
Architecture-led Incremental System Assurance (ALISA) is an incremental life-cycle assurance workbench for high-assurance software-reliant systems. It utilizes architecture abstractions in models to manage requirements across multiple layer of a system architecture and the verification of a system implementation against these requirements. The workbench complements the capabilities of an architecture-centric virtual system integration workbench for the development of such systems.

Alisa utilizes SAE AADL as an architecture modeling language. Alisa provides several notations for users to specify requirements, verification plans, and execute verification plans incrementally throughout the life cycle.

A paper describes the capabilities of ALISA [].

Incrementally Evolving and Maintaining the Assurance Evidence

Incremental Lifecycle Assurance Concepts and Notations

We have introduced several notations in support of incremental lifecycle assurance.

These notations are supported by additional notations:

Note: All the notations in Alisa are case sensitive.

Grammars and Notational Conventions

The notations use a simple syntax and are case sensitive. Each construct introduces an instance of a particular Alisa concept, which we will refer to as entity, and identifies it with a unique name. The name is a simple identifier or a <dot> separated identifier sequence. Entities in a container, such as a requirement in a system requirements container, are qualified with the name of a container entity.

As the identifier may take the form of a label such as Req1, each entity optionally also has a title field that provides a short descriptive label. This label may be used instead of or an addition to the identifier for presentation in views.

An entity may identify a model element that it is associated with.

An entity may contain a number of attributes, i.e., labeled values or references to other model elements. These are enclosed in square brackets.

When describing the syntax of Alisa notations we will use BNF-like syntax markers to indicate optional constructs

Grammar rules are labeled by <conceptname> ::= and rules may be referred by <conceptname>. The reference means that the construct is to be inserted in place as nested entity within another construct.

We use the following approach for cross references:

Note that we will be providing a user interface that presents the Alisa information in a graphical or structured navigator view with the details of a selected entity shown in a properties view. The user will be able to create entities within the navigator view and edit its attributes in the properties view. In other words, in the future users of Alisa may not have to learn the details of the textual syntax of the Alisa notations.