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namespace Vendor;
use Core\Session;
* Class VendorController is the parent class for all plugins (located in the plugin folder).<br/>
* Please notice that some functions, when called from plugins, have different names (<b>view</b>, <b>get</b>, <b>asset</b>). See @see for more details.
* @see VendorController@vendor_show
* @see VendorController@vendor_get
* @see VendorController@vendor_asset
* @note Respect the directives for creating new plugins. See the example ones for more info.
* @package Vendor
class VendorController extends \Core\ParentController
* @var VendorController The class instance.
* @internal
protected static $instance;
* @var string The path where each plugin is stored. Set individually in each plugin (children).
public $pluginFolder;
* @var array Array to store information about the view: scripts, styles, views, title...
protected $vars;
* Returns the class Singleton
* @return VendorController
public static function singleton () {
if (!self::$instance) {
$v = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $v;
return self::$instance;
public function __construct() {
$this->vars = [
'view' => ['_header' => '', '_footer' => ''],
'JS' => '',
'script' => [],
'scriptSnippet' => '',
'style' => [],
'styleSnippet' => '',
'favicon' => '',
'title' => ''
* This is an implementation of ParentController@show() to allow for plugins.
* Shows a view embedded inside a specified template and die()
* Remember that both $view and $template can be absolute or relative paths
* @param string $view The path to the file, being '/' the 'html' directory
* @param string|bool $template The name of the template. If no template is specified, we use the default one
* @throws \Exception specifying the type of missing view.
public function vendor_show ($view, $template = FALSE) {
$absoluteView = (
$view[0] === '/' ?
$view :
(__ROOT__ . $this->config->get('Vendor', 'VENDOR_FOLDER') . '/' . $this->pluginFolder . '/views/html/' . $view . '.php')
if ($template) {
$absoluteTemplate = (
$template[0] === '/' ?
$template :
(__ROOT__ . $this->config->get('Vendor', 'VENDOR_FOLDER') . '/' . $this->pluginFolder . '/views/templates/' . $template . 'Template.php')
} else {
$absoluteTemplate = 'default';
parent::show($absoluteView, $absoluteTemplate);
* This is an implementation of ParentController@get() to allow for plugins.
* Returns a view, optionally embedded inside a specified template.
* Remember that both $view and $template can be absolute or relative paths
* @param string $view The path to the file, being '/' the 'html' directory
* @param array|[] $vars The vars that you want to show in the $view
* @param string|bool $template The name of the template. If no template is specified, we use the default one
* @return string The rendered view / view+template
* @throws \Exception specifying the type of missing view.
public function vendor_get ($view, $vars = [], $template = FALSE) {
$absoluteView = (
$view[0] === '/' ?
$view :
(__ROOT__ . $this->config->get('Vendor', 'VENDOR_FOLDER') . '/' . $this->pluginFolder . '/views/' . $view . '.php')
if ($template) {
$absoluteTemplate = (
$template[0] === '/' ?
$template :
(__ROOT__ . $this->config->get('Vendor', 'VENDOR_FOLDER') . '/' . $this->pluginFolder . '/views/templates/' . $template . 'Template.php')
} else {
$absoluteTemplate = '';
$getView = parent::get($absoluteView, $vars, $absoluteTemplate);
return $getView;
* Saves the vendor directives (Folders, Controllers, Models, Routing and Permissions) to a cache file.<br/>
* Outputs a JSON encoded array.
public function vendorSaveCache() {
// if is authenticated on bootload.php or if we're working in local:
if (isLocalServer() || $this->getGet('auth', '') == '8d0a49297f36ed144194ce447db3b4f72399b913') {
$saved = $this->config->loadVendors(TRUE);
'success' => (int)$saved['success'],
'responseData' => [
'message' => empty($saved['reason']) ? 'Updated' : $saved['reason']]]);
} else {
$this->json(['success' => 0, 'message' => 'Not Authenticated']);
* Adds a style snippet to the $this->vendor_show() renderer.
* @param string $path The path under which the asset is located
* @param bool|TRUE $local whether it's a relative (local) or absolute URL
* @param bool $dummy To prevent StrictStandards warning
* @return VendorController
public function addStyle ($path, $local = TRUE, $dummy = TRUE) {
if (!$local) {
// We add it like a normal stylesheet: non-local and non-minimizable
parent::addStyle($path, FALSE, FALSE);
} else {
$this->vars['styleSnippet'] .= "\r\n\t\t" . '<link href="' . $this->vendor_asset('css/' . $path, TRUE) . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>';
return $this;
* Adds a script snippet to the $this->vendor_show() renderer.
* @param string $path The path under which the asset is located
* @param bool|TRUE $local whether it's a relative (local) or absolute URL
* @param bool $dummy To prevent StrictStandards warning
* @return VendorController
public function addScript ($path, $local = TRUE, $dummy = TRUE) {
if (!$local) {
// We add it like a normal script: non-local and non-minimizable
parent::addScript($path, FALSE, FALSE);
} else {
$this->vars['scriptSnippet'] .= "\r\n\t\t" . '<script src="' . $this->vendor_asset('js/' . $path, TRUE) . '" type="text/javascript"></script>';
return $this;
* Echoes or returns the absolute path to the asset
* @param string $path The path under which the view is located
* @param bool|FALSE $return Whether to return or echo
* @return string|VendorController The absolute path (or $this if 'echo')
public function vendor_asset($path, $return = FALSE) {
$assetPath = $this->path . 'vendor_' . $this->pluginFolder . '/' . $path;
if ($return) {
return $assetPath;
} else {
echo $assetPath;
return $this;
* Adds the $_header variable to the view
* @param array $vars|[] The vars to pass to the header
* @param string|bool $headerLocation an (optional) alternative route for the header
* @return VendorController
public function addHeader($vars = [], $headerLocation = FALSE) {
$header = $headerLocation ?
$this->get($headerLocation, $vars) :
$this->vendor_get('html/blocks/header', $vars);
$this->add('_header', $header);
return $this;
* Adds the $_footer variable to the view
* @param array $vars|[] The vars to pass to the footer
* @param string|bool $footerLocation an (optional) alternative route for the footer
* @return VendorController
public function addFooter($vars = [], $footerLocation = FALSE) {
$footer = $footerLocation ?
$this->get($footerLocation, $vars) :
$this->vendor_get('html/blocks/footer', $vars);
$this->add('_footer', $footer);
return $this;