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namespace Core;
use Core\Helpers\Hooks;
use Core\Providers\Config;
use Core\Exceptions\Exception;
* This is the parent class for all controllers in <b>/src/controllers</b>, and indirectly for all controllers
* that extend <b>VendorController</b> (which, in turn, extend this).<br/>
* ParentController is the class that manages assets, paths, $_GET and $_POST, views, etc.
* @hooks
* <code>
* ('include_show_view', ['vars' => $this->vars]) // Called just before including the view file {@see \Core\ParentController::show}
* ('include_get_view', ['vars' => $_vars]) // Called just before including a view file {@see \Core\ParentController::get}
* ('extra_params_path', ['route' => $route]) // If extra parameters are required when creating a url {@see \Core\ParentController::path}
* </code>
* @author Nico Kupfer nico@kupfer.es
class ParentController {
* @var ParentController The class instance.
* @internal
protected static $instance;
* @var string The path where the framework is located: <framework_url>/<b><path></b>/app.php.
protected $path;
* @var Config The instance of the Config class.
protected $config;
* @var array The required variables to show a view.
* @see ParentController::show
protected $vars;
* @var bool If the request is an AJAX call. Set automatically by reading <b>$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']</b>
protected $ajax;
* @var ParentModel The instance of ParentModel.
protected $model;
* @var string Default path for files. For example, {view} = "home/index".
protected $viewPath;
* @var string Default path for templates. For example, {template} = "default" or "email".
protected $templatePath;
* @var \Core\Hooks The instance of the Hooks class.
protected $hooks;
* Every Controller that extends ParentController must explicitly
public function __construct() {
$this->path = __PATH__ . '/';
$this->config = Config::singleton();
$this->model = ParentModel::singleton();
$this->vars = [
'view' => ['_header' => '', '_footer' => ''],
'JS' => '',
'script' => [],
'scriptSnippet' => '',
'style' => [],
'styleSnippet' => '',
'favicon' => '',
'title' => ''
$this->ajax = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) &&
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
$this->viewPath = __ROOT__ . '/src/resources/views/{view}.php';
$this->templatePath = __ROOT__ . '/src/resources/views/templates/{template}Template.php';
$this->hooks = Hooks::init();//$GLOBALS['hooks'];
* Returns a ParentController instance, creating it if it did not exist.
* @return ParentController
public static function singleton() {
if (!self::$instance) {
$v = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $v;
return self::$instance;
* Returns the instance of the model for this controller
* @return ParentModel
public function getModel() {
return $this->model;
* Filters an input (GET) variable and returns it. If key doesn't exist or the value equals NULL, returns $fallback
* @var string $key The key
* @var mixed $fallback if not null, would be taken as the default value. Otw the parameter is required.
* @return mixed $_GET[$key] or $fallback
function getGet($key, $fallback = NULL) {
$value = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
if (empty($value) && isset($_GET[$key])) {
$value = $_GET[$key];
if ($value !== NULL) {
return $value;
} else {
return $fallback;
* Filters an input (POST) variable and returns it. If key doesn't exist or the value equals NULL, returns $fallback
* @var string $key The key
* @var mixed $fallback if not null, would be taken as the default value. Otw the parameter is required.
* @return mixed $_POST[$key] or $fallback
function getPost($key, $fallback = NULL) {
$value = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
if (empty($value) && isset($_POST[$key])) {
$value = $_POST[$key];
if ($value !== NULL) {
return $value;
} else {
return $fallback;
* Shows a view inside a specified template
* Remember that both $view and $template can be absolute or relative paths
* @param string $view The path to the file, being '/' the 'views' directory
* @param string $template The name of the template
* @throws \Exception specifying the type of missing view.
public function show($view, $template = 'default') {
if (file_exists($file = ($view[0] === '/' ? $view : str_replace('{view}', $view, $this->viewPath)))) {
try {
/* Useful if you need to include extra things to a view */
$this->hooks->do_action('include_show_view', ['vars' => $this->vars]);
/* We include the view file */
include $file;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[FILE]]', $file, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'VIEW_NOT_FOUND')));
$_body = ob_get_clean();
if (isProd()) {
$this->minimize($this->vars['script'], 'script');
$this->minimize($this->vars['style'], 'style');
} else {
foreach ($this->vars['script'] as $s) {
$this->addScript($this->asset('js/' . $s, TRUE), FALSE);
foreach ($this->vars['style'] as $s) {
$this->addStyle($this->asset('css/' . $s, TRUE), FALSE);
$_js = $this->vars['JS'];
$_title = $this->vars['title'];
$_style = $this->vars['styleSnippet'];
$_script = $this->vars['scriptSnippet'];
$_favicon = $this->vars['favicon'];
if (file_exists($templateFile = ($template[0] === '/' ? $template : str_replace('{template}', $template, $this->templatePath)))) {
try {
/* We include the template file */
include $templateFile;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[FILE]]', $template, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND')));
* Renders a view and returns it
* @param string $view The path to the file, being '/' the 'views' directory
* @param array $_vars The $vars to include in the view
* @param string $template The template name
* @return string The requested view
* @throws \Exception specifying the type of missing view.
