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namespace Kernel\Providers;
use Core\Providers\Config;
* This file manages the routing for incoming URLs. Returns a call (<b>Controller->action()</b>) for the specific route.<br/>
* To use in conjunction with <b>/src/config/routing.ini</b>, where all the desired routes must be present.
* @usage
* The [keys] MUST be unique throughout ALL routing.ini files.<br/>
* The action omits the "Controller" part of the controller name. <br/>
* Login@showLogin calls LoginController->showLogin(), \Core\Login@showLogin calls
* \Core\LoginController->showLogin() and @test calls Controller->test()
* @example
* <code>
* [RoutingKey]
* path = <desired_path> ; no leading slash
* action = <Controller_Name>@<Action_Name> ; don't write "Controller", just its name
* after_login = 1 ; (or 0. OPTIONAL and 0 by default.<br/>
* This means: if on first attempt it has no permission, can the user be auto-redirected after login?)
* method = "PUT|POST" ; (GET|PUT|POST|DELETE) OPTIONAL, "|" separated if multiple.
* Will only enter if $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] matches
* condition = '$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "localhost"' ; OPTIONAL.
* If set, the code will be evaluated (function: eval()) as a further filter
* default[animal] = dog
* default[sound] = bark ; This is optional! but /zoo/:animal/:sound will match for /zoo, /zoo/<any_animal> and
* /zoo/<any_animal>/<any_sound> all in only one route! (use it for things like /blogpost/:page/:number
* with :page = page and :number = 1 as defaults. Hence /blogpost is page 1 and /blogpost/page/2 is page 2)
* </code>
* @package Kernel
class Router {
* @var string The request URI for this thread execution. (i.e., the URL in the browser)
public static $uri;
* Searches for a URI match and returns the Controller + Action that dispatch it.
* @return array ControllerName and Action for requested URI
public static function matchRoute() {
$config = Config::singleton();
$routing = $config->get('Routing');
self::$uri = substr(strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?: '/', '?'), strlen(__PATH__) + 1);
foreach ($routing as $routeKey => $route) {
if (
/* You can set a method = get|post|put|delete to further filter. See example */
(!empty($route['method']) && !in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], explode('|', strtoupper($route['method'])))) ||
(!isset($route['path']) /* this means is the [404] Route */)) {
* If there are defaults set, we replace it in the route.
* This makes /blog, /blog/1, /blog/123 match the same route if default[page] is set:
* -------
* path = /blog/:page
* default[page] = 1
$matchesDefault = FALSE;
if (!empty($route['default'])) {
$matchesDefault = self::checkForDefaultParams($route);
/* We replace the placeholders :id, or :name, or :foo for a valid RegEx */
$pregRoute = preg_replace('(:[a-z0-9_]+)', '([^\/]+)', str_replace('/', '\/', $route['path']));
$path = '/^' . $pregRoute . '\/?$/';
if (preg_match($path, self::$uri, $matches) || $matchesDefault) {
/* If PHP code is added to further filter routing, we evaluate it.
And if the condition doesn't match, we skip this route */
if (isset($route['condition'])) {
$condition = FALSE;
eval('$condition = ' . $route['condition'] . ";");
if (!$condition) {
$routeMatches = $matchesDefault ?: $matches;
/* Route found, so we set the Get params and return the proper Route (key) */
self::setGetParams($route, $routeMatches);
return $routeKey;
/* Not found! Will go to NOT_FOUND_PAGE route */
return 'NOT_FOUND_PAGE';
* Sets the $_GET superglobal with the GET parsed parameters. Just like .htaccess
* @param array $route The route object from the routing file
* @param array $matches The GET matches in the URL
private static function setGetParams($route, $matches) {
/* The :placeholders get added to the $_GET global */
if (count($matches) > 1) {
preg_match_all('(:([a-z_]+))', str_replace('/', '\/', $route['path']), $params);
foreach ($params[1] as $key => $param) {
if (isset($matches[$key + 1])) {
$_GET[$param] = $matches[$key + 1];
/* The get[foo] parameters on the routing.ini get added to the $_GET superglobal */
if (!empty($route['get'])) {
foreach ($route['get'] as $get => $value) {
$_GET[$get] = $value;
/* The default values are added to the URL if they are not previously set */
if (!empty($route['default'])) {
foreach ($route['default'] as $default => $value) {
if (!isset($_GET[$default])) {
$_GET[$default] = $value;
* This function scans a routing rule that <em>contains</em> <b>default[<foo>]</b> parameters and tries to
* match it against the current route by trying parameters iteratively.
* Thanks to this function, the following many URIs can be controlled from the same path:
* <code>
* // The URIs: /zoo/cat/meow /zoo/cat and /zoo provide cat|meow, cat|bark and dog|bark from the $_GET global
* // $_GET['animal'] and $_GET['sound'] respectively
* [Zoo]
* path = zoo/:animal/:sound
* default[animal] = dog
* default[sound] = bark
* action = Foo@Zoo
* @param array $route The routing info for this iteration of all routing rules
* @note As you might imagine, adding default parameters slows down the loading a little. Avoid excessive use!
* @return array|FALSE The found matches (to later replace and add to $_GET) or FALSE if there are no matches
private static function checkForDefaultParams($route) {
$fakeRoute = str_replace('/', '\/', $route['path']);
preg_match_all("/:([a-z0-9_]+)/", $fakeRoute, $keyMatchesAux);
$keyMatches = array_reverse($keyMatchesAux[1]);
foreach ($keyMatches as $k) {
// This means there are no more default values to check
if (empty($route['default'][$k])) break;
$fakeRoute = str_replace('\/:' . $k, '', $fakeRoute);
$pregFakeRoute = '/^' . preg_replace('(:[a-z0-9_]+)', '([^\/]+)', $fakeRoute) . '\/?$/';
if (preg_match($pregFakeRoute, self::$uri, $matches)) {
/* Found a match, so we return WHICH parameters do match */
return $matches;
/* If the URL doesn't match this route with defaults, it means it's not the right one! */
return FALSE;