Alisa User Guide

  1. Introduction

    1. Incremental Lifecycle Assurance Concepts and Notations

    2. Grammars and Notational Conventions

  2. Getting Started

  3. Requirement Specification for a System

    1. Concepts of the ReqSpec Notation

    2. Stakeholder Goals

      1. The Goal Construct

      2. The Stakeholder Goals Construct

    3. System Requirements

      1. The System Requirement Construct

      2. The System Requirements Construct

      3. The Global Requirements and Requirement Construct

    4. Documents and Document Sections

    5. Variables and Predicates

      1. Constant and Compute Variables

      2. Global Constant Variables

      3. Requirement Predicates

    6. User-definable Categories

    7. Stakeholders and Their Organizations

    8. Change Uncertainty

    9. Design Goals

    10. Guidelines for Use of ReqSpec

      1. ReqSpec Files

      2. System Requirements and Stakeholder Goals

      3. Categorizing Requirements

      4. Classifier Extensions, Implementations, and System Requirements

      5. Requirement Refinement

      6. Requirement Decomposition

      7. Requirement References

    11. References

  4. Verification Plans for a System

    1. Verification Plan

    2. Claim

    3. Verification Activity

    4. Argument Expressions

    5. Registry of Verification Methods

    6. Verification Method Specification

    7. Supported Verification Method Types

    8. Built-in and User-defined Registries

  5. Incremental Assurance Plans and Instances

    1. Assurance Case and Plan

    2. Assurance Task

    3. Assurance Case Result Instance

  6. Types and Expression Notation

    1. Specifying Types

    2. Expression Notation

  7. Result Issue Report

    1. Result Issue Format