public function get($view, $_vars = array(), $template = '') {
if (file_exists($file = ($view[0] === '/' ? $view : str_replace('{view}', $view, $this->viewPath)))) {
try {
/* Useful if you need to include extra things to a view */
$this->hooks->do_action('include_get_view', ['vars' => $_vars]);
/* We include the view file */
include $file;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[FILE]]', $file, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'VIEW_NOT_FOUND')));
$_body = ob_get_clean();
if ($template) {
if (file_exists($templateFile = ($template[0] === '/' ? $template : str_replace('{template}', $template, $this->templatePath)))) {
try {
/* We include the template file */
include $templateFile;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[FILE]]', $template, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND')));
$_body = ob_get_clean();
return $_body;
* Returns the web path for a given URL
* @param string $path
* @param bool $return
* @return string $webPath
public function asset($path = '', $return = FALSE) {
$fullPath = $this->path . $path;
if ($return) {
return $fullPath;
} else {
echo $fullPath;
* Returns the web path for a given Route name
* @param string $path The path identifier ('Home', 'Login', ...)
* @param array $params The parameters of the URL (':id', ':name', ...)
* @param bool $return = FALSE. Whether to return or echo
* @return mixed If $return = FALSE, the path. NULL otherwise
* @throws \Exception If $path does not exist in the routing.ini
public function path($path = '', $params = array(), $return = FALSE) {
$route = $this->config->get('Routing', $path) ?:
$this->config->get('Routing', 'Vendor\\' . $path);
if (!$route) {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[ROUTE]]', $path, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND')));
$arrayKeys = array_keys($params);
$arrayValues = array_values($params);
$uri = str_replace($arrayKeys, $arrayValues, $route['path'], $count);
if ($count < $arrayKeys) {
// this means there are params not INSIDE the URL. So we need to append them...
// var_dump($this->hooks->has_action('extra_params_path'));die;
$extraParams = (array)$this->hooks->do_action('extra_params_path');
foreach ($arrayKeys as $key => $ak) {
if (strpos($route['path'], $ak) === FALSE) {
$extraParams[substr($ak, 1)] = $arrayValues[$key];
if (count($extraParams)) {
$uri .= '?' . http_build_query($extraParams);
if ($return) {
return $this->path . $uri;
} else {
echo $this->path . $uri;
* Alias for ::path with $return = TRUE. Use it for controllers
* @param string $path The path identifier ('Home', 'Login', ...)
* @param array $params The parameters of the URL (':id', ':name', ...)
* @return string The formatted URL
public function url($path, $params = array()) {
return $this->path($path, $params, TRUE);
* Performs a header redirection and a die();
* @param string $path
* @return object A JSON object with redirect instructions (if it's an ajax call) or a Location header.
public function redirect($path = '') {
if ($this->ajax) {
return $this->json(['redirect' => $path]);
} else {
header ('Location: ' . $path);
* Adds a var to the $this->show() renderer.
* @param string $varName
* @param mixed $value
* @return ParentController
public function add($varName, $value) {
$this->vars['view'][$varName] = $value;
return $this;
* Adds a JS variable to the $this->show() renderer.
* @param string $var
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $encoded
* @return ParentController
public function addJSVar($var, $value, $encoded = TRUE) {
if (is_array($var)) {
foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
$this->addJSVar($k, $v);
return $this;
$js = $this->vars['JS'];
$js .= "\n" . 'var ' . $var . ' = ' . ($encoded ? json_encode($value) : $value) . ';';
$this->vars['JS'] = $js;
return $this;
* Adds a script snippet to the $this->show() renderer.
* @param string $path The path to the asset (local or absolute)
* @param bool|TRUE $local whether it's a relative (local) or absolute URL
* @param bool|TRUE $minimize Use Minify library for the asset
* @return ParentController
public function addStyle($path, $local = TRUE, $minimize = TRUE) {
if ($minimize && $local) {
$this->vars['style'][] = $path;
} else {
$this->vars['styleSnippet'] .= "\r\n\t\t" . '<link href="' . ($local ? $this->asset('css/' . $path, TRUE) : $path) . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>';
return $this;
* Adds a style snippet to the $this->show() renderer.
