Module network
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Source Code for Module network

  1  # -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
  2  """
  3      Network module:  aXAPI network configuration implementation.
  4          Support the object-oriented interface for the network such as:
  5              Interface
  6              VirtualInterface
  7              MgmtInterface
  8              GatewayConfig
  9              Trunk
 10              VlanConfig
 11              NetworkRoute
 12              NetworkArp
 13              NetworkDns
 16      Author : Richard Zhang, A10 Networks (c)
 17      email  :
 18      Date   : 03/08/2012
 19  """ 
 21  import method_call 
 22  from  base import AxObject, AxAPIError 
23 24 -class Interface(AxObject):
25 """ 26 Implementation of the aXAPI network.interface.* method to 27 manage the interface configuration as getAll/get/set/ipv4.add/ipv4.delete/ipv6.add/ipv6.delete, 28 and interface global.set/global.get 29 30 Usage: 31 # interface with options: 32 # port_num (required) interface number 33 # type interface type, always be ‘ethernet’ 34 # name interface name 35 # status interface status, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 36 # mac_addr interface MAC address 37 # duplexity interface duplexity setting, ‘auto’,’ half’ or ‘full’ 38 # speed interface speed setting, ‘auto’, ‘10M’, ‘100M’ or ‘1G’ 39 # flow_ctl flow control 40 # normal_rate ICMP normal rate, if this option is set, ICMP rate limit is enabled, if 41 # this option is not set, ICMP rate limit is disabled on this virtual port. 42 # lockup_rate ICMP lockup rate 43 # lockup_period ICMP lockup period 44 # ipv4_addr_list tag for the collection of interface IPv4 info list 45 # ipv4_addr IPv4 address of this interface 46 # ipv4_mask IPv4 mask 47 # ipv4_acl IPv4 access list 48 # ipv6_addr_list tag for the collection of interface IPv6 info list 49 # ipv6_addr interface IPv6 address 50 # ipv6_prefix_len interface IPv6 prefix length 51 # ipv6_is_any_cast_addr yes(1), no(0) 52 # ipv6_auto_link_local whether to link local address automatic or not 53 # ipv6_link_local_config tag for interfaces IPv6 link local configuration. 54 # ipv6_link_local_addr IPv6 link local address 55 # ipv6_link_local_prefix IPv6 link local prefix length 56 # ipv6_link_local_is_any_cast yes(1), no(0) 57 # ipv6_acl IPv6 access list 58 # allow_promiscuous_vip allow promiscuous VIP status, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 59 # tcp_sync_cookie TCP syn cookie status, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 60 # ha_status interface HA status, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 61 # ha_type none(0), router-interface(1), server-interface(2) or both(3) 62 # ha_heartbeat status when HA status enabled, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 63 # ha_vlan vlan id, only when interface HA status is enabled(1) 64 65 # Example: 66 """ 67 68 __display__ = ["port_num", "status", "name"] 69 __obj_name__ = 'interface' 70 __xml_convrt__ = {"interface_list": "interface", "ipv4_addr_list": "ipv4", "ipv6_addr_list": "ipv6"} 71 72 @staticmethod
73 - def getAll():
74 """ method : network.interface.getAll 75 Returns a list of interface configuration in Interface instance. 76 """ 77 try: 78 res = method_call.call_api(Interface(), method = "network.interface.getAll", format = "url") 79 a_list = [] 80 for item in res["interface_list"]: 81 a_list.append( Interface(**item) ) 82 return a_list 83 except AxAPIError: 84 return None
85 86 @staticmethod
87 - def get(port_num):
