Opera OLPC Edition
By Claudio Santambrogiocsant. Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:33:15 PM
This is a special edition of the Opera desktop version - the Opera OLPC Edition.
We have been testing Opera on the OLPC laptop since we received the "lean-mean-green-machine", as some here at the office like to call it. I have been keeping both the Opera page on the OLPC Wiki as well as my own blog up-to-date about work on it. We feel the time to be ready to show you the progress we have made.
A few notes about this package:
This is (almost) a normal desktop build - so you can run it on any Linux box - but…
…you really want to read this first, before installing it:
Note also that we have only tested on a BTest-1 machine with default system installation - other machines than this might have their own issues. This is not a final build, but a development snapshot.
And now for to the fun part: download your build, and play with it!
We would very much appreciate as much feedback as possible! How does Opera run on your OLPC XO?
Opera OLPC Edition
OLPC skin
We have been testing Opera on the OLPC laptop since we received the "lean-mean-green-machine", as some here at the office like to call it. I have been keeping both the Opera page on the OLPC Wiki as well as my own blog up-to-date about work on it. We feel the time to be ready to show you the progress we have made.
A few notes about this package:
This is (almost) a normal desktop build - so you can run it on any Linux box - but…
…you really want to read this first, before installing it:
- This is a build with statically linked Qt, as are our .1 builds - but the static builds are usually made with gcc 2.95 for compatibility reasons. However, this build is made with gcc 4.1 in order to avoid a nasty issue on the laptop: the builds made with gcc 2.95 kill the machine when you run some javascript. (This one doesn't
so you can turn javascript back on, if you were running without).
- The package ships with a custom opera6rc:
; Put any default settings here that are overridable by users [User Prefs] Force DPI=96 Show Menu=0 Minimum Font Size=12 Show panel toggle=0 Button Set=/usr/share/opera/skin/olpc_skin.zip Toolbar Configuration=/usr/share/opera/ini/olpc_toolbar.ini [Fonts] Toolbar=18,4,0,0,0,0,DejaVu LGC Sans [unknown] Panel=18,4,0,0,0,0,DejaVu LGC Sans [unknown] Dialog=18,4,0,0,0,0,DejaVu LGC Sans [unknown]
If you install this package on some other Linux box than it was intended for, you might want to back up the original /etc/opera6rc first. - The package comes with a custom olpc_skin.zip and a custom olpc_toolbar.ini: when installing the package, they will be preselected by default. However, when running the package directly from the tarball without installing it, both the skin and toolbar will not be applied automatically. Also, there is a bug in the Preferences dialog that prevents Opera from detecting two toolbars in the default location. Since we decided to also ship the default toolbar, this will be the only one appearing in the toolbar section in the Preferences. If you select it, there is no way in the GUI to revert to the olpc_toolbar - you'll need to copy it from the default location /usr/share/opera/ini/olpc_toolbar.ini to your profile. Note that some icons in the skin are missing.
- To install the build on the OLPC laptop you most likely want to grab the RPM package, then install it with
rpm -i opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en.rpm
or the -U flag if you have installed Opera previously and you are now just upgrading.
We have also uploaded tarballs and a DEB package for anybody running either some other distro on the machine, or for those that have problems to get the RPM to install. To install from the tarballs follow these instructions:$ tar jxvf opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en-544.tar.bz2 $ cd opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en-544 $ sudo ./install.sh
Note also that we have only tested on a BTest-1 machine with default system installation - other machines than this might have their own issues. This is not a final build, but a development snapshot.
And now for to the fun part: download your build, and play with it!
We would very much appreciate as much feedback as possible! How does Opera run on your OLPC XO?

Opera OLPC Edition
OLPC skin
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Tamil # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:32:35 PM
YOKEYyokey # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:42:42 PM
Eddie LopezEddie_Lopez # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:02:07 PM
www.nenelinux.tk ®nenericardo # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:22:01 PM
Kamaleshkamalesh # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:22:30 PM
For those of us without "happy feet," great sleek OLPC skin!
Ahui886 # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:29:34 PM
Kyle Bakerkyleabaker # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:05:44 PM
Cherry79 # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:21:22 PM
Actually, i don't like the skin very much. Don't know how it works on the OLPC, but on my Thinkpad its terrible. Much to dark, icons (and coming with this tabs) too big, and the white address- and zoom-boxes don't fit with the rest of the skin.
The idea is nice, and the buttons are cute, but it definitely isn't a skin i'd use for more than a short look.
