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namespace Kernel;
use Kernel\Providers\Router;
use Kernel\Providers\Permission;
use Core\Providers\Config;
use Core\Language;
use Core\Providers\Session;
use Core\Helpers\Hooks;
use Core\Exceptions\Exception;
* Front logic. Dispatches and manages the input flow thread.<br/>
* Contains many of all the $hooks present in the framework.
* @hooks
* <code>
* ('After_Hooks_Setup', $hooks) // called right after the constructor
* ('exec_beforestart', ['controller' => $controllerName, 'action' => $action]) // just after {@see Router::matchRoute}
* ('permission_unallowed', [
* 'permission' => $permission,
* 'controller' => $controllerName,
* 'action' => $action]) // when it's an unauthorized request
* ('general_exception', ['e' => $e]) // when/if \Exception is thrown
* ('exec_afterend', ['controller' => $controllerName, 'action' => $action]) // When execution has finished
* </code>
* @package Kernel
class AppKernel {
* Initializes the framework.
* @throws \Exception When a requested <b>Controller</b> or Controller-><b>action</b>() are requested but do not exist.
public static function init() {
* We define the encoding
//header('Charset: UTF-8');
* We start the session
* Include the core logic and optional user-set libraries
$includes = parse_ini_file(__ROOT__ . '/app/config/required.ini', TRUE);
foreach ($includes as $i) require_once __ROOT__ . '/app/' . $i;
* Compute running time
* You can use clock_end() and clock_time() to compute execution times.
* See support_functions.php for more info.
* Initialize hooks
// $hooks = $GLOBALS['hooks'] = new Hooks();
$hooks = Hooks::init();
$hooks->do_action('After_Hooks_Setup', $hooks);
* Load config files
$config = Config::singleton()
->load('routing.ini', FALSE, 'Routing')
->load('permissions.ini', FALSE, 'Permissions')
->load(__ROOT__ . '/src/config/globals.ini', TRUE)
->load(__ROOT__ . '/src/config/permissions.ini', TRUE, 'Permissions')
->load(__ROOT__ . '/src/config/routing.ini', TRUE, 'Routing')
// ddie($config);
* Set the language:
* Get called action
$routeKey = Router::matchRoute();
$route = $config->get('Routing', $routeKey);
list($controllerName, $action) = explode('@', $route['action']);
* We run the hook 'exec_beforestart' to allow for preloads.
$hooks->do_action('exec_beforestart', ['controller' => $controllerName, 'action' => $action]);
* Call requested action process
try {
$controllerClass = $controllerName . 'Controller';
if (!class_exists($controllerClass) && !class_exists($controllerName)) {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[CLASS]]', $controllerName, $config->get('Exceptions', 'CLASS_NOT_FOUND')));
if (!method_exists($controllerClass, $action)) {
throw new \Exception(str_replace(
['[[CLASS]]', '[[METHOD]]'],
[$controllerClass, $action],
$config->get('Exceptions', 'METHOD_NOT_FOUND')
* Check action permission
$permission = Permission::singleton()->checkPermission($controllerName, $action);
if (!$permission['allowed']) {
* We execute 'permission_unallowed' hook, for double-control on unauthorized requests.
'permission_unallowed', [
'permission' => $permission,
'controller' => $controllerName,
'action' => $action]);
* With this we ensure we don't redirect the user to a /ajax/<something>, for instance
if (!empty($route['after_login']) && $route['after_login'] == TRUE) {
* Throw unallowed request
$throwTo = $permission['throw_to'];
if (is_array($throwTo)) {
$controllerClass = $throwTo[0];
$action = $throwTo[1];
} else {
$location = __PATH__ . '/' . $config->get('Routing', $throwTo)['path'];
if (isAjax()) {
'success' => 0,
'responseData' => [
'message' => 'Please login to continue',
'redirect' => $location]]));
} else {
header('Location: ' . $location);
* Call requested action
$controller = $controllerClass::singleton();
$response = $controller->{$action}();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$hooks->do_action('general_exception', ['e' => $e]);
* Catch the exception if something's not OK
/* TOTAL time execution */
* We run the hook 'exec_afterend'.
$hooks->do_action('exec_afterend', ['controller' => $controllerName, 'action' => $action]);
// echo clock_time() if you want