88 """ method: network.interface.get 89 Get the interface configuration by given port number. 90 """ 91 try: 92 r = method_call.call_api(Interface(), method = "network.interface.get", port_num = port_num, format = "url") 93 return Interface(**r[Interface.__obj_name__]) 94 except AxAPIError: 95 return None
97 - def configure(self):
98 """ method: network.interface.set 99 Configure an interface. 100 """ 101 try: 102 method_call.call_api(self, method = "network.interface.set", format = "url", post_data = self.getRequestPostDataXml()) 103 return 0 104 except AxAPIError, e: 105 return e.code
107 - def deleteIpv4Address(self, addr, mask):
108 """ method: network.interface.ipv4.delete 109 Delete the IPv4 address, addr/mask for given interface. 110 """ 111 try: 112 method_call.call_api(self, method = "network.interface.ipv4.delete", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv4_addr=addr, ipv4_mask=mask) 113 return 0 114 except AxAPIError, e: 115 return e.code
117 - def addIpv4Address(self, addr, mask):
118 """ method: network.interface.ipv4.add 119 Add the IPv4 address, addr/mask for given interface. 120 """ 121 try: 122 method_call.call_api(self, method = "network.interface.ipv4.add", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv4_addr=addr, ipv4_mask=mask) 123 return 0 124 except AxAPIError, e: 125 return e.code
127 - def deleteIpv6Address(self, v6_addr, v6_addr_prefix_len):
128 """ method: network.interface.ipv6.delete 129 Delete the IPv6 address, v6_addr/v6_addr_prefix_len for given interface. 130 """ 131 try: 132 method_call.call_api(self, method = "network.interface.ipv6.delete", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv6_addr=v6_addr, ipv6_prefix_len=v6_addr_prefix_len) 133 return 0 134 except AxAPIError, e: 135 return e.code
137 - def addIpv6Address(self, v6_addr, v6_addr_prefix_len):
138 """ method: network.interface.ipv6.add 139 Add the IPv6 address, v6_addr/v6_addr_prefix_len for given interface. 140 """ 141 try: 142 method_call.call_api(self, method = "network.interface.ipv6.add", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv6_addr=v6_addr, ipv6_prefix_len=v6_addr_prefix_len) 143 return 0 144 except AxAPIError, e: 145 return e.code
147 - def deleteAllIPv4Addr(self):
148 try: 149 if self.getObjectDict.has_key("ipv4_addr_list"): 150 addr_list = self.getObjectDict()["ipv4_addr_list"] 151 for addr in addr_list: 152 self.deleteIpv4Address(addr.ipv4_addr, addr.ipv4_mask) 153 return 0 154 except AxAPIError, e: 155 return e.code
157 - def deleteAllIPv6Addr(self):
158 try: 159 if self.getObjectDict.has_key("ipv6_addr_list"): 160 addr_list = self.getObjectDict()["ipv6_addr_list"] 161 for addr in addr_list: 162 self.deleteIpv6Address(addr.ipv6_addr, addr.ipv6_prefix_len) 163 return 0 164 except AxAPIError, e: 165 return e.code
167 -class VirtualInterface(AxObject):
168 """ 169 Implementation of the aXAPI* method to 170 manage the virtual interface configuration as getAll/get/set/ipv4.add/ipv4.delete/ipv6.add/ipv6.delete. 171 172 Usage: 173 # ve with options: 174 # port_num (required) virtual interface number 175 # name virtual interface name 176 # status virtual interface status, disabled(0) or enabled(1) 177 # normal_rate icmp normal rate limit, if option is set, icmp rate limit is enabled, 178 # if option is not set, icmp rate limit is disabled on this virtual port. 179 # lookup_rate icmp lookup rate. 180 # lookup_period icmp lookup period. 181 # ipv4_addr_list tag of IPv4 address list. 182 # ipv4_addr IPv4 address 183 # ipv4_mask IPv4 mask 184 # ipv4_acl IPv4 access list 185 # ipv6_addr_list tag of IPv6 address list 186 # ipv6_addr IPv6 address 187 # ipv6_prefix_len IPv6 prefix length 188 # ipv6_is_any_cast_addr any cast status of address, enabled (1), disabled (0) 189 # ipv6_auto_link_local automatic link local status, enabled(1), disabled(0) 190 # ipv6_link_loal_cfg tag of manual IPv6 link local address. 