MBMLFontFunctions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MBMLFontFunctions.h


This class implements MBML functions for accessing information about the fonts available at runtime.

These functions are exposed to the Mockingbird environment via <Function ... /> declarations in the MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml file.

For more information on MBML functions, see the MBMLFunction class.

Accessing fonts

+ fontFamilyNames

Returns an array containing the available font family names.

+ (id)fontFamilyNames

Return Value

The names of the available font families.


This Mockingbird function takes no parameters.

Expression usage

The expression:


returns the names of all font families available on the device on which the expression is evaluated.

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+ fontNamesForFamilyName:

Returns an array containing the available UIFont names given a font family name.

+ (id)fontNamesForFamilyName:(NSString *)familyName



The function’s input parameter, the font family name.

Return Value

The names of the fonts available in the given font family.


This Mockingbird function takes a single string expression as input, yielding the name of the font family whose font names are sought.

Expression usage

The expression:


returns an array containing the following font names:

  • Helvetica-LightOblique
  • Helvetica
  • Helvetica-Oblique
  • Helvetica-BoldOblique
  • Helvetica-Bold
  • Helvetica-Light

Results may differ depending on the device type and operating system version.

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+ fontWithNameAndSize:

Returns a UIFont instance for the given font name and size.

+ (id)fontWithNameAndSize:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The requested UIFont, or nil if it couldn’t be found.


This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated expressions as input parameters:

  • The font name, a string expression that specifies the name of the font requested

  • The font size, a numeric expression indicating the size of the font to return

Expression usage

The expression:


returns a UIFont instance for the font named “Helvetica-BoldOblique” at 14-point size.

Declared In


Measuring text using a specific font

+ stringWidth:

Calculates the width of a string given a specific font and size.

+ (id)stringWidth:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The width of text.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated expressions as input parameters.

If two parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression specifying the text to measure

  • The font, an object expression that yields a UIFont instance

If three parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression yielding the string whose width is to be calculated

  • The font name, a string expression providing the name of the font to use for calculating the width of text

  • The font size, a numeric expression providing the size of font that will be used for calculating the width of text

The function returns an NSNumber specifying the width (in points) required to display text using the given font.

Expression usage

^stringWidth(What's the deal with airline peanuts?|^fontWithNameAndSize(Helvetica Neue|23))

The expression above yields 377.867. (Exact results may differ depending on the device type and operating system version.)

The expression above is also equivalent to:

^stringWidth(What's the deal with airline peanuts?|Helvetica Neue|23)

Declared In


+ sizeOfTextWithFont:

Measures the size of width and height needed to render text in a given font.

+ (id)sizeOfTextWithFont:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The size of the text in the given font, as a comma-separated string.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated expressions as input parameters.

If two parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression specifying the text to measure

  • The font, an object expression that yields a UIFont instance

If three parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression specifying the text to measure

  • The font name, a string expression providing the name of the font to use for calculating the number of lines required to display text

  • The font size, a numeric expression providing the size of font that will be used for calculating the number of lines required to display text

The function returns a string in “width,height” format containing the size of text when rendered in the specified font.

Note that fractional pixel values may be returned.

Expression usage

The expression:

^sizeOfTextWithFont(This is my text to measure|^fontWithNameAndSize(Helvetica|14))

returns the string “163.379,16.1”, indicating a width of 163.379 pixels and a height of 16.1 pixels. (Exact results may differ depending on the device type and operating system version.)

The expression above is also equivalent to:

^sizeOfTextWithFont(This is my text to measure|Helvetica|14)

Declared In


+ linesNeededToDrawText:

Calculates the number of text lines required to fully display a string constrained to a specific width.

+ (id)linesNeededToDrawText:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The number of lines needed to draw the text.


This Mockingbird function accepts three or four pipe-separated expressions as input parameters.

If three parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression specifying the text to measure

  • The font, an object expression that yields a UIFont instance

  • The width within which text must fit, a numeric expression

If four parameters are provided, they are interpreted as:

  • The text, a string expression specifying the text to measure

  • The font name, a string expression providing the name of the font to use for calculating the number of lines required to display text

  • The font size, a numeric expression providing the size of font name that will be used for calculating the number of lines required to display text

  • The width within which text must fit, a numeric expression

The function returns an NSNumber specifying the number of text lines to fully display text.

Expression usage

^linesNeededToDrawText(This is my argument|^fontWithNameAndSize(Helvetica-Bold|18)|150)

The expression above yields an NSNumber containing the value 2, indicating that two lines are needed to draw the text “This is my argument” with a width of 150 points using 18-point Helvetica-Bold.

The expression above is also equivalent to:

^linesNeededToDrawText(This is my argument|Helvetica-Bold|18|150)

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