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* In this file we add method shortcuts
* @param string $var Returns the value of $config[$var].
* @param string $subVar (optional) Returns the value of $config[$var][$subVar].
* @aliasFor Config::singleton()->get($var)
* @return mixed|null
function config($var, $subVar = null) {
return \Core\Config::singleton()->get($var, $subVar);
* @param string $view The location of the $template within the /src/view folder
* @param array $vars The vars to add to the view
* @param string $template An optional template if we don't want to use defaultTemplate.php
* @return string The rendered $template with $vars
* @throws Exception If a render problem occurs
function view($view, $vars = [], $template = '') {
echo \Core\ParentController::singleton()->get(str_replace('.', '/', $view), $vars, $template);
function t($translationKey) {
$l = \Core\Language::singleton();
$word = $l->getTranslation($translationKey);
return $word ?: $l->getDefaultTranslation($translationKey);
* @return string The environment (global var <b>__ENVIRONMENT__</b>) you're working in.
function env() {
return defined('__ENVIRONMENT__') ? __ENVIRONMENT__ : FALSE;
* @return bool Whether the environment (global var <b>__ENVIRONMENT__</b>) is production (<b>= "prod"</b>)
function isProd() {
return defined('__ENVIRONMENT__') && __ENVIRONMENT__ == 'prod';
* @return bool Whether the environment (global var <b>__ENVIRONMENT__</b>) is developement (<b>= "dev"</b>)
function isDev() {
return defined('__ENVIRONMENT__') && __ENVIRONMENT__ == 'dev';
* @return bool Whether the user is authenticated (true) or not (false)
function isAuth() {
return \Core\Providers\Session::getUser('role') >= __ROLE_ADMIN__;
* @return bool Whether the request was made through an AJAX call
function isAjax() {
return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) &&
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
* Returns whether the PHP server is localhost or remote. True if the host matches <b>*.local</b> or <b>localhost</b>.
* From the Symfony framework.
* @return bool TRUE if the $_SERVER is a local machine; FALSE if it's a remote machine
function isLocalServer() {
$remoteServer = (
|| !(in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', 'fe80::1', '::1'))
|| php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server')
return !$remoteServer;