191 # ipv6_link_local_addr IPv6 link local address 192 # ipv6_link_local_prefix_len the prefix length of this IPv6 address 193 # ipv6_link_local_is_any_cast any cast status of address. Enabled (1), disabled (0) 194 # ipv6_acl IPv6 access name 195 # allow_promiscuous_vip status, enabled (1), disabled (0) 196 # tcp_sync_cookie TCP sync cookie status, enabled (1), disabled (0) 197 198 # Example: 199 """ 200 201 __display__ = ["port_num", "status", "name"] 202 __obj_name__ = 've' 203 __xml_convrt__ = {"ve_list": "ve", "ipv4_addr_list": "ipv4", "ipv6_addr_list": "ipv6_addr"} 204 205 @staticmethod
206 - def getAll():
207 """ method : 208 Returns a list of ve configuration in VirtualInterface instance. 209 """ 210 try: 211 res = method_call.call_api(VirtualInterface(), method = "", format = "url") 212 a_list = [] 213 for item in res["ve_list"]: 214 a_list.append( VirtualInterface(**item) ) 215 return a_list 216 except AxAPIError: 217 return None
218 219 @staticmethod
220 - def get(port_num):
221 """ method: 222 Get the interface configuration by given port number. 223 """ 224 try: 225 r = method_call.call_api(VirtualInterface(), method = "", port_num = port_num, format = "url") 226 return Interface(**r[VirtualInterface.__obj_name__]) 227 except AxAPIError: 228 return None
230 - def configure(self):
231 """ method: 232 Configure a ve. 233 """ 234 try: 235 method_call.call_api(self, method = "", format = "url", post_data = self.getRequestPostDataXml()) 236 return 0 237 except AxAPIError, e: 238 return e.code
240 - def deleteIpv4Address(self, addr, mask):
241 """ method: 242 Delete the IPv4 address, addr/mask for given interface. 243 """ 244 try: 245 method_call.call_api(self, method = "", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv4_addr=addr, ipv4_mask=mask) 246 return 0 247 except AxAPIError, e: 248 return e.code
250 - def addIpv4Address(self, addr, mask):
251 """ method: 252 Add the IPv4 address, addr/mask for given interface. 253 """ 254 try: 255 method_call.call_api(self, method = "", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv4_addr=addr, ipv4_mask=mask) 256 return 0 257 except AxAPIError, e: 258 return e.code
260 - def deleteIpv6Address(self, v6_addr, v6_addr_prefix_len):
261 """ method: network.interface.ipv6.delete 262 Delete the IPv6 address, v6_addr/v6_addr_prefix_len for given interface. 263 """ 264 try: 265 method_call.call_api(self, method = "", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv6_addr=v6_addr, ipv6_prefix_len=v6_addr_prefix_len) 266 return 0 267 except AxAPIError, e: 268 return e.code
270 - def addIpv6Address(self, v6_addr, v6_addr_prefix_len):
271 """ method: network.interface.ipv6.add 272 Add the IPv6 address, v6_addr/v6_addr_prefix_len for given interface. 273 """ 274 try: 275 method_call.call_api(self, method = "", format = "url", port_num=self.port_num, ipv6_addr=v6_addr, ipv6_prefix_len=v6_addr_prefix_len) 276 return 0 277 except AxAPIError, e: 278 return e.code
280 - def deleteAllIPv4Addr(self):
281 try: 282 if self.getObjectDict.has_key("ipv4_addr_list"): 283 addr_list = self.getObjectDict()["ipv4_addr_list"] 284 for addr in addr_list: 285 self.deleteIpv4Address(addr.ipv4_addr, addr.ipv4_mask) 286 return 0 287 except AxAPIError, e: 288 return e.code
290 - def deleteAllIPv6Addr(self):
291 try: 292 if self.getObjectDict.has_key("ipv6_addr_list"): 293 addr_list = self.getObjectDict()["ipv6_addr_list"] 294 for addr in addr_list: 295 self.deleteIpv6Address(addr.ipv6_addr, addr.ipv6_prefix_len) 296 return 0 297 except AxAPIError, e: 298 return e.code