MBMLFunction Class Reference

Inherits from MBConditionalDeclaration : MBDataModel : MBFormattedDescriptionObject
Declared in MBMLFunction.h


Represents an Objective-C method that is exposed to the Mockingbird environment as an MBML function.

MBML functions allow native Objective-C code to be called from within Mockingbird expressions. When an expression containing a function call is evaluated, the implementing method of the function is executed, and the value returned by the method (if any) is yielded by the function. Values returned by function implementations can then be manipulated further within an expression.

Functions can take zero or more input parameters, and they may return an object instance as a result.

Calling Functions

Function calls begin with a caret character (‘^’), followed by the name of the function, and end in a list of zero or more pipe-separated parameters surrounded by parentheses.

For example, to call a function that creates an array, you could write:


The function above returns an NSArray containing four items: the strings “pizza”, “pasta”, “sushi” and “lobster”.

Because this particular expression yields an object, we can access values in the returned object as if it were a regular Mockingbird object reference. To access the fourth element in the (zero-indexed) array, you would write:


This expression yields the value “lobster”.

Implementing Functions

MBML functions are implemented as Objective-C class methods. MBML functions that accept multiple parameters will receive those values in an array. The MBMLFunction class handles the marshalling of parameters to the function implementation. Precisely how parameters are handled depends on the function’s input type, as discussed below.

The class method that implements an MBML function typically returns an id type. Functions that fail to execute to completion due to an error will signal that error by returning an MBMLFunctionError instance. The MBMLFunction class inspects the value returned by the function implementation to determine whether an error occurred.

When a function returns an MBMLFunctionError, it causes the entire expression to fail evaluatation, and the error will bubble up to the caller (if the caller opted to handle errors directly) or will be logged to the console.

Under normal conditions, the value returned by the function implementation becomes the value yielded by the function call within the expression.

Declaring Functions

A standard set of MBML functions is included in the Mockingbird Data Environment by default, declared in MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml. You can inspect this file to see how functions are declared in MBML, and to find the implementing class methods for examples of how functions are written.

You can also expose your own function implementations, either through an MBML file, or programmatically by creating an MBMLFunction instance and passing it to [MBVariableSpace declareFunction:].

In an MBML file, a function declaration looks like:

<Function name="functionName"

The <Function> tag accepts the following attributes:

  • name - The name of the function as it will be invoked in an expresion; a function with the namefoo” taking no parameters is called as “^foo()”. The function’s name must be a valid Mockingbird identifier.

  • class - Specifies the name of the Objective-C class that implements the function.

  • method - The implementing method, which must be a class method. This attribute is optional if the name of the method is the same as the function name. Unlike with Objective-C selectors, colons are not considered part of the name and therefore should not be included in the declaration.

  • input - Specifies the type of input the function expects, as described below. The MBMLFunction class will marshal input parameters accordingly.

  • output - Specifies the type of output returned by the function.

Function Input Type

The input attribute of the <Function> declaration in MBML accepts the following values:

  • none - The function accepts no input parameters. The implementing method should take no parameters.

  • raw - The function accepts a single uninterpreted string as input. The implementing method should take an NSString parameter.

  • string - The function accepts as input an expression yielding a string. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will evaluate the input parameter as a string expression, and will pass the result to the implementing method. The implementing method should take an NSString parameter.

  • object - The function accepts as input an expression yielding an object. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will evaluate the input parameter as an object expression, and will pass the result to the implementing method. The implementing method should take an NSObject or id parameter.

  • math - The function accepts as input a math expression yielding a numeric value. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will evaluate the input parameter as a numeric expression, and will pass the result to the implementing method. The implementing method should take an NSNumber parameter.

  • pipedExpressions - The function accepts zero or more expressions as input. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will split the input at the pipe character (“|”) resulting in an NSArray, which is then passed to the implementing method. Note that it is the responsibility of the implementing method to evaluate the passed-in expressions.

  • pipedStrings - The function accepts zero or more expressions yielding strings as input. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will split the input at the pipe character (“|”) and then evaluate each resulting expression in the string context. The results are placed into an NSArray which is then passed to the implementing method.

  • pipedObjects - The function accepts zero or more expressions yielding objects as input. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will split the input at the pipe character (“|”) and then evaluate each resulting expression in the object context. The results are placed into an NSArray which is then passed to the implementing method.

  • pipedMath - The function accepts zero or more math expressions yielding numbers as input. Prior to executing the implementing method, the MBMLFunction will split the input at the pipe character (“|”) and then evaluate each resulting expression in the numeric context. The results are placed into an NSArray which is then passed to the implementing method.

Function Output Type

The output attribute of the <Function> declaration in MBML accepts the following values:

  • object - The function returns an Objective-C object.

  • none - The function returns no output. This is only needed for functions that produce a side-effect but otherwise do not yield meaningful output.

