ioVTK Namespace Reference

The namespace ioVTK contains reader, writer and helper using the fwVtkIO lib for output and input actions between data and the frameWork. More...


class  Plugin
class  SImageReader
 Service reading a VTK Image using the fwVtkIO lib. More...
class  SImageSeriesReader
 VTK ImageSeries Reader. More...
class  SImageSeriesWriter
 VTK Image Writer. More...
class  SImageWriter
 VTK Image Writer. More...
class  SMeshReader
 VTK Mesh Reader. More...
class  SMeshWriter
 VTK Mesh Writer. More...
class  SModelSeriesObjWriter
 Wavefront OBJ files. More...
class  SModelSeriesReader
 VTK Mesh Writer. More...
class  SModelSeriesWriter
 VTK Model series writer. More...
class  SSeriesDBReader
 VTK File Reader. More...


template<typename READER >
READER::sptr configureReader (const ::boost::filesystem::path &imgFile)
void initSeries (::fwMedData::Series::sptr series)


static::fwRuntime::utils::GenericExecutableFactoryRegistrar< Pluginregistrar ("::ioVTK::Plugin")

Detailed Description

The namespace ioVTK contains reader, writer and helper using the fwVtkIO lib for output and input actions between data and the frameWork.