
read onlylength:Int


inline append (el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline concat (that:ReadonlyArray<T>):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline head ():Null<T>

indexOf (el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):Int

insertAfter (ref:T, el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline insertAt (pos:Int, el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline insertBefore (ref:T, el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline iterator ():Iterator<T>

lastIndexOf (el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):Int

inline pop ():Tuple<Null<T>, ReadonlyArray<T>>

Removes and returns the value at the end of the array. The original ReadonlyArray is unchanged.

inline prepend (el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline push (el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

Alias for append

reduce<X> (f:X ‑> T ‑> X, initial:X):X

reducei<X> (f:X ‑> T ‑> Int ‑> X, initial:X):X

It is the same as reduce but with the extra integer index parameter.

inline remove (el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline removeAt (pos:Int):ReadonlyArray<T>

replace (ref:T, el:T, ?eq:T ‑> T ‑> Bool):ReadonlyArray<T>

inline replaceAt (pos:Int, el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

shift ():Tuple<Null<T>, ReadonlyArray<T>>

Removes and returns the value at the beginning of the array. The original ReadonlyArray is unchanged.

inline tail ():ReadonlyArray<T>

inline toArray ():Array<T>

inline unsafe ():Array<T>

inline unshift (el:T):ReadonlyArray<T>

Alias for prepend

Static methods

staticinline empty<T> ():ReadonlyArray<T>

staticinline flatten<T> (array:ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyArray<T>>):ReadonlyArray<T>