service", "s3", "bucket", "mybucket" ); let region = connection.getRegion(); // Result: "us-east-1" let accessId = connection.getAccessId(); // Result: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" let secretKey = connection.getAccessKey(); // Result: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" let pin = connection.getAsNullableString("bucket"); // Result: "mybucket"