ESP8266 ILI9341 display support code with printf sources, wire-frame viewer and custom fonts  1.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__fileFILE type structure
 C_printf_tUndefine any potential macro version of these functions
 Cdst_tDST structure
 Cf_tFormat specifier flags
 Cp2_int16_t2D display point - display coordinates are int16
 Cp3_int16_t3D display point - display coordinates are int16
 Cp_ch_tData structure for character buffer with limits
 CpointPoint definition
 Cqueue_tQueue structure
 CstatPOSIX stat structure
 CTIMERSUser timer struct
 CtimespecPOSIX timespec
 CtimevalPOSIX timeval
 CtimezonePOSIX timezone
 CtmPOSIX struct tm
 CutimbufPOSIX utimbuf structure
 Cxpt2046_winInitial calibration values for your display Note: these values are not rotated