Module slb
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Module slb

source code

SLB module:  aXAPI server load balancing implementation.
    Support the object-oriented interface for the SLB such as:
        ServiceGroup        configure the service groups
        ServiceGroupStats   collect the statistics of service group
        RealServer          configure the servers
        RealServerStats     collect the statistics of servers
        VirtualServer       configure the virtual servers and services
        VirtualServerStats  collect the statistics of virtual servers
Author : Richard Zhang, A10 Networks (c)
email  :
Date   : 03/06/2012

Classes [hide private]
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.service_group.* method to manage the SLB service groups as getAll/create/delete/update
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.service_group.fetchAllStatistics/.fetchStatistics method to collect the SLB service group statistics data
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.server.* method to manage the SLB real servers as getAll/create/delete/update
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.server.fetchAllStatistics/.fetchStatistics method to collect the SLB server statistics data
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.virtual_server.* method to manage the SLB virtual servers as getAll/create/delete/update
Implementation of the aXAPI slb.virtual_server.fetchAllStatistics/.fetchStatistics method to collect the SLB virtual server statistics data
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = None