Class Mailer_PHP
Send emails from your own server with the library PHPMailer
Methods summary
public static
singleton( )
Returns a Mailer_PHP instance, creating it if it did not exist.
Returns a Mailer_PHP instance, creating it if it did not exist.
sendEmail( mixed $to, string $subject, string $message, mixed $from, mixed $replyTo = array(), array $files = array() )
Sends an email using the PHP function, but first setting the appropriate headers, content-types... and attached files.
Sends an email using the PHP function, but first setting the appropriate headers, content-types... and attached files.
- $to
- Send it to whom? can be a string "", an array('', 'John Smith') or an array('Addresses' => array(array('', 'John Smith'), '', ....))
- $subject
- The message subject for the email
- $message
- The message body
- $from
- ( '' ) The email address from the sender or an array('', 'Foo Bar');
- $replyTo
- ( '', '', ... ) The email address to reply to or an array array(array('', 'Foo Bar'), array(...));
- $files
- (default array() ) Array with the filenames of the desired files to attach.
boolean TRUE if sending was OK, FALSE otherwise. This does not mean the email will be delivered: it just means there was no error when sending it
Nico Kupfer
Properties summary