MBMLMathFunctions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MBMLMathFunctions.h


This class implements MBML functions for performing mathematical operations.

Note: Simple math operations are available using the math expression notation.

These functions are exposed to the Mockingbird environment via <Function ... /> declarations in the MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml file.

For more information on MBML functions, see the MBMLFunction class.

Modulo operations

+ mod:

Performs an integer modulo operation on a dividend and a divisor.

+ (id)mod:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An NSNumber containing the result.


The modulo operation returns the remainder of dividing the dividend by the divisor.

This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated parameters:

  • The dividend, a numeric expression that will be interpreted as an integer value

  • The divisor, a numeric expression that will be interpreted as an integer value

Expression usage


The expression above yields the value 3.

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+ modFloat:

Performs a floating-point modulo operation on a dividend and a divisor.

+ (id)modFloat:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An NSNumber containing the result.


The modulo operation returns the remainder of dividing the dividend by the divisor.

This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated parameters:

  • The dividend, a numeric expression that will be interpreted as a floating-point value

  • The divisor, a numeric expression that will be interpreted as an floating-point value

Expression usage


The expression above yields the value 0.25.

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Rounding numbers

+ percent:

Formats a string to display a human-readable percentage.

+ (id)percent:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An NSString containing the result.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated parameters:

  • An optional format string, a string expression containing a printf-style formatting sequence. If format string is omitted, the format string defaults to “%.0f%%”.

  • The dividend, a numeric expression

  • The divisor, a numeric expression that’s expected to be greater than the dividend

The percent string is constructed by dividing the dividend by the divisor and formatting the resulting floating-point number using the format string.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the string “41%”.

^percent(%.2f percent|13|38)

The expression above yields the string “34.21 percent”.

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+ ceil:

Returns the ceiling of a numeric value; that is, the smallest integral value greater than or equal to the specified value. This can be thought of as “rounding up.”

+ (id)ceil:(id)number



The input value.

Return Value

The ceiling of the input value.


This Mockingbird function accepts one parameter, a numeric expression for which the ceiling should be returned.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the value 11.


The expression above yields the value -10.

Declared In


+ floor:

Returns the floor of a numeric value; that is, the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified value. This can be thought of as “rounding down.”

+ (id)floor:(id)number



The input value.

Return Value

The floor of the input value.


This Mockingbird function accepts one parameter, a numeric expression for which the floor should be returned.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the value 10.


The expression above yields the value -11.

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+ round:

Rounds a numeric value to the nearest integral value. Values halfway between the nearest integrals are rounded away from zero.

+ (id)round:(id)number



The input value.

Return Value

The floor of the input value.


This Mockingbird function accepts one parameter, a numeric expression for which the rounded value should be returned.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the value 10.


The expression above yields the value 11.


The expression above yields the value 11.


The expression above yields the value -10.


The expression above yields the value -11.


The expression above yields the value -11.

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Comparing numbers

+ max:

Returns the greater of two numeric values.

+ (id)max:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The lesser value of the two input parameters.


This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated parameters:

  • a, a numeric expression representing the first value, and
  • b, a numeric expression representing the second value

If a is greater than b, the function returns a; if a is less than b, the function returns b.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the numeric value 10.

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+ min:

Returns the lesser of two numeric values.

+ (id)min:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The lesser value of the two input parameters.


This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated parameters:

  • a, a numeric expression representing the first value, and
  • b, a numeric expression representing the second value

If a is less than b, the function returns a; if a is greater than b, the function returns b.

Expression usage


The expression above yields the numeric value 5.

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Random number generation

+ randomPercent

Returns a random percentage. Possible values range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

+ (id)randomPercent

Return Value

An NSNumber containing a random percentage.


This Mockingbird function accepts no parameters, and returns an NSNumber.

Expression usage


One run of the expression above resulted in the value 0.3335955009486505. Other runs will produce different results.

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+ random:

Returns a random integer within a specified range.

+ (id)random:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An NSNumber containing a random integer value between minimum value and maximum value, inclusive.


This Mockingbird function accepts one or two pipe-separated parameters, depending on how it being used:

  • An optional minimum value, a numeric expression specifying the minimum value to be returned by the function. If this value is not specified, 0 will be used as the minimum value.

  • The maximum value, a numeric expression specifying the maximum value to be returned by the function.

Expression usage


One run of the expression above resulted in the value 27. Other runs will produce different results.

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Creating sequences of numbers

+ arrayFilledWithIntegers:

Creates an array filled with NSNumbers containing integers created according to a simple step pattern.

+ (id)arrayFilledWithIntegers:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The function result.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated parameters:

  • The starting number, a numeric expression that yields the value for the first element in the returned array

  • The maximum number, a numeric expression. The returned array will contain no values greater than the maximum number.

  • An optional step increment, a numeric expression indicating the amount by which starting number will increase in each step towards the maximum number. If this parameter is omitted, the step increment will be 1.

The return value will be an array of integers beginning with starting number and increasing by the step increment until the maximum number is reached.

Expression usage


The expression above would return an array containing the elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

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