Typically, a function’s implementing method is declared to return the type id rather than a specific type. This is to allow the method to return an MBMLFunctionError instance to signal an error.

Even if a function is declared with an output type of none, the implementing method may return id in case it needs to signal an error.

Parameter Validation

MBMLFunction declares a number of parmater validation methods to simplify error reporting on behalf of function implementations. When a function is passed input it isn’t expecting, the validation methods provide a mechanism to report descriptive errors in a standardized way, while allowing you to minimize boilerplate validation code.

Here’s an example of the validation code for a hypothetical function that takes 2 or 3 parameters and expects the second parameter to be an expression that evaluates to an NSString instance:

+ (id) hypotheticalFunction:(NSArray*)params
    MBMLFunctionError* err = nil;
    NSUInteger paramCnt = [MBMLFunction validateParameter:params 
    NSString* key = [MBMLFunction validateParameter:params
    if (err) return err;

    //    ...function implementation follows...
    // it is safe to use 'paramCnt' and 'key' here

The parameter validation methods are designed so that you don’t need to check the value of err after each call. You will only need to check err before using any of the values returned by the the validation methods.



Returns the name of the function. A function’s name determines how it is invoked from within an MBML expression.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) NSString *name

Declared In



Returns the input type of the function. The input type determines the format of the parameters (if any) expected by the function.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MBMLFunctionInputType inputType

Declared In



Returns the output type of the function. Functions return either an object or no output.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MBMLFunctionOutputType outputType

Declared In


Creating instances

– initWithName:inputType:outputType:implementingClass:methodSelector:

Initializes a new MBMLFunction instance.

- (nullable instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name inputType:(MBMLFunctionInputType)inputType outputType:(MBMLFunctionOutputType)outputType implementingClass:(nonnull Class)cls methodSelector:(nonnull SEL)selector



The name of the function.


The function’s input type.


The function’s output type.


The implementing class of the function.


The selector of the implementing method.

Return Value


Declared In


Validating parameter lists

+ validateParameter:countIs:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that it contains the expected number of parameters. Validation will fail if the parameter list doesn’t contain the exact number of parameters expected.

+ (NSUInteger)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params countIs:(NSUInteger)expectedCnt error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The exact number of parameters expected by the function.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

The number of parameters contained in the array, or 0 if parameter validation fails.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:countIsAtLeast:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that it contains the expected number of parameters. Validation will fail if the parameter list contains fewer than the expected number of parameters.

+ (NSUInteger)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params countIsAtLeast:(NSUInteger)expectedCnt error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The minimum number of parameters expected by the function.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

The number of parameters contained in the array, or 0 if parameter validation fails.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:countIsAtMost:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that it contains the expected number of parameters. Validation will fail if the parameter list contains more than the expected number of parameters.

+ (NSUInteger)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params countIsAtMost:(NSUInteger)expectedCnt error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The maximum number of parameters expected by the function.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

The number of parameters contained in the array, or 0 if parameter validation fails.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:countIsAtLeast:andAtMost:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that it contains the expected number of parameters. Validation will fail if the parameter list contains fewer than or more than the expected number of parameters.

+ (NSUInteger)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params countIsAtLeast:(NSUInteger)minCnt andAtMost:(NSUInteger)maxCnt error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The minimum number of parameters expected by the function.


The maximum number of parameters expected by the function.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

The number of parameters contained in the array, or 0 if parameter validation fails.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:indexIsInRange:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that a given index is within range for the array. Validation will fail if the array index is greater than the last index in the array.

+ (NSUInteger)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params indexIsInRange:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index that’s expected to be within range for the parameter array.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

The number of parameters contained in the array, or 0 if parameter validation fails.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:objectAtIndex:isKindOfClass:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is of an expected class. Validation will fail if the parameter at that array index is not a kind of the expected class.

+ (nullable id)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx isKindOfClass:(nonnull Class)cls error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


The expected class of the parameter at the given array index.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:objectAtIndex:isOneKindOfClass:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is among a list of expected classes. Validation will fail if the parameter at the specified index is not a kind of one of the expected classes.

+ (nullable Class)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx isOneKindOfClass:(nonnull NSArray *)classes error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


An array of classes against which to validate the parameter at the specified index. Validation succeeds if the parameter is an instance of one of those classes.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:isStringAtIndex:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is a string. Validation will fail if the parameter at the specified index is not an NSString instance.

+ (nullable NSString *)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params isStringAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the string at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:containsNumberAtIndex:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is a number. Validation will fail if the parameter at the specified index is not a numeric value.

+ (nullable NSDecimalNumber *)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params containsNumberAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the number at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:isArrayAtIndex:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is an array. Validation will fail if the parameter at the specified index is not an NSArray instance.