And toolbar-setting doesn't really work here, too. I copied it to my profile-directory and then just selected the setting from Opera preferences. All it did was put the tabs below the browsing window and switch off everything else. Maybe its because i switched of many of the default toolbars in my personal toolbar.ini, i use only main-, status- and tab-bar. Which toolbars are supposed to be active with the OLPC-toolbar.ini?
Claudio Santambrogiocsant # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:36:16 PM
The olpc_toolbar.ini is stuck somewhere in the system - when it's up I'll post a link in the post, so people can play with it. The skin really needs the custom toolbar to work.
XP1 # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:37:40 PM
XP1 # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:44:40 PM
Cherry79 # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:47:05 PM
And i think i try the skin again with 50% icon-size, this should work better as my display has something like 85 dpi
Claudio Santambrogiocsant # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:03:45 PM
Kenneth Crudupkennycrudup # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:03:58 PM
What's the biggest differences in the OLPC and the "regular" Operas?
Claudio Santambrogiocsant # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:26:10 PM
xcbxcbxcbxcbLontronics # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:58:51 PM
This build seems to be about 10 percent faster then the normal static weekly, without loosing functionality; probably because it is build against GCC4.1.
Good work!
FataL # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:35:07 PM
Kenneth Crudupkennycrudup # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:43:36 PM
Tommy A. Olsentoman # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:25:30 PM
Andresandresruiz # Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:26:15 PM
What other browsers are available for OLPCs ?
Romanfeil0ng # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:06:11 AM
Maybe from the Peregrine code branch ?
Edgar P. NashNetegrof # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 1:20:01 AM
RachidRachidNL # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 8:15:09 AM
Surely the technical aspect is nice, but I'd be more interested in finding out what the exact role of the Opera Browser will be on the OLPC.
Is it going to be the sole browser on the system?
Pieter Van NuffelMuts # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 11:48:26 AM
The fact that you run that Qt version is relevant, but the fact that you have GCC 4.1 is not. You see, that's the compiler the opera people seem to use to compile their internal sources to these binary programs we download and test.
If you yourself would be able to compile from the sources than it's usefull to have an up-to-date version of GCC.
Having a recent version installed on your system does not have any impact on runnning a program compiled with it.
HieuRooy # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 1:29:01 PM
"only 200 DPI"
Well, I guess 200 DPI doesn't fit together with 'only' ;-)
But, I read on some wiki site (either the project's wiki or Wikipedia), that 200 DPI is only available in bookmode, i.e. black&white low power for reading book. Color display has lower resolution.
Feel free to correct me.
Ruud Steltenpoolstelt # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 3:39:37 PM
FataL # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:34:27 PM
Claudio Santambrogiocsant # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:29:12 PM
Originally posted by stelt:
Yes of course
Kamaleshkamalesh # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:41:36 PM
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) will go 64-bit (with 32-bit compatibility) when released around April/May. Any plans to offer 64-bit Mac build?
(I wonder if this would provide significant performance boost with a given bandwidth...?)
Kenneth Crudupkennycrudup # Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:12:18 PM
Andresandresruiz # Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:51:59 AM
Thank you for <browser.js> info.
YMB is working again !!
Andresandresruiz # Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:53:29 AM
Why on Gmail, I get in the address bar a <disablechatbrowsercheck=1>, is it done by Opera or by Gmail guys ?
I think that when Opera operates on "disable browser check" or "system requirements = ignore > web pages are not fixing problems with Opera, they just let Opera work "on your own" but they don't work for Opera as they do for IE or Firefox, so in that way Opera will never be as popular as the other two.
Johan Borgborg # Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:38:22 AM
Romanfeil0ng # Thursday, January 25, 2007 4:14:44 PM
thank you for the answer. I guess there is no date besides the famous W.I.R
outofspace # Friday, January 26, 2007 7:01:17 AM
Khaled KhalilKhaled-Khalil # Friday, January 26, 2007 12:11:53 PM
it doesn't support arabic (not presto of course ~may be just the skin)
the skin may be better for desktops, but it doesn't fit the need of the target audiance (the last character in olpc), it seems dosen't respect children innocence
i realy care of the skin specialy when it is for children, they always want bright colors, like olpc itself, yes it is customizable, but who know ? children that use it ? they will prefer using another browser instead of customize it
Claudio Santambrogiocsant # Friday, January 26, 2007 5:00:24 PM
Could you be more precise, please? What exactly is not "supported"?
