Tuto16MultithreadConsole Namespace Reference

The namespace Tuto16MultithreadConsole contains services to run the Tuto16MultithreadConsole example. More...


class  Plugin
 Class call when bundle is started/stopped. More...
class  SIncrementArray
 This service increments all the values of a fwData::Array. More...
class  SReadArray
 This service initializes a fwData::Array with 10 values (0 to 9). More...
class  SShowArray
 This service displays the array values in the log. More...


static::fwRuntime::utils::GenericExecutableFactoryRegistrar< Pluginregistrar ("::Tuto16MultithreadConsole::Plugin")

Detailed Description

The namespace Tuto16MultithreadConsole contains services to run the Tuto16MultithreadConsole example.