+ (nullable NSArray *)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params isArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the array at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:isDictionaryAtIndex:error:

Validates a function’s parameter list array to ensure that an object at a given array index is a dictionary. Validation will fail if the parameter at the specified index is not an NSDictionary instance.

+ (nullable NSDictionary *)validateParameter:(nonnull NSArray *)params isDictionaryAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the dictionary at the given array index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


Validating individual parameters

+ validateParameter:isKindOfClass:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure that the object is an instance of an expected class. Validation will fail if the parameter is not a kind of the expected class.

+ (nullable id)validateParameter:(nonnull id)param isKindOfClass:(nonnull Class)cls error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


The expected class of the input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter object is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:isOneKindOfClass:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure that the object’s class is among a list of expected classes. Validation will fail if the is not a kind of one of the expected classes.

+ (nullable Class)validateParameter:(nonnull id)param isOneKindOfClass:(nonnull NSArray *)classes error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


An array of classes against which to validate the parameter. Validation succeeds if the parameter is an instance of one of those classes.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter object is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameter:respondsToSelector:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure that the object responds to the provided selector. Validation will fail if the object does not respond to that selector.

+ (nullable id<NSObject>)validateParameter:(nonnull id<NSObject>)param respondsToSelector:(nonnull SEL)selector error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


The selector to test against the input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter object is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameterIsString:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure that it is a string. Validation will fail if the parameter is not an NSString instance.

+ (nullable NSString *)validateParameterIsString:(nonnull id)param error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter string is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameterContainsNumber:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure it contains a numeric value. Validation will fail if the parameter is not a number.

+ (nullable NSDecimalNumber *)validateParameterContainsNumber:(nonnull id)param error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter number is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameterIsArray:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure it is an array. Validation will fail if the parameter is not an NSArray instance.

+ (nullable NSArray *)validateParameterIsArray:(nonnull id)param error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter array is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


+ validateParameterIsDictionary:error:

Validates a function’s input parameter to ensure it is a dictionary. Validation will fail if the parameter is not an NSDictionary instance.

+ (nullable NSDictionary *)validateParameterIsDictionary:(nonnull id)param error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The function’s input parameter.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the parameter dictionary is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.

Declared In


Validating parameters for functions taking piped expressions

+ validateExpression:isStringAtIndex:error:

Validates an expression parameter list to ensure that the expression at the specified array index yields an NSString when evaluated.

+ (nullable NSString *)validateExpression:(nonnull NSArray *)params isStringAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the string resulting from evaluating the expression at the specified parameter index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


This method is intended to be used by functions declared with an inputType of MBMLFunctionInputPipedExpressions.

Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateExpression:containsNumberAtIndex:error:

Validates an expression parameter list to ensure that the expression at the specified array index yields a numeric value when evaluated.

+ (nullable NSDecimalNumber *)validateExpression:(nonnull NSArray *)params containsNumberAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the number resulting from evaluating the expression at the specified parameter index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


This method is intended to be used by functions declared with an inputType of MBMLFunctionInputPipedExpressions.

Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateExpression:isArrayAtIndex:error:

Validates an expression parameter list to ensure that the expression at the specified array index yields an NSArray when evaluated.

+ (nullable NSArray *)validateExpression:(nonnull NSArray *)params isArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the array resulting from evaluating the expression at the specified parameter index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


This method is intended to be used by functions declared with an inputType of MBMLFunctionInputPipedExpressions.

Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


+ validateExpression:isDictionaryAtIndex:error:

Validates an expression parameter list to ensure that the expression at the specified array index yields an NSDictionary when evaluated.

+ (nullable NSDictionary *)validateExpression:(nonnull NSArray *)params isDictionaryAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



An array containing the function’s input parameters.


The array index of the parameter being validated.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if parameter validation fails. Note that this must not be a nil value. If a previous validation error occurred and *errPtr already contains an error object, further parameter validation will not be performed.

Return Value

If validation succeeds, the dictionary resulting from evaluating the expression at the specified parameter index is returned. If validation fails, nil is returned.


This method is intended to be used by functions declared with an inputType of MBMLFunctionInputPipedExpressions.

Warning: For performance reasons, this method does not attempt to validate the provided array index, and an exception will occur if the index is out-of-range for the parameter array. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should always validate the parameter count of the array prior to calling this method.

Declared In


Function execution

– executeWithInput:error:

Called by the expression engine to execute the function.

- (nullable id)executeWithInput:(nullable id)input error:(MBMLFunctionErrorPtrPtr)errPtr



The input parameter(s) for the function.


A memory location where a pointer to an MBMLFunctionError instance will be placed if function execution fails.

Return Value

The function’s return value. nil is returned if an error occurred while executing the function.

Declared In


Debugging output

– functionDescription

Returns a human-readable description of the receiver.

- (nonnull NSString *)functionDescription

Declared In