Well, like it or not - these are the colors of the XO UI
Khaled KhalilKhaled-Khalil # Friday, January 26, 2007 5:48:53 PM
arabic bookmarks and menus only, don't panic, the browser is ok
the other point, that's of ui, i don't know what that xo looks, but i will be proud if olpc users found that opera is the most beautiful thing (in their expected thought) onto their olpc.
if your customers are children, then you had to care of their impression
GuilhermeSpyMan # Friday, January 26, 2007 9:47:19 PM
Is something wrong on your side?
João EirasxErath # Saturday, January 27, 2007 12:23:12 PM
Probably because it's off topic.
Kamaleshkamalesh # Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:20:00 PM
xcvrasz # Saturday, January 27, 2007 5:41:27 PM
this static build fixes http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=156692 for me! normal static builds do not, they also stall when opening new tabs, this one opens new tabs/links immediatelly without huge cpu spike
BUT, but as every static build
-GUI fonts are BUTT UGLY, it looks like bad kerning
-clicking "Bookmarks" with RMB opens them, after opening bookmarks mouse cursor is right over the first bookmark, now letting go RMB makes opera immediatelly GO to the first bookmark ?!?!?!
xcbxcbxcbxcbLontronics # Sunday, January 28, 2007 12:54:52 PM
Please switch to GCC4.x for the normal static builds too
AbandonShip?masterofopera # Sunday, January 28, 2007 7:49:58 PM
This skin reary seems to be experimental (some buttons look like
"Opera standart" skin). I do not like this Black skin.
I think, one of the best skins is: my_qute_blue-1_01
and all skins that are shiny/ crytal are cool.
I`m a newbee (regitered today) at opera community, where i can
upload screenshots of my own (more comfortable than
standart) "best of" Toolbar and button placement? As suggestion
for better new default Toolbar and button placement (s). I want
make Opera better and more comfotable, I want the users needn`t change so much for maximum comfort (I need minimum 10 minutes
OK, the Panel (default)is better, than in every other browser,
keep it (but add the black dubble arrows in the panel that
extend the downloadmanager etc. like in Opera 8.50`s default).
The rest of this standart Toolbar and button placement is not so
good that is the reason, why many people do not switch to Opera
and switch to or stay by FireFox or stay by Internet Explorer
hate this standart (Toolbar and button placement) setting and
switch to FireFox. I hate this standart setting too, but I do
not switch to FireFox, I customize Opera, but it is very time
I have made a "BEST OF". Inspired By diffrent browsers, it will
make the switch to opera more easy. I have picked the best
details of all browsers, I used: internet exporer 6, FireFox
1.xxx, Opera 7.2x (test only [ads] ), Opera 8.xx (up to 8.4x
test only, since 8.50 as primary browser) , Opera 9.xx (up to
the actual 9.10).
My comfortable Toolbar and button placement got positive
feedback by people I know. Example: my one of my teachers, was
before 2 weeks an Internet Exploerer 5 & 6 user (he had never
testet an alternative browser bevore) , he likes my Toolbar and
button placement and did not be confused, switching
(uesung standart functions) was easy.
Info I nvver liked default Toolbar and button settings/ placements.
-> All testet and used browsers were affectet!!!!
Khaled KhalilKhaled-Khalil # Monday, January 29, 2007 1:34:47 AM
welcome, this post is for opera olpc edition not for the skin, but me too i didn't find the skin very attractive (as a child mind), buttons are so big because olpc has 200 dpi (dot per inch) which is very high for normal desktop, it must look fine on olpc.
for photos upload go to this page: http://my.opera.com/masterofopera/albums/ (while you are loged in) and start new album and go ahead
or as you think your toolbar configurations are worthy you can upload your setup here: http://my.opera.com/community/customize/setups/ .
what you wish, what you hate, you can explan all that in opera wishlist http://my.opera.com/community/forums/forum.dml?id=24 , hope opera developers hear you
here: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/ , you can dowload the last weekly release (of course beta) test it and annoye developers with bugs that you found as we do
i expect reading from you in the forums soon
Edgar P. NashNetegrof # Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:15:01 AM
Edgar P. NashNetegrof # Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:52:39 AM
g4qb # Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:21:50 AM
try double clicking on ULP to get it to go to the right side
compare with Op 8.54
compare with IE7
assuming that this OLPC version is the same as build 8701,
it probably has the same unable to close windows bug.
a) open 5x tabs
b) Ctrl-0 for windows panel
c) select any
d) press delele key
nothing happens.
Kredit-Hai_allesaufkredit_ # Thursday, February 1, 2007 2:53:23 PM
bexs # Thursday, February 1, 2007 7:16:09 PM