* @param string $path The path to the asset (local or absolute)
* @param bool|TRUE $local whether it's a relative (local) or absolute URL
* @param bool|TRUE $minimize Use Minify library for the asset
* @return ParentController
public function addScript($path, $local = TRUE, $minimize = TRUE) {
if ($minimize && $local) {
$this->vars['script'][] = $path;
} else {
$this->vars['scriptSnippet'] .= "\r\n\t\t" . '<script src="' . ($local ? $this->asset('js/' . $path, TRUE) : $path). '" type="text/javascript"></script>';
return $this;
* Adds a script with the minified URL of the $files
* @param array $files the files to add to the minified asset
* @param string $type The type of minimized files
public function minimize($files, $type = 'js') {
if (!count($files)) return;
if ($type == 'script') {
$this->addScript(substr($this->url('_Minimize', [':f' => implode(',', $files), ':b' => 'js']), 1), FALSE);
} else {
$this->addStyle (substr($this->url('_Minimize', [':f' => implode(',', $files), ':b' => 'css']), 1), FALSE);
* Get the minified URL for the assets. This does NOT minimize files, just provide the minified url.
* @param array $files The assets that you want to minify
* @param string $type The type of minimized files
* @return string
public function minimizeURL($files = [], $type = 'js') {
return $this->url('_Minimize', [':f' => implode(',', $files), ':b' => $type]);
* Adds the $_header variable to the view
* @param array $vars|[] The vars to pass to the header
* @param string|bool $headerLocation an (optional) alternative route for the header
* @return ParentController
public function addHeader($vars = [], $headerLocation = FALSE) {
$header = $headerLocation ?
$this->get($headerLocation, $vars) :
$this->get('blocks/header', $vars);
$this->add('_header', $header);
return $this;
* Adds the $_footer variable to the view
* @param array $vars|[] The vars to pass to the footer
* @param string|bool $footerLocation an (optional) alternative route for the footer
* @return ParentController
public function addFooter($vars = [], $footerLocation = FALSE) {
$footer = $footerLocation ?
$this->get($footerLocation, $vars) :
$this->get('blocks/footer', $vars);
$this->add('_footer', $footer);
return $this;
* Sets a title for the website (different from the default one)
* @param string $title
* @return ParentController
public function setTitle($title) {
$this->vars['title'] = $title;
return $this;
* Sets a favicon for the website (different from the default one)
* @param string $favicon Route to the favicon asset
* @return ParentController
public function setFavicon($favicon) {
$this->vars['favicon'] = $favicon;
return $this;
* Returns $obj in a JSON format
* @param mixed $obj
* @param int $flags Flags to parse to {@see json_encode}
* @usage
* This function transforms a single-level array into a 2+ level array for the response
* <code>
* ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Saved!', 'foo' => 'bar']
* ['message' => 'Saved!', 'foo' => 'bar']
* </code>
* Get transformed into
* <code>
* ['success' => 1 // true is always default, and the value gets cast to integer (int)
* 'responseData' => [
* 'message' => 'Saved!', // by default is empty
* 'content' => '' // by default is empty
* 'foo' => 'bar' // custom
* ]]
* </code>
* You are free to add as many variables as you like. They'll be added under 'responseData' key.
* @return string JSON_encoded $obj
public function json($obj, $flags = 0) {
$defaults = [
'success' => 1,
'message' => '',
'content' => ''
$response = $obj;
foreach ($defaults as $k => $d) {
if (!isset($response[$k])) {
$response[$k] = $d;
} else {
$responseObj = [
'success' => (int)$response['success'],
'responseData' => [
'message' => $response['message'],
'content' => $response['content']
foreach ($obj as $k => $o) {
$responseObj['responseData'][$k] = $o;
die(json_encode($responseObj, $flags));
* Gets the cache content for a given path
* @param string $path
* @param array $vars Parameters to which render the file
* @return string rendered file
* @throws \Exception When the $path does not correspond (remember, there's a / -> _ conversion) to a chached file
public function cache($path, $vars = []) {
$file = __ROOT__ . '/app/cache/' . str_replace('/', '_', $path);
if (file_exists($file)) {
/* @TODO improve the extract() by adding a prefix */
include $file;
$cache = ob_get_clean();
return $cache;
} else {
throw new \Exception(str_replace('[[FILE]]', $file, $this->config->get('Exceptions', 'VIEW_NOT_FOUND')));
* Compresses $this->vars['script'] or $this->vars['style'] into a unique minified asset
public function compressWithMinify() {
require_once __ROOT__ . '/app/libs/min/index.php';
* Outputs the correspondent header for the given HTTP code, on the form header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
* See description of the status codes in the provided url
* @url http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/1.0/spec.html#Status-Codes
* @param int $code = 200 The status code
* @return ParentController
public function header($code = 200) {
$codes = array(
'200' => 'OK',
'201' => 'Created',
'202' => 'Accepted',
'204' => 'No Content',
'301' => 'Moved Permanently',
'302' => 'Moved Temporarily',
'304' => 'Not Modified',
'400' => 'Bad Request',
'401' => 'Unauthorized',
'403' => 'Forbidden',
'404' => 'Not Found',
'500' => 'Internal Server Error',
'501' => 'Not Implemented',
'502' => 'Bad Gateway',
'503' => 'Service Unavailable');
if (!empty($codes[$code])) {
header('HTTP/1.0 ' . $code . ' ' . $codes[$code]);
return $this;