MBMLResourceFunctions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MBMLResourceFunctions.h


This class implements MBML functions for obtaining information about NSBundle resources.

These functions are exposed to the Mockingbird environment via <Function ... /> declarations in the MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml file.

For more information on MBML functions, see the MBMLFunction class.

+ directoryForMainBundle

Determines the directory containing the resources for the main NSBundle.

+ (id)directoryForMainBundle

Return Value

The directory containing the main bundle’s resource files, or nil if it couldn’t be found.


This Mockingbird function accepts no parameters.

Expression usage


The expression above would return the filesystem path of the resource directory for the main NSBundle.

Declared In


+ directoryForBundleWithIdentifier:

Determines the directory containing the resources for the NSBundle with the specified bundle identifier.

+ (id)directoryForBundleWithIdentifier:(NSString *)bundleID



The bundle identifier.

Return Value

The directory containing the resources for the NSBundle with the identifier bundleID, or nil if it couldn’t be found.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single expression as a parameter, yielding the bundle identifier.

Expression usage


The expression above would return the filesystem path of the resource directory for the NSBundle with the identifier com.gilt.ios if it exists. If no such bundle exists, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ directoryForClassBundle:

Determines the directory containing the resources for the NSBundle associated with the specified class.

+ (id)directoryForClassBundle:(NSString *)className



The class name.

Return Value

The directory containing the resources for the NSBundle associated with the class className, or nil if it couldn’t be found.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single expression as a parameter, yielding the class name.

Expression usage


The expression above would return the filesystem path of the resource directory for the NSBundle associated with the MBEnvironment class.

Declared In
